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Posts posted by Matsi

  1. Coulda banned him Matsi?

    Well I joined to deal with it but he only "tried" to kill everyone.... so I didnt really have proof.... and then he left...


    Today tho he was back in the server and I recorded him reentering armory, breaking the vent, and then freekilling 3 guys. He is now permanently teambanned with this new demo as proof: Dropbox - valentin.dem




  2. Not for that, but it was for being an assh0le {not sure if that gets censored so 0 added :british:} as a demo and flying back and forth just picking off snipers and just being an asshat by flying away 2 seconds later. I understand snipers MOST LIKELY can't see you, which is why you probs did this for a good hour, but I had asked you to stop. NOW, if I had banned you, you then have a case. But it was one kick after I had told you to change it up after a good hour of you doing this. Also, if you read the rules. I did enact the "listen to our staff" rule. Also, it's about everyone having fun, not pissing off an entire team. If thats your kinda fun, then please find a server that allows this type of fun.

    Seems legit to me :)

  3. Division:

    Team Fortress 2

    Staff Name:

    [xG:A] Origins

    Staff's Steam ID:


    I don't have any, as I wasn't expecting to be kicked

    Further Information:

    I was playing regularly on the Pokemon Trade Server, all I was doing at the time was sticky jumping as a frying pan demoman, killing people, and Origins outright kicks me, saying "stop being an ass". I did not break any rules, and I should have not been kicked because of this. Admins/Mods dont have the right to freely kick anyone they wish. I wasn't trying to piss him off, and I wasn't in any way disrespecting him.


    repeatedly saying "Selling nothing for absolutely nothing, accepting nothing, nothing for sale in any of my backpack, dont bp me." IS kinda of assish.... no idea if that was relevant or not tho

  4. Division:

    Team Fortress 2

    In-Game Name:

    Peekaboom S> Key for 3 ref

    Offender's Steam ID:


    Rules Broken:



    You can see his chat logs at


    Basically... he was saying he was "selling a key for 3 ref" in which, you give him 3 ref and he'll give you a link to some site the you login with your steam account and get free keys....


    The only reason I did not ban him was I am not certain on how the "no scamming" rule works nor what is considered scamming or what proof I would need. I told him to stop asking if anyone wanted to buy his "key" and renamed him to just Pekkaboom. I am posting this request so that if a higher up wants to add a ban on him, they can. Also to inform everyone else of the "scam" he was doing if he does not get banned, so that others can report if he does it again.... and to bug @kbraszzz with ONE MORE ban request

  5. Division:

    Team Fortress 2

    In-Game Name:


    Offender's Steam ID:


    Rules Broken:

    Dispenser Blocking


    He actually did it several times, I only have a demo so far of it once where I TP in and gets stuck but destroy it....



    @HokageFishHylotl recorded it too, can you post your proof too :)

  6. Division:

    Team Fortress 2

    In-Game Name:

    "Pistachios" (Mafia Troll)

    Offender's Steam ID:


    Rules Broken:

    Opening cells without warden's permission/camping/being a douchebag


    Just kept opening the cells when the warden was trying to give order and then he would go run away and camp somewhere...


    Recorded demo of him doing it for about half a dozen rounds in a row..... requesting at least a week ban...


    @kbraszzz @Origins @Vector @Bell @Gwoash

  7. Division:

    Team Fortress 2

    In-Game Name:

    Notorious Nipple

    Offender's Steam ID:


    Rules Broken:

    Building sentry


    He apparently built one in the armory before i joined... after I joined he put on on top of medic, and a couple rounds later he put one down in front of cells, I told him to get rid of it, and that engies weren't allowed to build... he replied that they can and the fact he made the sentry was proof, or some shit....

    The Magnificent Matsi xG:PreMod : get rid of that sentry

    Warrior Notorious Nipple : nah m8

    0V3R-P0W3R|NG_Y0U_ISSEI killed Pistachios with nonnonviolent_protest. (crit)

    The Magnificent Matsi xG:PreMod : Engies cannot build

    Warrior Notorious Nipple : they can

    The Magnificent Matsi xG:PreMod : this is your warning

    Warrior Notorious Nipple : this is proven since i have build a sentry

    The Magnificent Matsi xG:PreMod : then enjoy your ban kid


  8. Division:

    Team Fortress 2

    In-Game Name:


    Offender's Steam ID:


    Rules Broken:



    Not really sure if you guys consider this against the rules but I know on other servers(xG's L4D2 servers)... doing something to intentionally hinder your team is considered trolling and/or teamkilling and is bannable...


    This guy was intentionally holding the spawn door open so that his friends could shoot into it and spawn camp better. Was really annoying... There seems to be a rule specifically for this on the saxton hale server, I think it should also be on this one... It is annoying when you own team helps the other team and I think it should not be allowed!



    @kbraszzz @Origins @Vector @Bell

  9. Division:

    Team Fortress 2

    In-Game Name:


    Offender's Steam ID:


    Rules Broken:

    Mass Freekilling


    Guy tried to kill the entire red team with rockets, failed pretty horribly... but killed 3 before being teambanned for a day by @KendrickLlama who only saw him kill 2


    I have it on demo, he kills 3 total before banned, plus he was trying to kill a lot more. Requesting that the day teamban be extended to perm, thanks!




  10. Division:

    Team Fortress 2

    In-Game Name:

    Ozzy Osbourne

    Steam ID:



    I was banned from all Xeno Gamer servers for abusing the votekick system on jailbreak 1. I did not know i was abusing it, i was just trying to voteban and kick all the freekillers and trolls that were on CT. I know it is hard to believe this but the warden was saying it was a votekick (playername) day. Please look this over and I hope to be playing on your servers soon.


    I told you guys that you were abusing the votekick/votebans on me, and that it was a banable offense, but you kept doing it...

    Ozzy Osbourne - Team Fortress 2 | Xeno Gamers