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Everything posted by Matsi

  1. Looking for staff members for RUST!
    1. Crona
    2. DasMowski


      Didn't realize xG had a RUST community. xG has a new life.
    3. DJ_Audible_Swag
    4. Show next comments  96 more
  2. STEAM_0:0:18865285 WOOOT xD
  3. Promotions: RUST Matsi from Member to Division Leader Congratulations to those who were promoted this Promo/Demo! This is a reminder to those who have newly gained access as an Admin to leave your STEAM IDs posted below in the comment(s) section below to ensure the distribution of powers as soon as possible.
  4. Promote more furry Ds 2014 :P
  5. Matsi

    Xg Rust Server/div

    The Hunger Games plugin does something like that.... you can choose to join and it TPs all players somewhere with the same weapons and makes them fight to the death
  6. Matsi

    Xg Rust Server/div

    Plugins/Settings: PvP No Sleepers Essentials Private Messaging Things to know: Rules/MOTD: No Hacking/Cheating/Etc, No Advertising, No Hate Speech, Don't Disrespect, No Trolling! Type /help for cmds, xenogamers.com Rules/MOTD subject to change at any time! Still working on setting it up (configuring plugins and stuff/adding more things) Suggestions and feedback would be great! Looking for some staff that would like to help keep the baddies away.
  7. I just use voteban so console does the ban and it doesn't show up in SB :P
  8. Division: Team Fortress 2 In-Game Name: see post Offender's Steam ID: see post Rules Broken: Abusing votekick (votekicking me for invalid reason) Evidence: From MOTD: Abusing/spamming vote mute, kick, ban, etc. will result in a 1 week ban. Here is a list of everyone I could find that votekicked me tho I mainly want KrispyKreme and Feraligatr banned for a week for telling everyone to votekick me: Mr.Evolution STEAM_0:0:57215583 Mr.Grinch | The mean one! STEAM_0:1:61620583. [snoiU|Lava] KrispyKreme STEAM_0:0:46553198 {Hybears} IkeShadow STEAM_0:0:39235592 =POKE= Feraligatr STEAM_0:0:67334559 SeVeN(Ops)[EliteSniper]Spartan STEAM_0:1:80216030 I did nothing wrong, I killed everyone that was not on the line following orders and therefore were rebels. during LR i waited for over a minute for the red to give an LR< and they never did and then they went into armory and I killed them. Demos linked (In two parts because I try to start a new demo every round): Dropbox - votekick1.dem Dropbox - votekick2.dem @MuffinMonster @Nomulous @kbraszzz @Origins @Bell @samit @SpeedOfFreedom I can't think of more tags... Thanks :)
  9. Gmask said something like crouchwalk to the yellow line when he says go.... then said something to sounds like "go" to me...and everyone went... and then he burned them all on the line saying he didn't say go.... the first time through I could have sworn he said go, but after watching the demo I think he actually said "yo" or something in reply to someone saying his name? I am just going to post the demo/thread here instead of a ban request because I am still not sure wtf happened, and someone else can deal with it... gmask.dem
  10. +1 server chat logs show almost nothing but disrespect, namecalling and racism Xeno Gamers - Player Chat History
  11. +1 this for LCT music: Dropbox - Saints Row IV Enter The Dominatrix - Walk The Dinosaur (dArtagnan Version).mp3
  12. One would think that by now you guys would have learned to remove someone's powers BEFORE you demote them for "being abusive"
  13. Matsi


    -1 +1 demote jubens to "paid non member"
  14. prolly the faster demote too, didn't he leave like the same week to go start that noob clan with all the stuff stolen from xG?
  15. I think @Hidingmaster should be the D instead of @meganoobin... I have not seen Mega put nearly as much into CSS as I have seen hiding do
  16. ? Shack News - Rust Makes 40% Of Garry's Mod's Lifetime Income In First Month | Xeno Gamers
  17. I believe there is rules about this already.... that your voice is supposed to meet a certain standard. I have noticed that a lot of 12 year olds use their mics tho and noone does anything about it on TF2... not an issue on CS:S :(
  18. I apologize for the way I phrased my post, but the purpose was not to call you out on anything, it was to clarify to staff/players that this is a tarp and should stop being done. @kbraszzz @SpeedOfFreedom
  19. That was not my intention at all... I have no idea if you said it or not, which is why I said:
  20. IKR!!! but people are doing it because Nomulous said it was ok/not a tarp.... I have no idea if that is true or not... but people like kbrazz and other staff members also say that nomulous said they could do it, I don't want to start anything with nom like abuse or w/e, that's not needed at all... he's cool and seems to try and do a lot of good in xG and everyone should be allowed to say stupid stuff every now and then :) I just want to clear this up for everyone and stop fucking dying for staying in my cell during this tarp! LOL
  21. So... apparently nomulous told everyone this was ok to do, so now everyone keeps doing it and a bunch of people get killed and freekilled... The warden says "All rebels afk freeze on the yellow line" The definition of a tarp is: Tarping: Intentionally tricking red team into rebelling. Now obviously, the ONLY purpose of this order is to TRICK the reds into going to the line and then massacring them... this should NOT be allowed. Not only does it get a lot of people killed for going to the line, 95% of the time some blu will get tarped by it and start killing everyone that stayed in their cells. Please slap @Nomulous with a fish and revoke his approval of this being ok so that people will stop doing it....thanks! @MuffinMonster