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Everything posted by Matsi

  1. +1 I've never had any problems with him, he's pretty active and fun to play with!
  2. Nom unbanned him Xeno Gamers
  3. Whether it was actually his information or not is irreverent... You still made it look like it was his, and shared it with everyone in the server.
  4. Pretty sure what you did violates Article 12 of the UDHR -1
  5. After further reveiw I found this.... Xeno Gamers - Player Chat History Mar 23, 2014 7:03:14 pmwhen i didnt[xG] Jailbreak #1 - XenoGamers.org Mar 23, 2014 7:01:16 pmgg[xG] Jailbreak #1 - XenoGamers.org Mar 23, 2014 7:00:48 pmUUUGHHH[xG] Jailbreak #1 - XenoGamers.org Mar 23, 2014 7:00:45 pmI THINKK IM GONNA CUM[xG] Jailbreak #1 - XenoGamers.org Mar 23, 2014 7:00:42 pmI THINKK[xG] Jailbreak #1 - XenoGamers.org Mar 23, 2014 7:00:14 pmSLURP FOOL[xG] Jailbreak #1 - XenoGamers.org Mar 23, 2014 6:59:57 pmCUM SUK ME[xG] Jailbreak #1 - XenoGamers.org Mar 23, 2014 6:59:47 pmON MIC[xG] Jailbreak #1 - XenoGamers.org Mar 23, 2014 6:59:38 pmCUM WANT SUM FUK[xG] Jailbreak #1 - XenoGamers.org Mar 23, 2014 6:59:31 pmBACON[xG] Jailbreak #1 - XenoGamers.org Mar 23, 2014 6:59:21 pmUUGHH[xG] Jailbreak #1 - XenoGamers.org Mar 23, 2014 6:58:58 pmON MIC[xG] Jailbreak #1 - XenoGamers.org Mar 23, 2014 6:58:54 pmfor 1 min[xG] Jailbreak #1 - XenoGamers.org Mar 23, 2014 6:58:50 pmI said all blues[xG] Jailbreak #1 - XenoGamers.org Mar 23, 2014 6:58:45 pmIts valid[xG] Jailbreak #1 - XenoGamers.org Mar 23, 2014 6:58:42 pmDo slurping sounds[xG] Jailbreak #1 - XenoGamers.org Mar 23, 2014 6:58:34 pmfuckers[xG] Jailbreak #1 - XenoGamers.org Mar 23, 2014 6:58:32 pmon the mic[xG] Jailbreak #1 - XenoGamers.org Mar 23, 2014 6:58:28 pmneed to suck my dick on the mic for 1 min[xG] Jailbreak #1 - XenoGamers.org Mar 23, 2014 6:58:21 pmAll of you fuckers[xG] Jailbreak #1 - XenoGamers.org Mar 23, 2014 6:58:17 pmthat[xG] Jailbreak #1 - XenoGamers.org Mar 23, 2014 6:58:15 pmMy lr is[xG] Jailbreak #1 - XenoGamers.org -1 for unctban +1 for perm server ban..... this kid is like 12....WTF!!!
  6. Aren't you that kid with the annoying voice? .....-1
  7. SteamID STEAM_0:1:51473855 Perm ban for reason: "other" Stats say you had a 4 kill streak, my assumption is that maybe you mass freekilled (killed 3+ people for no reason) and then left. The ban disconnected option reason usually is "other"
  8. It should be noted that Jubens' birthday is Dec 23, 1998 (Age: 15) All Divisions * You must be 16+ to apply (NO EXCEPTIONS) 02/04/2013 Request #close
  9. I stopped counting after the first 15 most recent ctbans... 11 of which are perfectly legit, including the 2 week ban he received when he massed with a bomb.
  10. I'm sorry, but the fact that he ISN'T new and STILL gets banned repeatedly for breaking rules should further prove why he should not get mod, not justify that he should.
  11. -1 Xeno Gamers Xeno Gamers 13 BANS + 37 CTBANS (THEY DONT EVEN ALL FIT ON ONE PAGE!!!!!!) Shouldn't even be a member of xG...
  12. The issue is some people don't do the trivia part, they type a gift in blu chat and then pick someone at "random" and ask them if they want to keep or pass it.
  13. Steam Community :: Screenshot Steam Community :: Screenshot
  14. Division: Team Fortress 2 In-Game Name: Nope Offender's Steam ID: STEAM_0:1:85276844 Rules Broken: Hacking (Acheivements) Evidence: Dropbox - nope.dem For the LAZY PEOPLE here's a couple screenshots: Steam Community :: Screenshot Steam Community :: Screenshot
  15. He was actually banned, then unbanned, THEN PROMOTED AGAIN, then demoted.... :P I fail to see why people get banned for "abusing powers" the punishment for that should be... losing their powers(and not getting them again). +1
  16. WELL THANK GOODNESS! cause I'm in like 5 other "clans" if it wasn't defined like that :P And I hope so about the steamgroup thing, if not.... plox don't look at the groups I am in still on steam :P
  17. Matsi

    Xg Rust Server/div

    Added rules: No Hacking/Cheating/Etc, No Advertising, No Hate Speech, Don't Disrespect, No Trolling! Replaced Oxide with RustEssentials, lost a few plugins like Hunger Games but the vast features and configuration of Essentials was worth it, It also provided a great way to easily provide access to predefined ranks of staff with select powers. :)
  18. Division: Team Fortress 2 In-Game Name: Munchy Beaner Offender's Steam ID: STEAM_0:1:67667948 Rules Broken: Intentional Mass Freekilling Evidence: Got a Mod to ban him for a day (but the mod didnt see the mass, requesting extension to perm.... Demo: Dropbox - munchy.dem Thanks bb
  19. Division: Team Fortress 2 In-Game Name: [DT181] Assassin Freakout Offender's Steam ID: STEAM_0:1:56830109 Rules Broken: spamming for warden, mass freekilling because he's stupid, killing people not facing cells even tho he NEVER says to face cells in his orders... killing people that are red even though he never sees them rebel, killing people for going up a ladder on a freeday, killing anyone that gets in melee range on a freeday Evidence: Dropbox - assassin.dem Dropbox - assassin2.dem holy shit... this guy was the definition of downs... he would give orders: "If you come out of your cell you get shot" "Crouchwalk to the yellow line, spies sappers out medic no healing demo no charging" *He would then kill anyone not facing cells even tho he never said to, he never even said to freeze....* He would kill anyone that was RED colored on a freeday without actually seeing them rebel He killed anyone that got within melee range of him, even on a freeday And noone else could warden because he talks the entire time during the countdown, telling people to learn how to play and to learn the rules, that everything he was doing was legit.... while people tried to votekick/voteban him...
  20. I wouldn't... when the airbags go off those kitties become projectiles.... "Death by Hello Kitty"
  21. Matsi

    Xg Rust Server/div

    It's a survival game... of course it's going to be sort of the same as minecraft... it was inspired by minecraft/dayz/stalker.
  22. Ummmm... as far as I know there's like... 1 dev in xG... and he's the Div Leader of TF2.... also... TF2 got hub...