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Everything posted by Matsi

  1. Meant to paste this: New Sub Clan-My first xG:N *revised* | Xeno Gamers
  2. AND COCK! :) Subclan of xG... xG:Naruto
  3. Matsi


    Is there any option other than trading 10,000 for 10,000? I wanted 15,000....
  4. +1 Just in case, played with him, he knows the rules, and even helps make others learn them.
  5. Division: Team Fortress 2 In-Game Name: "Lolleh! ・ω・" Offender's Steam ID: STEAM_0:1:81565990 Rules Broken: Mass FKing Evidence: Dropbox - Lolleh.dem killed ~7 or 8 guys in their cells for no reason freekilled two the next round and got slayed by @Gwoash Request Perm CTban
  6. I am pretty sure that first off... this so called "disrespect" should only be up to a 6 hr ban... not a day or a week.... and leaving before getting banned is NOT a perm ban, unless it is to avoid a perm CT ban for mass freekilling... the proper punishment for someone who left is to use the "ban disconnected" option and ban them just like you were going to.... +1 for unban... improper punishment used. It also seems like he was about to get a week ban without being gag/muted first OR kicked.
  7. Division: Team Fortress 2 In-Game Name: Ozzy Osbourne Offender's Steam ID: STEAM_0:0:77304209 Rules Broken: Abusing votekick/voteban Evidence: seriously... this guy and his friends got mad at me because I killed them all in the vent... I told them that they should read the motd and that abusing votekicks was a week banable offense... they then claimed they were kicking me because i had a mic, which I then used to give orders and then got votekicked finally.... came back, guy started calling me a faggot and shit... so i rebeled and fucked his face up.... he got progressively madder and madder because I called him a noob for trying to change a freeday to a panda freeday and stillr ebeling and making him laugh and die.... near the end he actually started YELLING because he was soo mad, and then he convinced the other few players to voteban me for "harrassing him" I have demos of most of it and a screenshot of console for the voteban because when I got banned it corrupted my last demo... :( most of the relevent stuff is in demo3 and demo4, but I included the 2 before that so you coul see that I was not doing anything wrong up to the point where I got switched to blu either... Demo 3 is the first round after I got switched.
  8. +1 to reduce ban, seems like it was an accident... and hell jubens only got a 2 week ban for doing it on purpose!
  9. (KPLR) – Believe it or not, spiders are weaving big trouble for Mazda. Mazda is recalling 42,000 Mazda 6 cars in the United States because of spiders. The problem is the Yellow Sac spider is attracted to hydrocarbons. The spider gets into the car’s vent hose and weaves webs that build pressure in the fuel tank, causing the tank to crack. The recall affects cars with 2-point-5-liter engines built from 2010 through 2012. Mazda will update the cars’ software for free beginning next month, to keep the fuel tank pressure from building up. The company also had to recall cars in 2011 because of spiders. Spiders force Mazda to recall cars | kplr11.com YOLO!
  10. He's a fairly good mod and I don't think he should be demoted or anything, but I do think this kind of stuff should not be done with powers in a populated server. I was mostly annoyed at the guy being TPed into armory/respawned, allowing him to kill blus unfairly.
  11. Division: Team Fortress 2 Staff Name: [xG:M] Admiral samit Staff's Steam ID: STEAM_0:0:55254684 Evidence: Dropbox - Samit Further Information: TPing around, spawning/despawning bosses, TPing other player into armory/into the treehouse, respawning that same player.
  12. While arguing witht he guy that freekilled me, he told me to post a ban request on him.... so that he could "play more competitive when he gets banned from xG" lololol, other than that... I mostly just posted it to prove that he freekilled me and that he was wrong. :)
  13. Division: Team Fortress 2 In-Game Name: Obama Offender's Steam ID: STEAM_0:1:67988301 Rules Broken: Freekilled me Evidence: Requesting a <= day Ctban since he told me to go ahead and post this when I was arguing that he freekilled me and he wouldn't slay himself and just kept calling me mad, YES i was mad, I do not like it when I get freekilled by someone that isn't paying attention to the warden. The warden CLEARLY said "You may now freelook" and so I turned around, and got killed. Demo: Dropbox - freelook.dem Issue happened the 2nd round in the demo.
  14. He's permed, you can #close this now... thanks :)
  15. Division: Team Fortress 2 In-Game Name: Mr. Iron Skeleton Offender's Steam ID: STEAM_0:0:78037809 Rules Broken: Mass Freekilling Evidence: Dropbox - ironskeleton.dem Obvious proof is obvious.... Killed 2 guys in their cell before the time given to complete order Became Freeday He pyroed at least 8+ reds, killed at least ~5 @kbraszzz @Nomulous
  16. Matsi

    Goat Sim Giveaway

    Once upon a twine there was a forest named twee...or a tree named fourrest.... it was on fire... along came a simulated goat that peed on the tree/forest to put the fire out. THE END!
  17. and check out ThinkGeek :: Rosetta Stone® - Learn to Speak Klingon
  18. Thought you guys might like this :) ThinkGeek :: Minecraft USB Desktop Nether Portal
  19. Matsi


    She applied to HoE whilst in xG:
  20. Matsi


    > not in HOE > Still wearing their tags in name > trolling xG servers with one of the staff from HOE named DB +1
  21. Fixing the issue for you: Ribbit | Xeno Gamers
  22. Matsi


    Member's Name: Ribbit Member's Steam ID: STEAM_0:0:27527213 Information: IF he/she IS still a member of xG, requesting official removal of membership. (S)he is multiclaning in a clan called Hell on Earth, which btw is where the DB troll guy is from. Proof: XG| ʜ๏ɛ | Xtremly Gay
  23. 4 of the last 5 bans for Ribbit are for refusing to remove tags... the 5th is a 2 week ban for "Trolling, racism, disrespect" from @ThePenguin -1 to remove the week ban... if anything, increase it. Never see anything but trolling with ribbit, and there's enough of that in xG already.