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Everything posted by John

  1. John

    Would you rather...

    Ooo la la! @@DarkWolf6052
  2. John

    New tekkit?

    Why is it not Tekkit Classic...?
  4. I checked console, you attacked the T's that were standing there in the line. It hit them. So I day banned you. It's only a 1 day ban anyways.
  5. Chrono, as the Division Leader of CS:GO I thought you'd know the MOTD a little better. Also, I like to think I play the game pretty well anyways. Please go read the MOTD once more. Quoted STRAIGHT FROM THE CS:S MOTD "You MUST ASK THE WARDEN to go hunt rebels unless you PHYSICALLY SEE THEM REBEL." Also, I'm an admin. Not a mod. I know the MOTD pretty amazingly. Next time, try not to attack people in your posts. It makes you look like a pompous asshole. Edit: I only punish people for what's in the MOTD. Forest said it was a rule that we must physically see them rebel as we were ALL TAGGED IN THE POST. Edit 2: I'd also like to clarify. I wasn't complaining about anything here. I pointed out that having CT's just immediately go rebel hunt as soon as the round starts is sort of...dumb. I rebel pretty well, so don't assume. It makes an ass out of you and me. You shouldn't generalize. Your attitude on here is getting pretty ridiculous. Try being friendly to people rather than shoving your opinion onto someone and thinking you are right. You have a "higher than thou" attitude and it gets rather old. Note: This isn't personally attacking you, I feel that you saying that all the new mods and players suck is sort of disrespectful. As I have stated so many times you seem to have a problem with anyone who is new to the clan, I don't exactly see why. You aren't more important or better than anyone here. @@Forest @@DarkWolf6052 @@Gkoo @@HighSociety @@PiNoYPsYcHo
  6. I don't see how I missed the point... anyways. It was my understanding that you couldn't rebel hunt even if they were unstacked and you could see a rebel. You still had to ask to rebel hunt. Admin "Rule changing" That's the link to the thread that involves rebel hunting as it stands right now. A little over half way down Forest posted about it, tagging all staff members.
  7. John


    "He's hung like Saddam Hussein" LOL'D.
  8. Oh wow this application has been open a long time. My vote is a 0 for now. You are active from what I can tell but I have never seen you on TeamSpeak. You have to be active on TeamSpeak. I'll tag some people since this has been open so long. @@MegaRobin @@StartNow @@Gkoo @@DarkWolf6052 @@Forest @@Kirito @@daddiodoug @@diabeetus @@PiNoYPsYcHo If you guys can think of anyone else who is active and might know him tag them. Also, I think this thread might be too old and he might need to re-apply.
  9. He has become more active on TeamSpeak. He's a pretty cool kid. I haven't seen you break many rules but I trust Diabeetus' judgement. However, I will +1 you. Under the circumstances that you call warden and show a clear understanding of the rules. You tried wardening this evening but cracked under pressure. It's understandable when everyones yelling but you just need to get control of the T's and get them to be quiet. If all else fails have them unstack shoulder to shoulder and say talk over warden rebel. A: 7/10 (Be a little more active please, you do play quite a bit from what I have seen. Like I said though you have been on TS more.) M: 8/10 (Pretty mature for his age. Never had problems from him, played some Bhop with him he was pretty cool.) So to recap +1 as long as you show a better understanding of rules.
  10. Oh I was unaware. Either way my decision is a 0. I haven't seen you but one time since you were 1 hour banned. Even then I'm not sure I'd +1 as I clearly stated in all chat every round if you touch the button it's a 1 hour ban.
  11. I'm not sure where I stand here. I would love to +1 this but, it's pretty stupid when you're rebelling and a CT who's just derping around stumbles across you. Sometimes the T in that situation doesn't have a gun because they didn't make it to armory or whatever the reason is. I do however like the idea of not needing permission to rebel hunt when I know there is a rebel. Decision, -1. Too many derps just walking around otherwise. I know the point is to rebel and it shouldn't be easy but, some maps are already hard enough to rebel on without a CT spotting you. Having the CT's just roaming around looking for you anyways just sucks.
  12. I agree with Daddio here. If we're going to shorten bans at least have a precedent as to not be unfair to people. 2 weeks should be the time shortened to.
  13. I think I did that ban. You're unbanned, that was like a week ago. It was only an hour ban... Also, this is member submission not ban protest.
  14. John

    Would you rather...

  15. +1 No reason to ban him if he left the group. Doesn't matter if he left for IG or not.
  16. Guys I still, I can't, what if, why did, what the. CRABMAN COME BACK. CRABMAN
  17. Recently while playing Jailbreak with the molotov plugin being broken, a few admins during the time agreed upon kicking anyone who typed the buy command. The reason was because it lagged the server when molotovs were spammed. The point being that someone who I won't name but can if it is needed, came in saying that Serbian told them on Skype that buying Moltovs was allowed. We could not conform nor deny that he said it. Therefore we continued handling kicks as such. This is merely an example. And of course they complained as such swearing that Serbian said they could use the command. The point of this thread is that, I think that if a higher up says something it needs to be relayed over teamspeak or via forums. At which point if it is a permanent change say to the MOTD that it should be UPDATED in the MOTD. At which point everyone should be made aware. So many times someone will get slain and will say "Oh such and such said that we can do that." It is getting to that point again where sometimes people don't know what's a rule and what isn't. So, basically the shortened version. Even though it says "Anything that is not in the MOTD is considered illegal unless an Admin says otherwise.", there needs to be clarification. There needs to be something in there stating that unless it is WRITTEN IN THE MOTD that is is not a rule. Because it seems people aren't understanding that. @@Forest @@DarkWolf6052 @@Gkoo I hope everyone follows what I am saying here. I am rather sleepy as I am writing this but it just came to me. If there needs to be anymore clarification let me know.
  18. Technically I mean, if you're scoped in staring at it, it's teleport camping. This is taken STRAIGHT FROM THE MOTD. "A CT or T cannot camp a teleport (neither the entrance nor the arival spot)." And that includes the typo in the MOTD. lololololol. It IS a teleport because of what it does. It is not a vent. Even though a T must knife the wall and break it to work.
  19. John

    Is Mega 13 or 23

    27 year old rapist*
  20. *mod. Also plenty of admins explain it in game. Honestly they should be slain for fucking staring into the vent cell with an AWP. It's kind of gay.
  21. I think he messed up with tagging @@Nick_K
  22. MegaRobin said he sounded like a squeaker. He talked on TeamSpeak, I thought he was a 27 year old rapist.
  23. Well Forest is a hard act to follow. I don't know any of your past therefore I can't really go into that. However, you have shown to be an ideal xG member. A:7/10 He is pretty active. I haven't played a lot lately so I can't be 100% sure if he plays all day or not. M:9/10 Never had problems out of him, or with him. Doesn't spam admin chat when freekilled. Doesn't make me hate my life. +1