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Everything posted by John

  1. +1 No one was going to donate 10 dollars for hub access anyways.
  2. It's funny Abraham because Christians don't get killed in mass. I mean...
  3. Forest is always agreed with on everything on these forums. Anyone noticed? I agree with you though Forest, sometimes we all make rash decisions. We all have messed up in life and did something we didn't mean to. He at least apologized and was given his member status back. Don't see why anyone has anything negative to say. At least he didn't bandwagon leave and then bandwagon rejoin...
  4. So is this rule now in play? Earlier today there was confusion as to if it was or not. Just want to make sure I enforce the rules correctly.
  5. +1 I've seen him playing recently. I hardly remember him from when I started playing xG Jailbreak but, he has been very mature lately(Going off Chrono saying you had attitude problems.) A: 9/10 (I see him on a lot really so..) M: 8/10 (Haven't had any problems from him, even when I accidentally banned him... D: )
  6. I agree with Forest. If they can warden properly and aren't annoying and immature then I don't honestly care. But this was mainly pointed at Puppyluv I am sure. Like Diabeetus said, talk to Silence. We can't tell her to stop talking. She slays herself when she messes up and probably wouldn't even do a bad job if people weren't such dicks to her when she uses the mic. Same with all younger players really...except Harry. Harry just.....
  7. John


    Well it's very sad to see you go. I think these people have blown this completely out of the water. I don't blame you for leaving but it's still very sad to see you go. Good luck buddy, stay in touch. (Still sad that people who fucking troll get you banned for trolling, MAKES SO MUCH SENSE.) @@DerpO_o, don't be a rude asshole, gtfo.
  8. I don't want to sound rude or anything here but couldn't it just be that Rabid is mad because Darkwolf banned him? I don't know what even happened here but, if they were spamming on mic there should be some provided recordings. Now the Text from Mythic is unacceptable. However, if they're honestly so upset over this they need to remember this is the internet. But remember folks, you're representing the clan at all times. Act classy.
  9. +1 Best evidence I have ever seen.
  10. @@Forest is a genius. A GENIUS.
  11. +1 Played with him a lot recently. Good guy. Would be nice to have him back in xG. A: 7/10 (Has been on quite a bit lately.) M: 9/10 (Except when drunk. lol)
  12. Nigga nigga nigga nigga nigga nigga nigga, Why do you call yourself a nigga? Nigga nigga nigga nigga nigga nigga nigga, cause I'm a motherfucking nigga. We should have a poetry day in CS:S where we do excerpts from this song.
  13. +1 Be active on Teamspeak, we don't bite. Good player, knows rules. A: 8/10 (I see this person on Minecraft all the time :D) M: 8/10 (Never had bad reports about you)
  14. John

    A dumb rule.

    Well, I don't want Aaron punished or anything. He was going off of what he thought was right. I don't care that he slayed me. I just think we need a revised MOTD and that any "new rule" should be brought to everyone's attention. Also, it should be in the MOTD that if a rule isn't in the MOTD then it can't be slain for. Even if a co-leader or whoever declares it as a rule in a thread.
  15. Well as long as the people who deserve to be banned stay banned. Then I think unbanning their members should so us no harm. So a yes for unbanning the members.
  16. Plagiarism is a major thing. I know it sounds dumb but, this wouldn't have happened if they had been creative and came up with their own rules and their own handbook. Not trying to be hostile but, it's true. I never liked in school when people copied my work, or cheated off me during a test. They should have also handled themselves better on the forums. That post turned into one big mess with their Leader trying to sound smart and sound superior to us which rubbed me completely the wrong way. Edit: My vote is a no. I might change my mind but, I still think what they did was wrong.
  17. John

    A dumb rule.

    Being out of cell... That's the thread on it. I was slain by ItsAaron for killing the two T's.
  18. So it has come to my attention that according to an admin that if we say out of cell rebel and a T is out of their cell we have to order them back. We can't kill them or it's a freekill. I have NEVER heard of this rule or seen it in the motd. I was slain for killing two t's going for the cell button as I said it. Apparently "people have been slain for it." Which I have NEVER seen people slain for this. I was linked to the post about this new "rule" while making this thread post. So, we need a new MOTD so people can stay current on the rules. I'm tired of there being threads about these rules and no one is made aware of them. @@DarkWolf6052 @@Forest @@Gkoo
  19. +1 witnessed one of the incidents in game.
  20. Please remember everyone you need to follow the guidelines set in order for your vote to count. Be specific in your reasoning. My weigh in: 0 You tend to rage about anything. We want to give you a chance. Just be the better person when someone starts things with you. Don't spam admin chat, our lives are hectic enough without the spam. A: 7/10(Pretty active when he doesn't rage quit.) M: 6/10 (Work on the raging to us in admin chat.)
  21. I started around August but didn't make an account till December....
  22. John

    Me and DL

    I like the spawn. It's pimpin. Is there a way we could potentially copy pasta this spawn to Tekkit in the future?
  23. +1 I completely agree with this. Nothing is worse than having 3 or 4 ct's not with T's because they are supposedly looking for rebels.
  24. John

    Quick Question

    So if we leave the clan and rejoin we automatically get our old position back...or?
  25. Alright so, I did rage in my previous post. I would like to start off with how to fix our tekkit server. I recently played on a tekkit server that was Tekkit Factions Townie. It was perfect. It was AMAZING. It made our server look like SHIT. But that's mainly because our tekkit is going down the drain. Recently without consulting anyone a Division Leader banned Mark 1 collectors. For anyone who plays Tekkit you understand that these are the number one way to make EMC. I never much cared that Mark 2 and Mark 3 Collectors were banned. They are pretty overpowered. Banning Mark 1's is the last straw. I have had non stop people complaining to me that they are now banned. Red Matter and Dark Matter are banned, ALL RINGS are banned. Gem armor is banned. Fucking mining lasers are banned. AUTOMATIC CRAFTING TABLES. I was fine with all of these at first but now....now it's just all stupid. The server needs to be turned around and fast. If you want donations and want people to play on our servers and donate. Stop banning all the good items. There is no point to even play on our server at this point. I almost don't even want to play our Tekkit anymore, and I love our servers. So TL;DR. Make the server into Tekkit Factions Townie all in one. Make a shop involving in game cash that people can donate for.