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Posts posted by Matsi

  1. ACTUALLY when that happened, you had EXTENDED the ban for lying. In this case, he was already banned, and lied to get unbanned, both are different situations.

    I did no such thing lol...


    I still feel that he shouldn't be rebanned for something 2-3 years ago, whoever unbanned him should just be slapped for believing him... people lie to get unbanned all the time, I don't see why it deserves a reban after 3 years unless he was recently doing something bad to deserve a ban. Also the ban by papi says expired not unbanned...


    TL;DR Not his fault some staff are stupid and unbanned him in the first place... still a +1.

  2. So... he should be rebanned because he lied? But I thought "lying" wasn't against the rules or anything... like what people said in a previous ban request I made:

    ...doesnt make a good reason to extend a ban' date=' neither is him lying about it, everyone lies about their freekills.[/quote']

    ..."lying to staff", is not a specific rule. Though obviously doing so will never lead to anything good, it shouldn't be considered as a factor ...


    +1 cause YOLO....

  3. You're completely in the wrong Matsi, bottom line is the Warden said "Do not kill him, go to medic Stence" and you still proceeded too kill me.

    Then to try and make me look like an idiot you posted this thread only resulting in yourself looking like an idiot.


    I don't get why you're still defending this.

    "Do not kill him" doesn't mean you are pardoned... the only reason he said that was because he didn't think you were a rebel


    You rebelled(twice)... He never pardoned you.... and I killed you... I'm done arguing it with you, we obviously aren't going to agree on this so we'll just see what the leaders of TF2 div think and let them decide.

  4. With all due respect, wardens orders are greater than killing a rebel. If a warden says for you not to kill a rebel, you don't do it. If you proceed to do so, you are considered a freekiller, Soooooooo, now it's time for an investigation, @@MuffinMonster let's do this

    unless the warden pardons the rebel, I can kill them... similar thing happens regularly on CS:S, warden plays a game and says "warden kills only" but if someone rebels, you can still kill them.

  5. 5:02 into the demo,

    Warden orders

    "Don't Kill him"

    > Matsi Proceeds to kill

    > One of the rules is to follow wardens orders

    > Warden Orders me to go to Medic

    > You kill me

    Good job Matsi, great demo. Loved it. +1

    Warden can't restrict me from killing a rebel... he still didn't pardon you... ask anyone that isn't going to be bias about it... legit kill all the way :)

  6. Division:

    Team Fortress 2

    In-Game Name:

    Matsi xG:CSS/L4D2:A

    Offender's Steam ID:


    Rules Broken:

    "freekilled" stence and left #YOLO


    Since @@Stence is just going to talk shit and say i freekilled him and left... here's a demo of it(It's the second round in the demo)


    In the demo you see that

    • Warden called out of cell rebel

    • Stence left his cell and then ran back in (rebeling #1 though I wasn't certain it was him at the time so didn't kill him)

    • Warden says crouch to crush game

    • Stence stands up several times and then gets up and runs the last ~25 feet

    • I shoot at him until the doors close and I cant hit him anymore

    • I announce in chat to "Kill Stence" and "Stence is a rebel"

    • After the door to the game opens I shoot at him again

    • Never does the warden say he is pardoned even when I mention it.

    • I kill Stence

    • I leave like 30 seconds later because I didn't feel like dealing with Stence crying FK and there was no staff online

  7. > Log into JB

    > Matsi is on

    > Free kills me first round then leaves

    > No mods on

    > Matsi sucking some major beef n' fixin for mod



    "-1 cause i don't like the person making the ban request" most bias response ever

    And I didn't FK you, you were a rebel and I was trying to kill you the whole time but couldn't hit your while the game was active.... warden never pardoned you so you still died. GGNORE

  8. @@Matsi Which demo shows the mass freekill and at what time does it occur?

    they all show him freekilling, probally starting a little ways into the 1st demo... if you wanna be lazy just watch the 2nd, you wont have skip ahead to anywhere or anything, he just shoots everyone he can the whole time he was there.


    FYI the gayben guy was mic spamming the whole time this guy was freekilling, it wasn't like two separate times. which is why there's the same demos linked in both requests.