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  1. Agree
    Matsi got a reaction from MrJeeblez in Speedoffreedom Demoted ?   
    I just watched the TF2 JB server sit at 32/32 today....

    Because it's JB, people get banned from CT by the hour....because they are dumb...
    -1 unless someone can post any proof of any abuse instead of just saying "I don't like him."
  2. Informative
    Matsi got a reaction from ForestFire in Guntoss Rule That Needs To Be Added   
    Did you know that the granny shot scientifically gives you the best control of a basketball and as such is the BEST way to shoot a ball and have the best chance to make the shot... except that it looks stupid so noone does it :)
  3. Agree
    Matsi got a reaction from John_Madden in Speedoffreedom Demoted ?   
    I just watched the TF2 JB server sit at 32/32 today....

    Because it's JB, people get banned from CT by the hour....because they are dumb...
    -1 unless someone can post any proof of any abuse instead of just saying "I don't like him."
  4. Like
    Matsi got a reaction from diabeetus in Why Do People Care So Much About Ratings On These Forums?   
    "It's About Time" or "Took Long Enough"
    Still have the PSD file in case you need it in some other format :)

  5. Bad Spelling
    Matsi reacted to Charles in Ovinylscratcho - Counter-strike: Source   
    www.bans.xenogamers.com <--- Try this
  6. Disagree
    Matsi reacted to diabeetus in Ovinylscratcho - Counter-strike: Source   
    -1. The fact that you lied about something like this in order to get unbanned is frankly quite disgusting. You should consider yourself incredibly lucky that you still have both your paid moderator and your member status after admitting to something like this.
  7. Informative
    Matsi reacted to Forest in Ovinylscratcho - Counter-strike: Source   
    He isn't being rebanned for the whole "mother" thing. I'll recap for anyone who's confused.
    Vinyl was re-CT banned because he wasn't supposed to be unbanned in the first place. His second to last Ban Protest that involved Poncher denying it determined that he was to stay CT banned.
    After an undetermined amount of time, Vinyl asked a Higher-Up to unban him (not sure what the context here is) and the Higher-Up mistakenly overlooked the wrong Ban Protest (the one in which Aegean accepted his Ban Protest [the first Ban Protest]).
    Because of this mix-up, Vinyl was wrongfully unbanned for a Ban Protest he had been unbanned from prior to the one that was denied. So to re-cap, he was unbanned from a Ban Protest that was already dealt with way back, when he was supposed to remain CT banned for his actions after that Ban Protest.
    Further information:
    Intentionally mass freekills, blames on "dying mother"
    1st Ban Protest = Accepted
    Vinyl is unbanned.
    Mass freekills again at a later date.
    2nd Ban Protest = Denied
    Vinyl remains banned
    Vinyl proceeds to get unbanned from Ban Protest #2 under the reasoning of Ban Protest #1 by Higher-Up by mistake. Vinyl then admits to this act and is later re-banned as his being unbanned in the first place was 'illegal' due to Ban Protest #2 not being accepted.
  8. Smelly
    Matsi got a reaction from xGStumpy in Ovinylscratcho - Counter-strike: Source   
    I did no such thing lol...
    I still feel that he shouldn't be rebanned for something 2-3 years ago, whoever unbanned him should just be slapped for believing him... people lie to get unbanned all the time, I don't see why it deserves a reban after 3 years unless he was recently doing something bad to deserve a ban. Also the ban by papi says expired not unbanned...
    TL;DR Not his fault some staff are stupid and unbanned him in the first place... still a +1.
  9. Disagree
    Matsi got a reaction from xGShadowSpy in Ovinylscratcho - Counter-strike: Source   
    So... he should be rebanned because he lied? But I thought "lying" wasn't against the rules or anything... like what people said in a previous ban request I made:

  10. Not Funny
    Matsi got a reaction from DrLee in Ovinylscratcho - Counter-strike: Source   
    So... he should be rebanned because he lied? But I thought "lying" wasn't against the rules or anything... like what people said in a previous ban request I made:

  11. Disagree
    Matsi got a reaction from diabeetus in Ovinylscratcho - Counter-strike: Source   
    So... he should be rebanned because he lied? But I thought "lying" wasn't against the rules or anything... like what people said in a previous ban request I made:

  12. Agree
    Matsi got a reaction from Lemons in Gg Source   
    Making folders is hard....
  13. Like
    Matsi reacted to kbraszzz in Fire-eagle - Team Fortress 2   
    I never seen this guy on but it looks real +1

    Please keep this "Fighting" out of the forums,
    You're both beautiful.
  14. F!$k Off
    Matsi got a reaction from xGStumpy in Furry Superheroes   
    Rate Furry if you like :)
  15. Sad
    Matsi got a reaction from DeathGod in Furry Superheroes   
    Rate Furry if you like :)
  16. Disagree
    Matsi got a reaction from MrJeeblez in Matsi Xg:css/l4d2:a - Team Fortress 2   

    Team Fortress 2 In-Game Name:

    Matsi xG:CSS/L4D2:A Offender's Steam ID:

    STEAM_0:0:18865285 Rules Broken:

    "freekilled" stence and left #YOLO Evidence:

    Since @@Stence is just going to talk shit and say i freekilled him and left... here's a demo of it(It's the second round in the demo)
    Dropbox - stencerebel.dem
    In the demo you see that
    Warden called out of cell rebel
    Stence left his cell and then ran back in (rebeling #1 though I wasn't certain it was him at the time so didn't kill him)
    Warden says crouch to crush game
    Stence stands up several times and then gets up and runs the last ~25 feet
    I shoot at him until the doors close and I cant hit him anymore
    I announce in chat to "Kill Stence" and "Stence is a rebel"
    After the door to the game opens I shoot at him again
    Never does the warden say he is pardoned even when I mention it.
    I kill Stence
    I leave like 30 seconds later because I didn't feel like dealing with Stence crying FK and there was no staff online
  17. Disagree
    Matsi got a reaction from Stence in Fire-eagle - Team Fortress 2   
    "-1 cause i don't like the person making the ban request" most bias response ever
    And I didn't FK you, you were a rebel and I was trying to kill you the whole time but couldn't hit your while the game was active.... warden never pardoned you so you still died. GGNORE
  18. Smelly
    Matsi reacted to Stence in Matsi Xg:css/l4d2:a - Team Fortress 2   
    Well majority already thinks you're in the wrong
  19. Disagree
    Matsi reacted to Stence in Matsi Xg:css/l4d2:a - Team Fortress 2   
    You're completely in the wrong Matsi, bottom line is the Warden said "Do not kill him, go to medic Stence" and you still proceeded too kill me.
    Then to try and make me look like an idiot you posted this thread only resulting in yourself looking like an idiot.
    I don't get why you're still defending this.
  20. Disagree
    Matsi got a reaction from Stence in Matsi Xg:css/l4d2:a - Team Fortress 2   
    unless the warden pardons the rebel, I can kill them... similar thing happens regularly on CS:S, warden plays a game and says "warden kills only" but if someone rebels, you can still kill them.
  21. Disagree
    Matsi got a reaction from Stence in Furry Superheroes   
    Rate Furry if you like :)
  22. Disagree
    Matsi got a reaction from Stence in Matsi Xg:css/l4d2:a - Team Fortress 2   
    Warden can't restrict me from killing a rebel... he still didn't pardon you... ask anyone that isn't going to be bias about it... legit kill all the way :)
  23. Winner
    Matsi reacted to LeToucan in Furry Superheroes   
    And thats enough internet for today. Bye.
  24. Agree
    Matsi reacted to xGShadowSpy in Anyone Interested In A Rust Div?   
    What are talking about? o.O These divisions wouldnt draw from css because its not one of those things that require coders and stuff like that im pretty sure. It would be like C9(when we did play it often), just a group of us playing it.
  25. Disagree
    Matsi reacted to MrJeeblez in Anyone Interested In A Rust Div?   
    Edited down version of what I said originally (I edited out the me being retarded part): No.