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Posts posted by Matsi

  1. I'm not even in HoE, nor will I ever be, so please don't associate them with me. Also, please learn facts before you decide to post a bunch of nonsense. :)

    > not in HOE

    > Still wearing their tags in name


    > trolling xG servers with one of the staff from HOE named DB




  2. Member's Name:


    Member's Steam ID:



    IF he/she IS still a member of xG, requesting official removal of membership.


    (S)he is multiclaning in a clan called
    , which btw is where the DB troll guy is from.


    Proof: XG|
    | Xtremly Gay

  3. I might be up for shortening the ban for Ribbit.

    -1 for DB.


    4 of the last 5 bans for Ribbit are for refusing to remove tags... the 5th is a 2 week ban for "Trolling, racism, disrespect" from @ThePenguin


    -1 to remove the week ban... if anything, increase it. Never see anything but trolling with ribbit, and there's enough of that in xG already.

  4. After further reveiw I found this....

    Xeno Gamers - Player Chat History


    Mar 23, 2014 7:03:14 pmwhen i didnt[xG] Jailbreak #1 - XenoGamers.org

    Mar 23, 2014 7:01:16 pmgg[xG] Jailbreak #1 - XenoGamers.org

    Mar 23, 2014 7:00:48 pmUUUGHHH[xG] Jailbreak #1 - XenoGamers.org

    Mar 23, 2014 7:00:45 pmI THINKK IM GONNA CUM[xG] Jailbreak #1 - XenoGamers.org

    Mar 23, 2014 7:00:42 pmI THINKK[xG] Jailbreak #1 - XenoGamers.org

    Mar 23, 2014 7:00:14 pmSLURP FOOL[xG] Jailbreak #1 - XenoGamers.org

    Mar 23, 2014 6:59:57 pmCUM SUK ME[xG] Jailbreak #1 - XenoGamers.org

    Mar 23, 2014 6:59:47 pmON MIC[xG] Jailbreak #1 - XenoGamers.org

    Mar 23, 2014 6:59:38 pmCUM WANT SUM FUK[xG] Jailbreak #1 - XenoGamers.org

    Mar 23, 2014 6:59:31 pmBACON[xG] Jailbreak #1 - XenoGamers.org

    Mar 23, 2014 6:59:21 pmUUGHH[xG] Jailbreak #1 - XenoGamers.org

    Mar 23, 2014 6:58:58 pmON MIC[xG] Jailbreak #1 - XenoGamers.org

    Mar 23, 2014 6:58:54 pmfor 1 min[xG] Jailbreak #1 - XenoGamers.org

    Mar 23, 2014 6:58:50 pmI said all blues[xG] Jailbreak #1 - XenoGamers.org

    Mar 23, 2014 6:58:45 pmIts valid[xG] Jailbreak #1 - XenoGamers.org

    Mar 23, 2014 6:58:42 pmDo slurping sounds[xG] Jailbreak #1 - XenoGamers.org

    Mar 23, 2014 6:58:34 pmfuckers[xG] Jailbreak #1 - XenoGamers.org

    Mar 23, 2014 6:58:32 pmon the mic[xG] Jailbreak #1 - XenoGamers.org

    Mar 23, 2014 6:58:28 pmneed to suck my dick on the mic for 1 min[xG] Jailbreak #1 - XenoGamers.org

    Mar 23, 2014 6:58:21 pmAll of you fuckers[xG] Jailbreak #1 - XenoGamers.org

    Mar 23, 2014 6:58:17 pmthat[xG] Jailbreak #1 - XenoGamers.org

    Mar 23, 2014 6:58:15 pmMy lr is[xG] Jailbreak #1 - XenoGamers.org


    -1 for unctban


    +1 for perm server ban..... this kid is like 12....WTF!!!

  5. +1 Active, knows the rules, yada yada yada... People keep bringing up the CTBans... Like ShadowSpy said, Most of them are just abuse/minor steaming pantload. There are like four CTBans that aren't abuse/minor steaming pantload. People are just trying to find ANY reason they can to -1. Sad thing is, he'd make a better staff member than the rest of you people who -1'd him. (Matsi)

    I stopped counting after the first 15 most recent ctbans... 11 of which are perfectly legit, including the 2 week ban he received when he massed with a bomb.

  6. For all of you bringing up his bans-

    Xeno Gamers

    Xeno Gamers


    10 of those server bans are requested or 1min joke bans. And 11(ish) of those ct bans are joke bans. Considering he started in 2012, its not really that bad. If he was new, I would minus one instantly.

    I mean, look at mine- Xeno Gamers

    Majority of mine are accidents/from myself

    I'm sorry, but the fact that he ISN'T new and STILL gets banned repeatedly for breaking rules should further prove why he should not get mod, not justify that he should.

  7. what do you mean? the gift is told beforehand. its not favoritism

    though, the only real concern for this, is that its too similar to holocaust day or the crit game; the game is purely based on luck, but then again - majority of the games we play are randomized,


    dispensers are allowed, confirmed by muffin



    >warden type a gift beforehand into team chat.

    >warden types a question

    >reds answer

    >red who answered correctly gets to keep or pass the gift

    gift can vary of course ex. death, lr, etc.




    sentries are allowed, confirmed by kbrasszle



    The issue is some people don't do the trivia part, they type a gift in blu chat and then pick someone at "random" and ask them if they want to keep or pass it.

  8. +1, im the guy who had to ban you but I still think you were fun to have around. That, and its been a year.

    Lets face it, SOMEONE, yes, SOMEONE mass smited twice(first time happened because of his cat though.) and it took his 2nd smite@all for him to be demoted to member, AND HE WAS NEVER BANNED!

    He was actually banned, then unbanned, THEN PROMOTED AGAIN, then demoted.... :P


    I fail to see why people get banned for "abusing powers" the punishment for that should be... losing their powers(and not getting them again).



  9. If I'm not mistaken, what we have defined as multiclanning is the following:


    A Member who is currently affiliated with another clan/community that owns a Server(s) of which XenoGamers also has.


    In other words, if they have a Server that we currently also have, than it becomes a conflict of interest and thus becomes a problem. In this particular case, it looks like they do have a Server(s) that we also have, so it is in fact a conflict of interest.


    With that said, being a part of a Steam Group has no influence on multiclanning that I am aware of. If I'm mistaken, someone correct me. :coffee:


    WELL THANK GOODNESS! cause I'm in like 5 other "clans" if it wasn't defined like that :P


    And I hope so about the steamgroup thing, if not.... plox don't look at the groups I am in still on steam :P

  10. Added rules: No Hacking/Cheating/Etc, No Advertising, No Hate Speech, Don't Disrespect, No Trolling!

    Replaced Oxide with RustEssentials, lost a few plugins like Hunger Games but the vast features and configuration of Essentials was worth it, It also provided a great way to easily provide access to predefined ranks of staff with select powers. :)