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Everything posted by Matsi

  1. 3 people.... lol.... one is you... one has a cat that smites people.... and one doesn't even play JB as far as I can tell...
  2. "Do not kill him" doesn't mean you are pardoned... the only reason he said that was because he didn't think you were a rebel You rebelled(twice)... He never pardoned you.... and I killed you... I'm done arguing it with you, we obviously aren't going to agree on this so we'll just see what the leaders of TF2 div think and let them decide.
  3. he was still a rebel... so he died... Do you even play JB?
  4. unless the warden pardons the rebel, I can kill them... similar thing happens regularly on CS:S, warden plays a game and says "warden kills only" but if someone rebels, you can still kill them.
  5. Warden can't restrict me from killing a rebel... he still didn't pardon you... ask anyone that isn't going to be bias about it... legit kill all the way :)
  6. Rebeling #2 and the reason I killed him BTW.... Also "I never gave you permission to kill rebels" #BestComment2014
  7. -1 Kid was a rebel, legit kill. GGNORE :)
  8. Division: Team Fortress 2 In-Game Name: Matsi xG:CSS/L4D2:A Offender's Steam ID: STEAM_0:0:18865285 Rules Broken: "freekilled" stence and left #YOLO Evidence: Since @@Stence is just going to talk shit and say i freekilled him and left... here's a demo of it(It's the second round in the demo) Dropbox - stencerebel.dem In the demo you see that Warden called out of cell rebel Stence left his cell and then ran back in (rebeling #1 though I wasn't certain it was him at the time so didn't kill him) Warden says crouch to crush game Stence stands up several times and then gets up and runs the last ~25 feet I shoot at him until the doors close and I cant hit him anymore I announce in chat to "Kill Stence" and "Stence is a rebel" After the door to the game opens I shoot at him again Never does the warden say he is pardoned even when I mention it. I kill Stence I leave like 30 seconds later because I didn't feel like dealing with Stence crying FK and there was no staff online
  9. Matsi

    Furry Superheroes

    http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HJJP3wpLCnQ Rate Furry if you like :)
  10. "-1 cause i don't like the person making the ban request" most bias response ever And I didn't FK you, you were a rebel and I was trying to kill you the whole time but couldn't hit your while the game was active.... warden never pardoned you so you still died. GGNORE
  11. ^ The point where I lost all respect for Duckii Jr.... :(
  12. -1 too lazy to list ALL the reasons... He evaded bans like 5 dozen times. When he didn't get unbanned from the forums, he went into JB and massed and laughed about it.... and got perm ct banned. I'm all for him continuing to play here and "maybe" unbanned from the forums, but not for becoming a member... and not being unctbanned.
  13. Division: Team Fortress 2 In-Game Name: Fire-Eagle Offender's Steam ID: STEAM_0:1:77482572 Rules Broken: "Mass" Freekilling Evidence: Freekilled me every round(10+ times) so him and his friend could play around while I was dead Dropbox - FireEagle
  14. they all show him freekilling, probally starting a little ways into the 1st demo... if you wanna be lazy just watch the 2nd, you wont have skip ahead to anywhere or anything, he just shoots everyone he can the whole time he was there. FYI the gayben guy was mic spamming the whole time this guy was freekilling, it wasn't like two separate times. which is why there's the same demos linked in both requests.
  15. all 3 of them.... all the time except for a little bit at the start of the first one lol
  16. Division: Team Fortress 2 In-Game Name: [sNG:V] Stormwrath Offender's Steam ID: STEAM_0:0:59308947 Rules Broken: SNG Evidence: Screenshot of console attached
  17. Division: Team Fortress 2 In-Game Name: Sentry Buster Offender's Steam ID: STEAM_0:0:77662656 Rules Broken: Mass Freekilling (Freekilling everyone he could every round) Evidence: 3 demos here: Dropbox - Gayben and Sentry Buster
  18. Division: Team Fortress 2 In-Game Name: Gayben Offender's Steam ID: STEAM_0:0:47861651 Rules Broken: Spamming Mic for dozens of rounds continuously Evidence: 3 demos here: Dropbox - Gayben and Sentry Buster
  19. -1 If you want to get unbanned do this: Want to get unbanned? | Xeno Gamers
  20. BS title to make this less spam-like but @@Nomulous' picture made me watch this again and this video reminds me of those people: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GkCir50kyFw
  21. Ever seen the movie "The Cowboy Way" from 1994? It has the following scene(copy pasted from IMDB Quotes): Chango: What's a baby cow gonna do to me? [sonny shrugs and pulls down Chango's pants] Chango: Hey come on man!, what you doing? Sonny: I am embarrassed, our friend here isn't wearing any underpants. Pepper: [pulls a baby calf out of the barn and the calf starts snorting] He sees it! Sonny: Damn, that hungry devil thinks your little wee-wee is his mama's teat. Chango: Hey hey man, you guys can't do this. Sonny: I'll ask you one more time asshole, where's Teresa? Chango: I ain't telling you shit! Sonny: It's your call stubby, let him go Pepper!. [Pepper releases the calf and it makes its way towards Chango] Chango: whoa! [begins to moan as the calf begins to suck his penis] Sonny: Damn, that looks like it hurts.
  22. ohhhhhhh okay lol... I thought they were all facing their cells which is why I was confused :)