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Everything posted by John

  1. Justified ban. Wait the ban out, in the future think about things before you say them. The admins will handle a situation if it needs to be handled. So, closing this ban protest.
  2. Sad to see you go Echo, wish you wouldn't have smited at all though. You were a great admin and a cool dude. Good luck on the loan.
  3. I could just ban you until school's over. No but baby, come back. Get your grades up kid. You should've just said you were going to be inactive, no need to leave and then reapply.
  4. Almost have a longer red lightsaber than @@diabeetus. I'd like to thank @@Hidingmaster and @@DarkWolf6052. They have helped me tremendously in my quest to be better than the beetus. They're also both gay.
  5. Currently at +5 if @@Kirito fixes his +1. Once I see more of you in game I will change my vote.
  6. Yeah this was sort of a gravedig Gnarking.
  7. I just would like to say. You're a cool kid at times, sometimes you can be majorly annoying. However, suicide threats are serious. I understand that you say someone started the rumors about you. Previously though you made these suicide threats and were serious. I had a friend who made suicide threats, so believe me I understand. But really, what could be that bad in life to want to kill yourself? You're fairly young, things can't be THAT bad. Unless they truly are then I am sorry. I would suggest you seek counseling if things are that rough in life. However, what Silence did was right. He did what was best. I leave this as a 0 though. As I know a + or -1 would do no good. You were told it was a permanent ban, no chance of being unbanned. Sorry Duckii Jr.
  8. +1 No reason needed. A :100/10 M:9999999/10
  9. John


    you guys are gayyyyyyyyyy.
  10. -1 for lying about it. Unless they want to work out a shorten ban, which I would be up for.
  11. SO BACK TO THE ISSUE AT HAND. @@diabeetus I hate you.
  12. @@DarkWolf6052 @@Gkoo @@PiNoYPsYcHo
  13. John

    DM plise

    It was given to me, mwhaha! At least until Forest comes back, @@Forest HURRY BACK BBY.
  14. You miss someone who freely banned two people? And then tried to be slick and ban Minecrack under the name ConsoIe...
  15. Dashie, I also have college and other things to do in life. I am actually pretty active. I haven't been AS ACTIVE lately but I am generally on a lot.
  16. @@Chrono You kind of took that quote out of context. Do you work for Fox News? Papi massed because he wanted to, he didn't do it to and plan to escape to another division. @@MineCrack I don't have anything against you. Maybe you were in a bad mood that day in CS:S or maybe you were joking and I didn't notice. Either way, it's up to them. I stick by my -1 because of the intentions. I just wonder why you didn't leave peacefully and go on to the CS:GO Division?
  17. @@Chrono In that case he shouldn't be unbanned. He mass freekilled because he wouldn't be playing on CS:S anymore. So he should keep the ban. What does it matter if he moderated on CS:S. A mass freekill is a mass freekill. That's like saying any of the mods and admins or up can mass freekill and get away with it because of their rank, or former rank.
  18. Stalking you on threads? I saw your thread for an unban. I read it. If it would have been an ACCIDENT I would have +1'd you. Accidents happen. However, you INTENTIONALLY Mass freekilled. Unfortunately, CT Bans do carry over. We can not unban you for the simple fact of you'd be getting away with an intentional mass freekill and could potentially do it again. Also, I never had a problem with you until you got on your high horse and talked down to everyone. Including the Division Managers of CS:S. It doesn't matter if you have been here longer, or who you know. Show some respect to people and maybe they would help you out. I give to people what they deserve, you haven't earned my respect. You don't deserve it. A little disclaimer, I would have -1'd anyone who intentionally mass freekilled. I have before. This isn't all about you. I don't follow you around threads. I just come across threads that you happen to comment in and generally what you have to say is negative in some way. Just like that day in CS:S when you ran your mouth to me.
  19. @@DarkWolf6052 @@Gkoo @@Forest @@PiNoYPsYcHo @@HighSociety @@serbiansnaga Don't know the kid personally. But thought I should tag you all for this. @@Sporky You should probably have him say something in his defense or something.