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Everything posted by Matsi

  1. +1 ....WHY would you want to impersonate someone like @kbraszzz anyways.... that's just dumb... <3
  2. When it says no disguising, does that mean spies can taunt with their kits as long as they aren't actually disguising? @kbraszzz
  3. Matsi

    Nigga Wtf

    Probably because you're a troll...:eek:
  4. I suggest you do this Want to get unbanned? | Xeno Gamers to get unbanned
  5. Matsi

    Iceslice - Mmo

    shoutbox has rules?
  6. I believe the kills in question are right here.... not that this is exactly proof that they were freekills but it looks like he was pyro and killed 5 people + got an assist kill on a sixth... the first kill he got was 6 seconds after he died.... so that had to have been as soon as the round started.... like I dont even know how he got a kill that fast when the round takes longer than 6 seconds to restart.... but he did... after that he went heavy, killed 2 and got assist kills on another 2 and then he got teambanned and then left the server. I think I'm going to -1 since he also said in the OP: "I wont do it again"
  7. the reason you cant find his ban is because he gave the wrong steamid... Xeno Gamers - Player Information Xeno Gamers He was perm teambanned for "mass" 2 weeks ago by @Maymalays
  8. Matsi

    Rip In Peace #sng

    like chopping down a big tree of trollwood?
  9. Matsi

    Rip In Peace #sng

    SNG died last week at age 10mo "Our server quality has been going down hill, and the clan has become overwhelmed with immaturity" - Ren3gade [spoiler=The full closing post]“It is always important to know when something has reached its end. Closing circles, shutting doors, finishing chapters, it doesn't matter what we call it; what matters is to leave in the past those moments in life that are over.” ― Paulo Coelho Shut up & Game was founded on June 26th, 2013 by Ren3gade, Prius, Huggies, Colt45 & Zach1302 (about a week after the initial opening). It was founded with one pure vision in mind, and that was to get away from the complete non-sense that the majority of the communities provide & found a new instance in which we can provide a mature professional gaming atmosphere that people can enjoy. While our success came quick, we failed to capitalize on it ultimately contributing to our failure. While we had many bumpy roads & incomplete chapters in our community-- we can all easily imagine a night filled with laughter on our game server(s), or a night of late night fun with new comers on our teamspeak. As Paulo Coelho said, It is very important to know when something has reached it's end, closing circles, shutting doors & finishing chapters isn't what matters. What matters is to leave those memories in the past, and remember that there are more potential moments in life you just must go and seek. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- I want to start off by thanking anyone and everyone whom has ever been apart of SNG and has done good things for us. Ranging from some of our awesome staff members, to some of our hilarious Members. This overall experience was somewhat new to me, as I have run clans & servers in the past; but nothing this big. Shutup & Game turned out to be quite a success for some time, I mean, look at where our TF2 Jailbreak server was awhile back! At one point, it was the 2nd highest ranked TF2 JB server in the world! And it was in the top 100 of TF2 servers all together in the world! Same as our CSGO Idle servers! Along with other servers we ran that were very highly ranked, and well known. Until as of late, things just haven't been going as planned. Our members aren't 100% what I was looking for, our server quality has been going down hill, and the clan has become overwhelmed with immaturity - causing a plethora of issues. And simply, we have grown tired of it. It saddens me to have to let this go, but it is for the best. But I can still say, that I am very happy I created SNG almost a year ago, as I have learned a lot and picked up many new skills and ideas to take along with me as I move onto new projects in the near future. Overall, this experience I have shared with all of you gamers has been great. I have created many awesome friendships, had tons of laughs, and I now have many memories to take with me as I go on my way. I truly hope you all can say the same thing, and have gotten something positive out of being apart of Shutup & Game. Thank you all again.. and please don't forget to Shutup & Game! -Ren3gade ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- I want to begin by thanking everyone and anyone who has touched the face of Shut up & Game. Throughout our time as a community, not only have I learned alot about how communities are ran-- I've learned alot about teamwork, dedication & professionalism. There are many real life traits that SNG has provided me, which I will forever remember. We've grown really close, and it saddens me to see the work of the Leadership go down the drain-- however many people know there is pot of gold at the end of the rainbow. Keep in touch & add me on steam, and we can be best friends forever. -Prius ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- I would personally like to thank everyone for making SNG what it was, a great place to come together and to have fun. While recently, we have had many problems, I feel as if SNG was a great place. I have had many good memories here that I will cherish for a long time, and it could not be possible without any one of you. Thanks for making SNG what it was, and if anyone has any problems, please come talk to me. I am still open to people asking questions and getting help on things, so if you have a problem, just contact me through Steam, and I will answer to the best of my ability. Thank you all again for being apart of SNG, it has been a lot of fun. -Zach ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- It has been an honor, to meet so many wonderful people that enjoy gaming as much as I do. It has been great to feel this new experience of what a clan is. To reach into so many gamemodes, to try and improve and create new things, experiences, and especially memories. The memories where we would all sit and laugh and cry and yell. Those memories are what makes a clan special, they drive us to do better things and meet new people. But the memories stopped, and it broke my heart. To shut down a clan that has given me one of the greatest experiences ever was hard for me. This clan opened up so many experiences for me. From Minecraft to Team Fortress to Counter Strike, games I never thought I would or could be interested in anymore. But it was every single one of you that made my time here great, no matter what you did, all I could say is it will benefit me for anything I do from now on, and I hope it will benefit all of you too. I remember my first SNG experience back in July, when Ren3gade told me to get my ass on this "jailbreak" server for TF2. It was then, that I realized this community had potential, and I wanted to be a part of it. Ren3gade, thank you for giving me the chance to hop on board, and for helping me get to where I am today. But everything must come to an end, and it saddens me to say that today is that day where we close this chapter in our lives. But it isn't the end for all of you. It's time to move on, create new friends, and most importantly, create new memories, and never let go of the ones of Shutup & Game. I hope Shutup & Game has had a great of an impact on all of you as it did on me. Goodbye, good luck, and never forget. I bid you all a farewell. -Rider
  10. I can't vote because I can't read "black" this is a horrible idea... it's like announcing... "HEY STOP BREAKING THE RULES, A STAFF MEMBER IS HERE!!!"
  11. Matsi


    Oh. but there is only 10 in his post...?
  12. I am just kinda bored and randomly thought i would point this out to those people that reply to someone's ban protest where they put the link to their steampage instead of their steamid under the steamid section.... Stop telling them to fix it! It is perfectly fine for them to put the link to their steampage instead of their id! If you look at the "application" for ban protest it says "Steam ID (e.g STEAM_0:0:11111111) OR Community ID (e.g. 765119XXXXXXXXXXXXXXX) OR Your Steam Profile URL in full" Thank you for your time
  13. Matsi


    doesn't notify if you add tags with post editor. @Nomulous HI!
  14. Lead singer and founder of GWAR died last month at age 50! :( If you do not know who GWAR is, watch their movie http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UZNUwLqBkG8 If you ever played the Beavis and Butthead video game, the plot is them trying to get to the GWAR concert! They also watched GWAR music videos multiple times in the show: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3RYRcztHvYw
  15. I think it's either a freeday or he can slay himself that round too... at least that is how I have seen that done previously.
  16. +1 that guy is awesome and follows the rules! never seen problems from him
  17. Well I joined to deal with it but he only "tried" to kill everyone.... so I didnt really have proof.... and then he left... Today tho he was back in the server and I recorded him reentering armory, breaking the vent, and then freekilling 3 guys. He is now permanently teambanned with this new demo as proof: Dropbox - valentin.dem #close @kbraszzz
  18. Oh and here.... Dropbox - valentin1998.dem
  19. I joined to help and recorded the guy.... but all I caught was him trying to kill everyone, and failing miserably. I do think that the attempted mass multiple rounds along with the event logs Xeno Gamers - Player Events History are good enough to ban him for. +1
  20. Randomly felt like experimenting with easter eggs this year.... made these:
  21. repeatedly saying "Selling nothing for absolutely nothing, accepting nothing, nothing for sale in any of my backpack, dont bp me." IS kinda of assish.... no idea if that was relevant or not tho
  22. I recorded some of him too, while watching him I see him get headshots while he's not even aiming at the heads, sometimes not even at them at all... Dropbox - thoseheadshotstho.dem
  23. Division: Team Fortress 2 In-Game Name: Peekaboom S> Key for 3 ref Offender's Steam ID: STEAM_0:1:81440762 Rules Broken: "scamming?" Evidence: You can see his chat logs at Xeno Gamers - Player Chat History Basically... he was saying he was "selling a key for 3 ref" in which, you give him 3 ref and he'll give you a link to some site the you login with your steam account and get free keys.... The only reason I did not ban him was I am not certain on how the "no scamming" rule works nor what is considered scamming or what proof I would need. I told him to stop asking if anyone wanted to buy his "key" and renamed him to just Pekkaboom. I am posting this request so that if a higher up wants to add a ban on him, they can. Also to inform everyone else of the "scam" he was doing if he does not get banned, so that others can report if he does it again.... and to bug @kbraszzz with ONE MORE ban request