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Everything posted by John

  1. @@DarkWolf6052 @@Forest He needs 1 more because of Minecracks -1. Which I don't think should even count.
  2. -1. You are worthless. You think you're cool mass freekilling like a twat then think you can just go play CS:GO and no one would give a fuck. I wish they'd just ban you from all servers. Your attitude fucking sucks. Get a grip on reality kid.
  3. I didn't know British people played Hockey. @@Forest
  4. Minecrack, you think you're hot shit don't you? Too bad they didn't leave you banned.
  5. So is Minecrack but, we don't complain.
  6. +1 Mythic IS OUR SAVIOR! He's gunna cut taxes and give out more welfare checks and make our healthcare free! Oh lawd thank yah jesus. @@Mythic
  7. +1 Great dude. Be more active in TeamSpeak though. A:7/10 (He does play normally, but not a loser like me and everyday.) M:10/10 (Never had any problems from him, always respectful.) Basically just be more active in TeamSpeak.
  8. Good kid. Knows the rules. Even though you tried to let me die when I rebeled, JERK! +1 A:6/10 (Try and be more active on TeamSpeak and on CS:S) M:8/10
  9. @@Forest @@DarkWolf6052 I saw him on today, unbanned and then rebanned for the appropriate time.
  10. O N L Y F O R Y O U .
  11. Prove to us in game that you have changed. We will go from there. -1 for now.
  12. John

    Favorite Plays

    Phantom of the Opera. Best. Play. Ever.
  13. +1 Because YOLO You only Lasagna Once! He's a good kid. He'd make a great member. He's not even like Eden!!! A: 7/10 M:9/10
  14. John

    My Goodbye

  15. Alright, I like Darkwolf's idea too. This really needs to be up to @@DarkWolf6052 @@Forest @@Gkoo @@PiNoYPsYcHo If you guys want to pursue something like this we can get more people to put their ideas here or make a new thread with the ideas that have been stated here and have a vote. Probably need to include Co-Leaders on this as well. Like I said this was just an opinion thread so that I could see what everyone thought. Edit: If we need to get more ideas in this thread I can put a link in the shoutbox and or tag more members of the CS:S division.
  16. He only agreed with Shadow because he knows he should be fucking banned. I think it should be a month server ban for that shit.
  17. Aslo the rule about not entering cells where T's can see you enter them.
  18. Good luck with your school. I completely understand where you're coming from. I too at times have considered leaving because of the distractions of video games. Hope to see you again later.
  19. John


    @@Warriorsfury Um, now that Jewmad stepped down. What do you want me to do...? If you need help with something just tell me. I haven't got to do much with Tekkit being down, and needing to be switched back because fuck you that's why! lol no but really, I need something to do.
  20. This has nothing to do with just Eden's recent mass freekilling. However, I would like to say that as a member we should be held to a higher standard. I feel that as a member if you INTENTIONALLY Mass freekill it should be an instant loss of member in xG. You may think it's "funny" and "cool" but if there are new people on our servers and you do that, they will automatically have a bad impression of our server. I feel that this should be some sort of new rule when a player joins the clan. @@DarkWolf6052 @@Forest @@Gkoo This is just an opinion based thread. Leave a +1 or a -1. Also, leave a reason or any idea. Once again, this isn't pointed at Eden. It's pointed at any member who would willingly mass freekill intentionally.