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Posts posted by Matsi

  1. You freekilled 2 people, then freekilled me, went "oops" and continued playing, didn't slay yourself. I waited for about 15 seconds to see if you would slay yourself, you didn't. I let you off on that, I shouldn't have, then the next round you freekilled me again for being stuck inside isolation[The iso on that map doesn't open with the other cells like on the actual current version]

    After hearing that from the banning staff... -1 for unban, just wait a week.

  2. I'm not sure buy zones would be the best idea, because there are some maps designed with specific weps and how would a T get guns from armory if it's a buy zone? That would make it so the T would be able to spam guns or make any gun he wanted, which isn't the point of being a T. Just keep it the way it is IMO, buy zones are too confusing.


    Ts can use buy zones too....

  3. My understanding is that the skins have a chance to drop on any VAC secured server, right?

    If this is true they could drop in the jailbreak servers, couldn't they?

    Even if they do the problem is that on the jailbreak maps all the guns are laid out so you wouldn't be able to show off your skins...

    Could you perhaps replace all of the armories with buy zones and make all guns cost nothing, Or even just add buy zones in the armory so you can use your own skins instead of the preplaced weapons?


    I haven't fucked with a CS:GO server since this update came out so IDK if any of this would even work, but it would be cool to be able to use the skins in xGs servers

  4. Division:

    Counter-Strike: Source

    In-Game Name:


    Steam ID:



    Posting for him cause he said he can't figure out the forums:


    Cookie perm CT banned him when he freekilled one time for the round, because he apparently has previous bans and was freekilling a few maps ago (which for some reason they decided not to take action on and ban him for a day when he killed 2 people)


    From what i heard, Cookie said that Cristo said if he freekilled again to perm him, which makes no sense at all... I think the ban should be reduced to a proper day ct ban and cookie and/or cristo need a spanking.


    I hate to see this cost xG a player due to improper admin procedure.


    @@snakeboyeric @@Gkoo @@Hidingmaster @@DarkWolf6052 @@Forest



    Zipped demo attached


  5. Are you sure this shouldn't be more of a Member Protest than it is a Ban Request?

    TBH the only reason I didn't make it a member protest is because I thought he left the clan a while ago, he hasn't worn any tags for over a month. If he continues later this week that's what I'll do,

  6. My theory is that it's like two people of African descent calling each other "niggers" (which is apparently fine) but if someone of a different ethnicity says it, god knows what happens.


    Now, pertaining to the thread. Are you sure this shouldn't be more of a Member Protest than it is a Ban Request? I'm sure there are numerous Members of the community who have long ban lists (and most of these lists consist of bans done as a joke), in which case they should be receiving the same treatment. However; if MineCrack is intentionally freekilling over the course of the next week or so (only kills that are seen as a hostile act, not occasional jokes among friends), then yes, the ban time should be raised. Given that this is most likely one of his first in as many as a few weeks or months, I don't expect he'll be doing it again (I may be wrong), but if it does happen again as Matsi mentioned, increase the ban time.

    It's not just the freekill it's his attitude about the entire thing, added on to his attitude recently about everything... nearly every one of his posts in this thread are a great example, and his comments in shoutbox.

  7. Did you even take

    the effort to actually look through those bans? You would realize immediately the first bans are someone else not me. Secondly you would realize the majority of the bans are done by me, on myself for whatever reason. Three, there are about 10-15 of those bans that were for actual rule broken which were done throughout nearly 2 years.



    Pls stop being such a nerd. I'll take a week ban which STILL won't phase me but you will hopefully feel better about yourself, ok flower?

    They aren't you but they are your steamid?

    and subtracting the ones done BY you.... that leaves ~15 bans...half of which are from the last four and a half months and now you come on and troll every time i see you, you intentionally freekill someone just because you dont like them... I don't even like purple, but there's no reason for you to do what you did, and I wont allow you to do it. All I ask if for you to stop, you know the rules, you know what you did was wrong, stop doing it, or the bans are going to keep coming, and they are going to get longer, even if this one doesn't.

  8. Intentional freekill is up to a day, doesnt even have to. And him saying it doesnt phase him doesnt make a good reason to extend a ban, neither is him lying about it, everyone lies about their freekills.


    It's not about the one freekill/lying about it/... it's about the 27 ct bans because he's acting immature and isn't learning his lesson, I think after 27 bans that the next one should be longer because as he said, they aren't phasing him... he's just going to come back and do it again because he doesn't care.


    Also failing at mentions:

    @@MagicalPurple @@Rhododendron

  9. Division:

    Counter-Strike: Source

    In-Game Name:


    Offender's Steam ID:


    Rules Broken:

    Intentional Freekilling/Trolling/Lying to staff


    I keep seeing him come on to CSS JB and trolling, breaking rules and then pretending like he didnt or lying about it.


    Today he intentionally freekilled Purple in game then said in toadmin chat that is was justified, because it's Purple... when i asked why he killed him he then said that it was because he jumped and jumping was restricted. Reviewing my demo I found that Purple in fact never jumped and it was a freekill so i ctbanned minecrack for a day. After this he says that he doesn't care and that the ban doesn't even phase him.


    I am requesting the ban be extended



    Demo of this incident:
    (might still be processing)

    Justified because it's purple:

    Doesn't care:


    link to his ctbans... 27 in total:

  10. A command such as "ban @ all" should be a no-brainer that you shouldn't use it. I mean, just the command name itself should warrant a "not touching that with a 10 ft pool" reaction, which is why it was never actually established back then.


    I'm not arguing that the cash @ all affects the Server far worse than a ban @ all, I'm just pointing out that one has been never used before (excluding the few times you described) whereas a "new" command hasn't had the time to be properly discussed. On top of that, it was established that Staff caught using ban @ all were to be immediately demoted to Member by Silence during the "ban @ all fiasco". The reason that it wasn't broadcasted to the public was so that the culprit would be caught, should they choose to do it again (same as an announcement of a plugin to track it's use). It was covert for the sole purpose of catching whoever did it.


    Cash @ all was deemed inappropriate to use by myself ingame, and again, I do admit that I should have posted it globally for all Staff to know via forums, which is why I am taking responsibility for both John and Hella's actions (more-so John).


    If you want to discuss this further, let me know and I'll PM you (or if you prefer it can be made global via a thread in General) but for the time being I'd like the thread to remain a Moderator Submission at this point. It's getting too messy up in here, n'ah mean.


    ban all was used dozens of times during Late night JB... noone ever got punished for it then even tho it was "strictly forbidden" and "'NEVER' should be used"


    He shouldn't get punished for doing something that made one round interesting after doing a vote, at least not any more than someone doing a vote to do something that affects the rest of the map, it's kinda common sense there...


    A command such as "!cash @all 30000" should be a no-brainer that you shouldn't use it.

    ^ Fixed

  11. I think that instead of the whole baiting a freekill thing etc. and the shooting through doors stuff, that we should make it so if they are within about 10 ft (Or 15 if you guys want, i could care less which one it is) that they are kill on sight.



    ....being within 10 to 15 feet of the entrance to the warday area is what "baiting a freekill" is.


    whether or not CT's are allowed to shoot through doors and what exactly constitutes baiting a freekill was kind of left unfinished.


    I think they should continue to be allowed to shoot through the doors, if you make it so that CTs cant shoot through doors then the wardays consist of the Ts standing outside the door shooting through it and yelling at the CTs that are shooting back...


    I do think that CTs should not just randomly spray out through the doors tho, they should only do it when firing back at a T they know is there.

  12. I'm so confused lol. matsi made this for an increased ban. I just banned him for a day since it was such a dumb reason to leave to avoid a one day ct ban. But after seeing all of his ct bans from the past a month ct ban actually does sound good if that's what yall want instead.

    Like I said in game: Logically since normally if someone freekilled two people they would get a day CT ban, since he left afterwards it should be a day server ban... but then after seeing his 9 previous day/week ct bans... pretty much all for freekilling, it's obvious that he isn't learning anything and the punishment should be raised.


    Live long and prosper


  13. Division:

    Counter-Strike: Source

    In-Game Name:


    Offender's Steam ID:


    Rules Broken:

    Freekilling/Freekilling multiple + Disconecting/etc


    Guy just freekilled two players and then disconnected... John was debating banning him for a day or a week. I think went with day for now.


    I am requesting a far longer server ban or a Perm CT ban, or both.


    The guy has been server banned once before two weeks ago and CTbanned nine times for not knowing the rules but mostly for freekilling


    Server bans:

    CT bans:


    You should probally learn what "Intellectual" means :samantha:

  15. IN GAME (when darkwolf is on)

    Pretty sure it was more than that

    chrono you can no longer say nigger EVER, unless its used in an intellectual context on the forums, u cant say it ingame

  16. Wasn't this a joke thread?

    I thought it pretty much was, I even thought the OP was funny specially the anim picture at the bottom :cat:... but then people got their nickers twisted so IDK now lol...


    I thought @@serbiansnaga said you were NEVER allowed to say The Nigger Word!

  17. if you are saying you won't play them because someone else said they are bad, then you are validating you believe the statement of them being bad.

    Not someONE... I've heard "bad reviews" of xGs minecraft from multiple sources... and I have no reason to quit playing on my servers nor the public one I play on to join one that (to me) doesn't sound like it would be better or more fun. WTF is the problem with that? All you idiots saying I'm starting shit, when all I said is that I wouldn't play on the MC servers.... @@Rhododendron is the one that made this a thread, not me... also he's the one that had me clarify the reasoning I had behind my original comment which was simply

    Sep 25, 2013 1:01 AM - Matsi: xG's minecraft makes me LOL... I'm glad I don't play on it ^^;
    which I said after reading some more drama about the MC server...