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Posts posted by Matsi

  1. Then you talk to me about it. I can clearly explain myself. The only thing I told people was this, if used properly is not a tarp.

    I apologize for the way I phrased my post, but the purpose was not to call you out on anything, it was to clarify to staff/players that this is a tarp and should stop being done.


    @kbraszzz @SpeedOfFreedom

  2. I like to say I do not take kindly to false claims at all. The fact you're spreading blatant lies about what I have said is absurd and unprofessional.

    Nonetheless, I do not accept false claims lightly, the fact you try to point me out on something I have never said and even not have proof, is reduclous.

    That was not my intention at all... I have no idea if you said it or not, which is why I said:

    IKR!!! but people are doing it because Nomulous said it was ok/not a tarp.... I have no idea if that is true or not... but people like kbrazz and other staff members also say that nomulous said they could do it

  3. This is the most obvious tarp in the whole fudgeing world

    IKR!!! but people are doing it because Nomulous said it was ok/not a tarp.... I have no idea if that is true or not... but people like kbrazz and other staff members also say that nomulous said they could do it, I don't want to start anything with nom like abuse or w/e, that's not needed at all... he's cool and seems to try and do a lot of good in xG and everyone should be allowed to say stupid stuff every now and then :) I just want to clear this up for everyone and stop fucking dying for staying in my cell during this tarp! LOL

  4. So... apparently nomulous told everyone this was ok to do, so now everyone keeps doing it and a bunch of people get killed and freekilled...


    The warden says "All rebels afk freeze on the yellow line"


    The definition of a tarp is:

    • Tarping: Intentionally tricking red team into rebelling.

    Now obviously, the ONLY purpose of this order is to TRICK the reds into going to the line and then massacring them... this should NOT be allowed. Not only does it get a lot of people killed for going to the line, 95% of the time some blu will get tarped by it and start killing everyone that stayed in their cells.


    Please slap @Nomulous with a fish and revoke his approval of this being ok so that people will stop doing it....thanks!



  5. Since @Insane doesn't want to write this post. I'm writing it on his behalf since he believes no one cares about his opinion. Thus, I would like an open discussion about does TF2 have too many mods current for the population of TF2 players we have?


    Write your opinions and post, only rules are no calling out mods. Thank you


    In the few recent weeks I have been playing TF2 JB, I have seen a total of 3-4 mods/admins on the server (not including the time I saw Nom on there...)


    If anything it needs MORE staff... #PromoteMatsi2014

  6. 5. Is it me or are the xG jailbreak servers becoming a little empty?

    I just watched the TF2 JB server sit at 32/32 today....

    6. Seems like lots of people are banned from CT I wonder why

    Because it's JB, people get banned from CT by the hour....because they are dumb...


    -1 unless someone can post any proof of any abuse instead of just saying "I don't like him."

  7. can i just post a picture and do something crazy instead of donating $10

    You can choose from the second and third options(they do not require donating any money):

    All you gotta do is memorize the lyrics to this song:


    And sing it on video while eating a piece of pizza as fast as possible. The pizza must be 15cm in width (not including crust)

    If you do not finish the piece of pizza by the end of the song, you won't get unbanned.




    Watch this video:


    And learn everything you see in this video. Then apply your knowledge and record a 1:cat:0 second video of yourself doing as many as the dance moves thought in the video. Make sure to watch the entire video and practice, a team of scholars will review the footage and make it is of the highest quality.


    Good Luck!

  8. what did mc2 turn into?

    Wouldn't work tho. During alpha, there is no public version of server files. It requires a beta password that is currently only provided to dedicated hosting companies. so to get a server we need to rent one from one of the small group of current providers.... fucking add me on steam you noob!

  9. From what I can make of the event/chat logs... it seems that he freekilled someone named TGK 2-3 times and then killed vinyl... I can't tell if all the kills were freekills but TGK does say "freekills" and "WHAT THE FUCK" after being killed 2 of the times.


    It also seems like deathstorm was trying to give orders via text chat and had said he doesn't have a mic, not sure if that is part of it or not...





  10. Well if T's freeze at the bottom of the stairs they aren't frozen on the spray. They should be on the spray as warden requested... it's not that hard of an order to follow.

    That's what I thought... but some people say it's tarping or something, I just wanted to make sure. :)

  11. I've seen multiple people doing this and I am pretty sure it is allowed but would like to be certain:


    Warden gives the order similar to: "All Ts bum rush to the bottom of cell stairs and freeze on my spray (the spray being 15-20 feet away from the bottom of the stairs)"


    Most people get confused or something and freeze at the bottom of the stairs and not on the spray... they all get mowed down.


    Opinions? @Forest @DarkWolf6052 @Hidingmaster @W/ETheFuckMegarobin'sNameIsNow

  12. O


    Official reason for ban would be "tarp leading to mass freekills". Normal punishment is 2wk perm depending on circumstances and the banning admin. Given that he was permed for it, and very recently, it makes much more sense for a 2 week ct ban; that is also the normal length we use when unbanning someone.

    I've always seen people get a 1week ctban for unintentionally massing but meh...


    +1 for a 15120 minute ban so everyone is happy!!! (that's 1.5 weeks for those of you bad at math)