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Everything posted by Matsi

  1. More of him doing it: Dropbox - momo212.dem Sadly every time i finally get someone to connect to ban him, he gets shrekt! and all his stuff gets destroyed lol
  2. Division: Team Fortress 2 In-Game Name: momo21 Offender's Steam ID: STEAM_0:1:58378343 Rules Broken: Dispenser Blocking Evidence: He actually did it several times, I only have a demo so far of it once where I TP in and gets stuck but destroy it.... Dropbox - momo21.dem @HokageFishHylotl recorded it too, can you post your proof too :)
  3. Division: Team Fortress 2 In-Game Name: "Pistachios" (Mafia Troll) Offender's Steam ID: STEAM_0:1:63835717 Rules Broken: Opening cells without warden's permission/camping/being a douchebag Evidence: Just kept opening the cells when the warden was trying to give order and then he would go run away and camp somewhere... Recorded demo of him doing it for about half a dozen rounds in a row..... requesting at least a week ban... Dropbox - mafiatroll.dem @kbraszzz @Origins @Vector @Bell @Gwoash
  4. Division: Team Fortress 2 In-Game Name: Notorious Nipple Offender's Steam ID: STEAM_0:1:50654882 Rules Broken: Building sentry Evidence: He apparently built one in the armory before i joined... after I joined he put on on top of medic, and a couple rounds later he put one down in front of cells, I told him to get rid of it, and that engies weren't allowed to build... he replied that they can and the fact he made the sentry was proof, or some shit.... Dropbox - notorious.dem
  5. Yet you were clearly moving while holding it open..... GET SHREKT?! (y)
  6. Division: Team Fortress 2 In-Game Name: Nhom. Offender's Steam ID: STEAM_0:1:43337327 Rules Broken: Trolling/"teamkilling?" Evidence: Not really sure if you guys consider this against the rules but I know on other servers(xG's L4D2 servers)... doing something to intentionally hinder your team is considered trolling and/or teamkilling and is bannable... This guy was intentionally holding the spawn door open so that his friends could shoot into it and spawn camp better. Was really annoying... There seems to be a rule specifically for this on the saxton hale server, I think it should also be on this one... It is annoying when you own team helps the other team and I think it should not be allowed! Dropbox - demo2.dem @kbraszzz @Origins @Vector @Bell
  7. Division: Team Fortress 2 In-Game Name: PutinPeti Offender's Steam ID: STEAM_0:1:43769726 Rules Broken: Mass Freekilling Evidence: Guy tried to kill the entire red team with rockets, failed pretty horribly... but killed 3 before being teambanned for a day by @KendrickLlama who only saw him kill 2 I have it on demo, he kills 3 total before banned, plus he was trying to kill a lot more. Requesting that the day teamban be extended to perm, thanks! Dropbox - putin.dem @kbraszzz
  8. Division: Team Fortress 2 In-Game Name: [samcro] ICAJerry<3 Offender's Steam ID: STEAM_0:0:48136848 Rules Broken: Camping Armory / attempting to mass freekill Evidence: guy tried to freekill everyone as a pyro, then as a heavy, then as a spy camping in armory.... Dropbox - ICAJerry.dem @kbraszzz GOOD MORNING!
  9. Division: Team Fortress 2 In-Game Name: theosulfam Offender's Steam ID: STEAM_0:0:79438074 Rules Broken: Mass Frekeilling + others Evidence: Dropbox - massfks.dem Him and other guy I also made a request for both "trying" to mass freekill... but they are like 5 and suck at the game....
  10. Division: Team Fortress 2 In-Game Name: _AsDe_ Offender's Steam ID: STEAM_0:0:85351494 Rules Broken: Mass freekilling + others Evidence: Dropbox - massfks.dem Him and other guy I also made a request for both "trying" to mass freekill... but they are like 5 and suck at the game....
  11. why is this guy still not banned, holy sheet.... he's still going blu and breaking rules.... @kbraszzz
  12. Matsi

    Sperm Simulator!!!!

    YES! it's really a game, the link in the OP is where to DL it! the music is funny as fuck!
  13. Matsi

    Azeroth Choppers!

    People get to vote on which one they like best at the end. The winning chopper will be made into an in game mount!
  14. I told you guys that you were abusing the votekick/votebans on me, and that it was a banable offense, but you kept doing it... Ozzy Osbourne - Team Fortress 2 | Xeno Gamers
  15. That was just some competitive shit talking while I kept making him laugh with my holiday punch and getting him killed. You should have heard him yelling at me on the mic when I kept rebeling and he got mad... that is why I said "sounds like you are mad"
  16. Division: Team Fortress 2 In-Game Name: uberspysandvich1000 Offender's Steam ID: STEAM_0:0:79642825 Rules Broken: Freekilling....a LOT! Evidence: Just kept killing us every round.... told him to stop or he would get banned, he said he didn't care. Perm TeamBan plox Dropbox - uberspy.dem
  17. FUCK GOATS!!!! SPERM SIMULATOR!!!!! download here! No More Sweden Matsi4SpermSimulatorDivLeader!!!! +1
  18. Matsi

    Azeroth Choppers!

    Azeroth Choppers Grab a front-row seat for the ultimate road showdown! Legendary custom motorcycle designer Paul Jr. has assembled two handpicked teams of bike experts to bring to life a pair of asphalt-kicking chopper designs inspired by World of Warcraft®’s two warring factions. Joining each crew on their epic quest are members of the World of Warcraft development team, on board to help to infuse the essence of the Horde and the Alliance into each bike. In the end, only one chopper will reign supreme as the undisputed king of Azeroth’s roads in a winner-takes-all showdown voted on by World of Warcraft players around the globe. HOLY SHIT!
  19. If you want to listen to the explicit version (no censored out language) go here Grooveshark - Free Music Streaming, Online Music
  20. "If a girl has a pierced tongue, she'll probably suck your dick... If a guy has a pierced tongue, he'll probably suck your dick!" Made all the more funny because I got my tongue pierced SPECIFICALLY so I could use it to suck dick xD
  21. ...there's NO SEX in the champagne room!!! NONE!!!! http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=j9yBPcn8IqU