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Posts posted by Matsi

  1. Well this seems familiar. If muffin thought his activity on TF2 was terrible, i wouldn't want to think of mine. Ill still be on teamspeak, css mod, csgo z (hue), but i'm stepping down from GMOD division leader. I also feel, just like last time, i was just taking up a slot that someone else can be using to make good with. I'll still be around, calling out badmins ( @ThePenguin @DrLee (hes also my mom)) but i wont be banning drlee for cyber bullying.


    Who are you?

  2. Welp, i've lived a good 2 years inside of the house of xG. It's time that I, like many other TF2 staff members sign off. Why you're asking? Well, theres a long list of reasons. I'll only give out 2. 1. There are MANY people in xG that I dislike incredibly (No one will be named). 2. I have said that after this UGC season, I would be leaving. Shout out to @MuffinMonster for being one of the only people I actually liked in xG. Goodbye Everyone, most of you, will not be missed.

    Who are you?

  3. Division:

    Team Fortress 2

    In-Game Name:

    [DT181] Assassin Freakout

    Offender's Steam ID:


    Rules Broken:

    spamming for warden, mass freekilling because he's stupid, killing people not facing cells even tho he NEVER says to face cells in his orders... killing people that are red even though he never sees them rebel, killing people for going up a ladder on a freeday, killing anyone that gets in melee range on a freeday



    holy shit... this guy was the definition of downs... he would give orders:

    "If you come out of your cell you get shot"

    "Crouchwalk to the yellow line, spies sappers out medic no healing demo no charging"

    *He would then kill anyone not facing cells even tho he never said to, he never even said to freeze....*


    He would kill anyone that was RED colored on a freeday without actually seeing them rebel

    He killed anyone that got within melee range of him, even on a freeday

    And noone else could warden because he talks the entire time during the countdown, telling people to learn how to play and to learn the rules, that everything he was doing was legit.... while people tried to votekick/voteban him...

  4. 10/10 would drive :love:





    and this Interior :kawaii: kawaii





    I wouldn't... when the airbags go off those kitties become projectiles.... "Death by Hello Kitty"

  5. What makes rust different from minecraft other than graphics and guns?

    It's a survival game... of course it's going to be sort of the same as minecraft... it was inspired by minecraft/dayz/stalker.

  6. Promotions:




    Matsi from Member to Division Leader



    Congratulations to those who were promoted this Promo/Demo! This is a reminder to those who have newly gained access as an Admin to leave your STEAM IDs posted below in the comment(s) section below to ensure the distribution of powers as soon as possible.

  7. one of those servers were if you type /kit starter you get a kit with guns and stuff, and if I was to type /tpr Matsi I could teleport to you

    The Hunger Games plugin does something like that.... you can choose to join and it TPs all players somewhere with the same weapons and makes them fight to the death

  8. acache_www.gametracker.com_server_info_173_248_172.77_28035_b_560x95.png.5bca9e5e4ac32d0096d8e51cc0c2afb4.png



    • PvP
    • No Sleepers
    • Essentials
    • Private Messaging


    Things to know:

    • Rules/MOTD: No Hacking/Cheating/Etc, No Advertising, No Hate Speech, Don't Disrespect, No Trolling! Type /help for cmds, xenogamers.com

    Rules/MOTD subject to change at any time!

    • Still working on setting it up (configuring plugins and stuff/adding more things)
    • Suggestions and feedback would be great!
    • Looking for some staff that would like to help keep the baddies away.

  9. Nothing substantial. TF2 is one of our more popular Divisions at the moment, and with that said, it won't just disappear off the face of the earth due to a few people stepping down or resigning. Albeit that they will be missed, replacements will be made by those who can take on the task of doing so ;)

    Matsi for D 2014!!!

  10. do you even know the struggle i had to go through not to change that 1 to a 0, you wined about wanting to be banned that we felt it was necessary :thinking::hail::shakefist::waving::afro:



    all the votes want it to be changed to perm hmmmmm :afro:

    I just use voteban so console does the ban and it doesn't show up in SB :P

  11. Division:

    Team Fortress 2

    In-Game Name:

    see post

    Offender's Steam ID:

    see post

    Rules Broken:

    Abusing votekick (votekicking me for invalid reason)


    From MOTD:

    • Abusing/spamming vote mute, kick, ban, etc. will result in a 1 week ban.


    Here is a list of everyone I could find that votekicked me tho I mainly want
    banned for a week for telling everyone to votekick me:


    Mr.Evolution STEAM_0:0:57215583

    Mr.Grinch | The mean one! STEAM_0:1:61620583.

    [snoiU|Lava] KrispyKreme STEAM_0:0:46553198

    {Hybears} IkeShadow STEAM_0:0:39235592

    =POKE= Feraligatr STEAM_0:0:67334559

    SeVeN(Ops)[EliteSniper]Spartan STEAM_0:1:80216030


    I did nothing wrong, I killed everyone that was not on the line following orders and therefore were rebels. during LR i waited for over a minute for the red to give an LR< and they never did and then they went into armory and I killed them.


    Demos linked (In two parts because I try to start a new demo every round):



    @MuffinMonster @Nomulous @kbraszzz @Origins @Bell @samit @SpeedOfFreedom I can't think of more tags...


    Thanks :)

  12. Gmask said something like crouchwalk to the yellow line when he says go.... then said something to sounds like "go" to me...and everyone went... and then he burned them all on the line saying he didn't say go.... the first time through I could have sworn he said go, but after watching the demo I think he actually said "yo" or something in reply to someone saying his name? I am just going to post the demo/thread here instead of a ban request because I am still not sure wtf happened, and someone else can deal with it...


  13. Soon as he got demoted, he started removing files/plugins/other steaming pantload from the CS:S Servers on the terms that "I did all this, so I can remove it". He ended up removing more than just that. After that, he was permanently banned from Servers.


    Soon after, he thought it would be funny to mass kick several people from our Steam Group. After that, he had powers on TS3 and permanently banned Rabid, knowing that he shouldn't even have the authority to make that decision. He was then banned on there too. All that he has access to xG-related are Forums.

    One would think that by now you guys would have learned to remove someone's powers BEFORE you demote them for "being abusive"