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Everything posted by John

  1. Also, make any vent that is in cell blocks not take 30 seconds of right clicking with a knife to break. I can not tell you how much I HATE on Parabellum how it takes that long to break that vent. At that point all the Ct's are at the vent and camping the piss out of it.
  2. -1 Disrespected me whenever he was wearing our tags and wasn't in the clan. Didn't appreciate it really. I was trying to do my job and then you had to cause problems over it. A: 5/10 (Have really not even seen you on except 3 or 4 times.) M: 4/10 (Disrespected me as I was trying to do my job.) This wasn't the just name calling disrespect this was him saying that the tag wasn't xG and that I couldn't do "fucking shit" about it.
  3. John

    Unban from ct

    +1 It was honestly a mistake. We've all messed up before. Even though he does have a past it was still an accident. It wasn't an intentional mass.
  4. I don't mean to sound rude here. However, Serbian most of us here just play to have fun no matter how old we are. Maybe there's a different side of Deo I don't know but he's a pretty cool guy if you ask me. I don't know how old you are Serb but age doesn't matter when we are all here to have fun and play games.
  5. +1 All de way. A 9/10 Always on teamspeak. Needs to be in game moar. M 9/10 Never had arguments with him. Only love making.
  6. We have multiple plugins to stop grieifing from occurring. It's not our problem that he was griefed. Now these "10 year olds" are potential donators and when the store is running will probably buy whatever their little hearts desire further funding our servers. I don't see how any of this is the start of corruption... Matsi I don't even see where your comment fits in on this post...at all.
  7. As long as Diabeetus sodomizes me.
  8. On a lighter note than above... You may have left for another clan but hey, we all deserve second chances. Warrior is a great addition to the clan, he has been helping with various things like Minecraft and was a previous admin on the CS:S division. Although I would like to add, when you used to ban or kick people for instance Mike in TS3 you talk down to people. No one likes being talked down to. This is my only thing bad to say against you really. My vote is a +1 A: 9/10 -Always on TS3 when I am on, at reasonable hours (I'm on till like 5am...) Has been playing CS:S more and more, also active on the Minecraft servers. M: 9/10 -Never had any problems with him. He handles things pretty well with other members.
  9. John

    My new gun :)

    I didn't say it looked like a BB gun you sort of generalized. Also, there is nothing wrong with a Glock. I love American guns too, but the Glock is a very reliable gun. I have a few and have no problems from them what so ever. I myself prefer my non-glock .45 but, we all have our own tastes.
  10. John

    My new gun :)

    I like how he calls us all fucking retarded. That's the greatest thing I have ever heard. It's a Smith and Wesson. They fucking suck, terribly. TERRIBLY. Nice waste of money you've got there.
  11. As much as I hate the tazer with a passion. -1. It's one of the few ways to stop a rebelling CT without too much chaos. I'm sure everyone knows it's a pain in the butt, but it's a necessary one.
  12. But I do think the wardens should be a tad bit lenient when it comes to this. I've been killed for running like hell when there's a mass freekiller. Really just comes down to if the Warden is a nice guy.
  13. John

    My new gun :)

    Your first problem is that it's a Smith & Wesson.
  14. John

    Study Habits

    Isn't that how LoL works all the time?
  15. Congrats to everyone who got promoted! STEAM_0:0:12099893
  16. John


    I can kill Lollerksater in CS:S! That's a pro ability right?
  17. I too never posted a hello thread. Herro everyone. <3
  18. You currently have two applications open. You seem to be fairly active on our Tekkit server. Try and be active on our Teampseak server though so others can get to know you. I haven't seen you cause any problems so for now you get a +1. A: 7/10 M: 8/10
  19. I may not have much of a say here, or even the right to. But I feel as if you're trying way to hard to sound intelligent here. Your post comes off as completely arrogant to me. I almost wanted to correct every grammatical error and post the results on here. There is a time to have a business tone and a time to have a relaxed tone. This is not a business, I don't like reading some try hard trying to sound smart. Lets get down to it though, I don't know what school you have been to but I know for damn sure that when I was in K-12 that when assigned a paper if we plagiarized we were imminently given an F for the assignment. That continues in college, except for the fact that if I were to plagiarize in college I'd be thrown out. So the comment about the American school system was way off base. Also, with technology today most teachers can submit the paper to an online database that checks the paper across the whole internet for anything that may have been directly quoted with no credit given. I agree with Jaybreezy here. If you honestly cared, you should have revamped the rules before putting them up. This argument wouldn't even be going on if that had happened.
  20. When I say Mass Fabricators, I mean mass. I made 22 of them on our Tekkit server and placed them down. I lined them all up neatly and set my glass fibre cables between them all. It was at this point I hooked my two MFSU's into the line of cables. Boy was that a mistake. So remember kids just because it's possible to power 22 Mass Fab's doesn't mean it should be done. Your game will crash, and you will have a bad time. In all seriousness though, our Tekkit server is growing more than I thought it would. We need a better server provider once we get the shop and donation items in place. I know we have complained about it a lot but, it's almost to that point where we need it. Jewmad, I think we should up our advertising if we are able to get a better host (if that's what the problem even is, not sure how MC servers work). @@WhyJewMad @@Mythic
  21. Edit: +1 Has increased activity. Would make a nice addition to the clan. A:8/10 (I see him on most of them I am on now.) M:8/10 (Never had a problem with him really, or rather a serious problem.)
  22. THAT'S MA BOI BLUE! In all seriousness though, these skins are pretty god dang awesome. I almost want to donate for them.