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Everything posted by Pepper

  1. Kinda hard to go do stuff when you have two little brothers with you. Would be much more fun with a group of friends.
  2. You guys misread what he said. The server IS allowing guns
  3. Just a trip with my dad and brothers. We were gonna fish but its too windy.
  4. Wish I could but I meant something to do during the day.
  5. This is next Sat right?
  6. Endless supply of Dr. Pepper. (Also a cure for diabetes)
  7. Still in the car. So long......
  8. I'm in New Orleans for a few days and some plans got cancelled so I was wondering if anyone knew some things to do here
  9. Whats wrong with factions now?
  10. I love senior skip day!!!!
  11. Im pretty sure I saw you on Gmod today. Seem like a cool guy. Its never too late to come back if you ever feel like it.
  12. Pepper


    I think it is a lot more smooth but I still think some slight things could be changed to make it better
  13. Playing ARAMs on League
  14. You bastard I thought you were leaving
  15. fucking yolo
  16. Member Name: DrPepperPhreak Division: Garry's Mod In-Game Name: DrPepper Phreak Steam ID: STEAM_0:1:35031032 Banned?: No Helpful Skils: Was an admin on TTT before, a mod on Minecraft so I have experience with xG. Previously in Xeno Gamers: Yes Registered on TeamSpeak: Yes Further Information: Yes I did leave. I left to see what it would be like without xG since many of my friends left, but it was like I never left so why not come back,
  17. Pepper

    Dark rp

    Charrax is currently constructing a xG DarkRP server. Don't know when it'll be up seeing as lots of work must be put into it, but shouldn't be longer than 2 - 3 weeks.
  18. Where you at brah 99 str? Bitch please I got that 101 str.
  19. Hello I am pepper used to be Gmod admin and aka the Illest Motherfucker Alive
  20. Nope Im pretty sure its gay. What who said that. Dammit @@Warriorsfury what did I tell you about making fun of people! Kids these days.
  21. Bullshit Runescape takes over your life.
  22. -1 Really your other one got closed so you make another one. You don't have to play on the xG one anymore you are not part of the clan
  23. Pepper


    -1 The only reason you weren't banned before is because you were a div leader. You constantly rdm and cause problems on the server so since you are not in xG anymore why not ban you for everything you have done.