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Posts posted by Pepper

  1. Its a weird ass sport, girls at my school play it, you have sticks with nets on the end, and you throw/catch the ball, and try and throw it in the net I think.

    It actually looks really fun but I never got into it. Also a rich kid sport, hence why daddio plays lol.

  2. What I don't understand is how everyone always talks about how we should be unbiased. But yet, no one wants Eden unbanned. Most of said people were give more than


    one or two chances. Some of them were also xG members. How is it fair to say that we won't unban him because "He was given warnings" and so forth. Others were unbanned and given multiple chances.

    Boom, I was was trying to say something like this but I couldn't word it correctly. Seriously guys? After unbanning all of your good friends in xG and just because some of you guys hold a grudge against me you decide now is the time to say, "Alright we are gunna stop unbanning freekillers". Now setting that aside, I've been banned for nearly 3 months now ( as specified above from John ), and I have seen freekillers unbanned within 1-3 weeks within their ban date. They are unbanned because more people like them i.e admins/mods or just players in general and get them to +1 their ban protest. I honestly don't care if it's shortened or not because i'm still playing on xG servers regardless. Knowing that this is never gunna happen cause I can see it now that since no one likes me i'm not gunna be unbanned.


    In this situation I still feel Eden had no reason to do what he did. He should face and serve punishment for his idiotic actions.


    I didn't have a reason to do what I was doing but to serve my punishment for what I have done. Now i'm not arguing or trying to start a flame war here or anything but seriously, I have been banned for 3 months now and you don't thin that is enough? Other people get either unbanned 2 weeks after or 1 month after. I am not using this part as a reason but as soon as he could trinindol posted a ban protest and nearly a few days later got accepted and got his ban shortened. He waited I think a week or two before posting. I didn't post my first protest until 2 weeks ago ( two months after the ban ).


    he knew what he was doing he did it with the intent to mass , he thought it would be funny and i agree with forest if we keep unbanning people for INTENTINAL massfreekilling people will keep doing it as they keep getting unbanned and even if we set a date were we will nolonger be accepting intentinal rule breaking perms a few will still manage to get through as people can and probly will lie and say it was accidental and people will for if it was accidental then unban / shorten


    Now I know im contradicting my self but you -1 me because I did it intentionally but you +1 trinindol because " +1 atleast hes being honest unlike the rest of the oh my brother did it , oh my friend did it hes a good guy so ima state my +1 ". Now I know that im not being honest by saying trinindol did it so why did you -1 me but he did intentionally aswell, so whats the deal with that?


    I don't think, at least for now, he should be given another chance. He knew what he was doing, he thought it would be funny to do, and he thought he would do it and later get unbanned.


    To be honest I never thought I would be unbanned actually because I know that no one likes me, it was shown above and I guess people are just being biased by +1ing these people that they like and -1ing people they don't. I never thought this was funny at all I was just proving I had the balls to do it. I have definitely learned my lesson after seeing what goes on in the xG community.


    ~Thanks Eden


    P.S sorry for any typos, grammar errors etc.

    Let me get this straight now this has nothing to do with us not liking you. Its the fact that people have gotten unbanned for it that probably shouldnt have and now is the time to make a stronger stand against permanent bans such as this one that was done because they thought it would be funny.

  3. I have a date. How about today.

    You want to date me? Aww shucks <3

    @@DarkWolf6052 @@Gkoo Need input here. It's not fair to deny Eden a reduced ban when we do it for others.

    Eh, forums won't load entirely, @@Hidingmaster @@Gkoo What say to shorten, length

    Darkwolf he really shouldnt be unbanned. Even forest said so. He was there at the time it happened. Perms are not perms and thats pissing me off that people think they can mass then think they will be unbanned eventually just like this now.

  4. Can you people stop letting Players get away with intentional mass freekilling? How can this possibly be considered? I was on during the time, as a Division Manager, cautioning Eden not to do something so stupid. Eden was ignorant enough to do it with Staff on, just because of a "no balls" request and he should stick it out and deal with his punishment. I have nothing against Eden, but rules and regulations should be followed with any player, friend or not.


    I'm not going to deny this protest, but I want you to seriously consider the fact that each time you say "he's learned his lesson" or "it's been long enough" you're giving players the impression that mass freekilling is taken as a joke and that we are far more tolerant of it than we should be. The moment you let one person through, you're going to feel obliged to let every other Player who intentionally mass freekills through.


    Think about it.


    Getting this message through will do nothing unless you do something about it. Or urge your division leaders/managers to do something about it.

    This is the 6th (?) one? It's such a joke now that people do it for fun and get unbanned.

    It's easy. All we need to do is set a date that. Once it reaches that date we will no longer accept any ban protests for an intentional mass freekill. I feel it should be this way already but, how fair is to leave him banned when we unban others who do the same.

    I have a date. How about today.

  5. The reason why we should let eden be unbanned is because of all these other bans that we have let go. I think that we need to start with this ban keeping perms perm. There is a video of eden being cautioned against doing it yet he still did it. I am sick of hearing the damn excus "Oh other people have been unbanned so why dont let him be unbanned" because it is bullshit. I feel like a lot of people who were unbanned shouldnt have been.

  6. There is another reason why I am saying no. We don't need to let on the impression that people can purposely massfreekill and then eventually be unctbanned. It has no where been long enough to warrant an unban. We have done it in the past and it needs to stop now, not eventually, now. I think you should be unbanned when the servers shut down for good. When that happens I will +1 and ban protest you make.

  7. Well this is my first year in college and I was wondering where all the other xG college students are going?

    I am at Texas A&M University in College Station.

  8. Man warrior do you ever read posts?

    But still he could have just gone inactive and not left the clan is what he is saying.


    If it's personal reasons that he has to leave the clan, obviously they are serious. You can't tell him to just be inactive without knowing the severity of the problems + some people take school really seriously on top of all that.

    I mean unless you are going to another clan I dont see the point in leaving the clan. He might wanna hop on every once in a while and he spent money to get admin which he didnt have for very long. Being in the clan doesn't mean you need to be on all the time. There are still people in the clan that rarely get on the servers because they didnt leave they just went severly inactive.

  9. Leaving bye guys.

    personal reasons btw and school :(

    have a good year school buddies if i dont see you in ts.

    Love you all


    Man warrior do you ever read posts?

    But still he could have just gone inactive and not left the clan is what he is saying.