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Everything posted by John

  1. Yeah I'm going to go with this is for the wrong Division. I have never seen you on CS:S.
  2. I tried to deal the ban. But it didn't let me ban him for that amount of time. It just permanently banned him. Which is weird because it should have allowed me to deal a two week ban. @@Gkoo sorted it out. Apparently I'm just all around bad at banning.
  4. +1 Get rid of this plugin. It causes lag, the T's can just spam them at us and wipe out the whole team like it's nothing, last CT just gets wrecked by them. It's not even close to fair. Now it's just too easy to win the round as a T. @@DarkWolf6052 @@Forest @@Gkoo @@PiNoYPsYcHo @@serbiansnaga @Brian @@Duckii @autumn Edit: It can also be used like an admin command with / and we can't see who is spamming the command. When used while dead they can free spec spamming the shit out of it and drop flashbangs instead of the molotovs.
  5. Wait is this meant to be CS:GO? It's labeled CS:S.
  6. @@Forest @@Gkoo @@DarkWolf6052 It was a day ban. No need for this thread. I would also like to agree with Diabeetus, we all do our job. Sometimes there is only one admin or mod on and when there are 40+ people we can't see EVERYTHING. We can't just slay off of what people say.
  7. @@Forest Make me Red, white, and Blue god dangit. 'MURICA.
  8. John

    Basic MoTD

    +1 I'm late for the party. Goodwork. I also support the idea of putting a link to the full MOTD at the top of the shorter version. That way people can't say "Y'D U BAN ME. I DINT C NO ADVCNEDASDLAS MOTD." ^Because that's exactly what admin chat looks like most of the time.
  9. I'll go ahead and put my opinion here. I was the one to ban him. He did tell the truth about where he was and how it happened. The map was I think Lunar...the one with the speed P90 and the explosive knife. I called a warday in Kitchen. I didn't notice him in armory past the time as I was in kitchen. I specced him right as he killed the people. I feel it was partly my fault for the 3 T's deaths. However, a mass freekill is a mass freekill. I would +1 the idea for an unban, but not right now. Like Forest said, wait a month or two. If you like our server keep playing on it. Show that you know rules as a T and then make an unban request. TL;DR- He told the truth. Partly my fault :( Play T for a month or two if you like xG. Make an unban request. Mass freekilling is mass freekilling. Not sure if this really needs to stay open. He was just permed yesterday.
  10. @@DarkWolf6052 Are you dead? HERRO. We need your opinion here. Guys I think xG killed him.
  12. We only ban people. The kick command is to kick ourselves because escape is too easy.
  13. By the time it would take for them to even look at your ban request and agree or disagree upon the unban, it would be over. /request close. @@Forest @@Gkoo @@DarkWolf6052 @@serbiansnaga
  14. As stated. There have already been numerous threads to make it HARDER to get into. Also getting promoted shouldn't be easy. You need to work for it. Always remember Life>Video games. It's better to excel in life than to life for the pleasure at this moment.
  15. Shadow for the new Abraham of forums. Also tagging relevant people. @@PiNoYPsYcHo @@DarkWolf6052 @@Forest @@Gkoo
  16. Don't mean to start a war here but. Chrono, you seem to have general problems with people being new to the clan. Can't you give him a brief explanation of what happened? Instead of the usual "New fag, i'm an old fag" crap. Just throwing that out there. His opinion was asked to be given.
  17. I think he was warden actually. But if I remember correctly he had the T's unstack shoulder to shoulder and I think they mad multiple lines? And he killed one of the lines and not the others. I think that's what happened. Honestly he'd need to clarify.
  18. See yah man. Thank you so much for making me the spray. Had good times in JB with you. Good luck in the future!
  19. John

    Regarding Abe

  20. +1 I still think it counted as a mass from what I heard. I wasn't the one to ban you though. But if it was, it was completely unintentional. He didn't kill them on purpose.
  21. Wait I thought when I made the member application that xG took my life? It was in the fine print! Honestly though, if your grades are slipping because of video games you need to set your priorities straight. Homework and studying are much more important than current pleasure.
  22. Shake, if you would lighten up I would +1 you. As for now I'm at a firm 0 so the maturity and activity scale doesn't matter. As an Admin we get multiple reports of free kills or rule breaking as it is. When you get killed you tend to spam until I want to just murder someone. Sometimes we have other things to deal with BEFORE WE DEAL WITH YOU. We can't be everywhere and see everything. If we could there wouldn't be so many of us. That's really my only problem with you that's valid. A personal problem I have is the last application you made after you got a few -1's you said in game MULTIPLE TIMES, "I'm glad, I don't want to join anyways." Honestly if that's your attitude towards the member application why even try. TL;DR- Annoys admins by spamming admin chat. Last member app he said he didn't want to join anyways. Read this part if you really want to know how to get people to +1 and like you. Just be a cool person. Don't be so uptight when you're freekilled, I know it happens. If we can't handle it just move on. We can't always slay someone because you were freekilled. Sometimes they say they killed you for a valid reason but we can't prove they didn't. Have fun it's a game. When you warden make sure to let the T's have fun. That keeps people coming back. Give them the order to bum rush to disco or something, that always seems to make things better! Not but really, don't just play FR:LR all day long. Or trivia, or death trivia, or something gay where I want to gouge my fucking eyeballs out. Just be a nice person, listen to the admins, don't let people get to you. This is the internet. TL;DR 2- Be a nice person, have fun as warden. Listen to the admins. Also once again, my votes a 0.
  23. @@DarkWolf6052 @@Gkoo @@Forest @@PiNoYPsYcHo
  24. +1 She's pretty cool, talked to her in TeamSpeak before. Asked me to make her a grilled cheese sammich. Now I have a grilled cheese and no one to send it to. WHAT DO I DO. MY LIFE. IT'S OVER.
  25. Try uploading it to imgur, you can do that without an account. Then link it here.