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Everything posted by Matsi

  1. I just run my own server with some friends playing with me so it doesn't happen :)
  2. Matsi

    Asock - Minecraft

    -1 too black for Chrono
  3. Can someone close this, and ban the next person to open a new thread with the same evidence just to continue something that is already solved? @MuffinMonster ?
  4. -1 OP posted the same fucking screenshots that were in the last thread.... completely out of context, doesn't prove anything... doesn't even show who was the one doing the cmds in half of the screenshots...
  5. In the few recent weeks I have been playing TF2 JB, I have seen a total of 3-4 mods/admins on the server (not including the time I saw Nom on there...) If anything it needs MORE staff... #PromoteMatsi2014
  6. I just watched the TF2 JB server sit at 32/32 today.... Because it's JB, people get banned from CT by the hour....because they are dumb... -1 unless someone can post any proof of any abuse instead of just saying "I don't like him."
  7. Did you know that the granny shot scientifically gives you the best control of a basketball and as such is the BEST way to shoot a ball and have the best chance to make the shot... except that it looks stupid so noone does it :)
  8. +1 fun, wardens, know rules, helps get rid of retarded kids wardening :)
  9. You can choose from the second and third options(they do not require donating any money):
  10. Matsi


    it's like minecraft + DayZ but less shitty
  11. This train? http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5uk1Cot8Wkc
  12. Want to get unbanned? | Xeno Gamers
  13. Matsi


    Wouldn't work tho. During alpha, there is no public version of server files. It requires a beta password that is currently only provided to dedicated hosting companies. so to get a server we need to rent one from one of the small group of current providers.... fucking add me on steam you noob!
  14. -1 Not sure how many freekills there were total, but it does look like he killed 2 people and then left (all within 10 seconds) at the end.
  15. Matsi


  16. "It's About Time" or "Took Long Enough" Still have the PSD file in case you need it in some other format :)
  17. From what I can make of the event/chat logs... it seems that he freekilled someone named TGK 2-3 times and then killed vinyl... I can't tell if all the kills were freekills but TGK does say "freekills" and "WHAT THE FUCK" after being killed 2 of the times. It also seems like deathstorm was trying to give orders via text chat and had said he doesn't have a mic, not sure if that is part of it or not...
  18. Me neither, tho I made this because I have seen people nearly get CTbanned for doing it... :rolleyes:
  19. Matsi

    Under New Management

    I agree with 3 of those 5, not listing names :)
  20. That's what I thought... but some people say it's tarping or something, I just wanted to make sure. :)
  21. I've seen multiple people doing this and I am pretty sure it is allowed but would like to be certain: Warden gives the order similar to: "All Ts bum rush to the bottom of cell stairs and freeze on my spray (the spray being 15-20 feet away from the bottom of the stairs)" Most people get confused or something and freeze at the bottom of the stairs and not on the spray... they all get mowed down. Opinions? @Forest @DarkWolf6052 @Hidingmaster @W/ETheFuckMegarobin'sNameIsNow
  22. I've always seen people get a 1week ctban for unintentionally massing but meh... +1 for a 15120 minute ban so everyone is happy!!! (that's 1.5 weeks for those of you bad at math)
  23. I did no such thing lol... I still feel that he shouldn't be rebanned for something 2-3 years ago, whoever unbanned him should just be slapped for believing him... people lie to get unbanned all the time, I don't see why it deserves a reban after 3 years unless he was recently doing something bad to deserve a ban. Also the ban by papi says expired not unbanned... TL;DR Not his fault some staff are stupid and unbanned him in the first place... still a +1.
  24. So... he should be rebanned because he lied? But I thought "lying" wasn't against the rules or anything... like what people said in a previous ban request I made: +1 cause YOLO....
  25. Matsi

    Gg Source

    Making folders is hard....