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Everything posted by John

  1. The M249 is accurate while crouched, not while moving around. It's good and bad at the same time. The TMP is the ultimate last CT gun.
  2. It used to be the M249, It's much more worse than you think.
  3. Change it to they only get a glock.
  4. Wasn't this discussed a long time ago? Hiding that used to be the case, if you let one t go to medic, they all had to go. But then there was a thread I think where favoritism is allowed up until last CT. I understand it's shitty but it makes things a lot easier sometimes.
  5. I didn't kick you from the TeamSpeak channel. You'd need to check TeamSpeak for that. However, I wish I had saved the harassment you started on me in Dark's channel. Don't play innocent here. I slayed you for camping, which can be confirmed by @@orangejuice. The slay was valid, then you cried abuse which it wasn't. Then what unfolded in the imgur links happened. Last I checked I don't need to type out a valid reason for your kick. The reason was you continued on in admin chat after I warned you with the gag. @@Hidingmaster @@Gkoo @@DarkWolf6052 @@Forest @@serbiansnaga I'm not sure if there's a way to see chat logs in teamspeak but if you can then you can see his continue harassment in TeamSpeak. I closed the conversation before screencapping it.
  6. John


    Stop having a life.
  7. Also, please #close. As it has been stated that this is not allowed.
  8. Thank you @@Forest and everyone else. @@xShadowSpyx they have spoken.
  9. @@GanjaMonster tagging because he brought it up that they may have been freekills. At least I think he did. I don't exactly remember who said it. Edit: Derp, didn't see his reply up there. From what was said on TeamSpeak it sounded like you did in fact freekill people still on his spray. I personally did not see what happened so I can't give a good assessment of the situation. It sounded like you may have also shot into the stack unintentionally as well. Honestly, sometimes you just have to use better judgment on when you should and should not kill in mass. Unless of course you do as Matsi suggests and run a demo all the time. I'm not saying that you should just let them get away with it either. Just use good judgement. I am staying at a 0 for this. I do however agree with the week CT ban in this situation. Unless you can provide proof for an unban I'm sorry, at least it is only a week. And, in the future, let people make their own ban protests. Unless there is some reason they can't make it on their own, it's their appeal to make. Not anyone else's.
  10. This has been brought up with the new reblling rule. As many know, you can choose race and then choose another !lr. However, it is now been asked if a T can place the race points and then rebel. I am in the middle I can see how it's considered !lr'ing, and how it's considered not. @@DarkWolf6052 @@Gkoo @@Hidingmaster @@Forest @@orangejuice @@xShadowSpyx @@GanjaMonster @@serbiansnaga
  11. Well, I have quite honestly never seen that enforced as a tarp. They might as well be the same thing. T's should know what the warden means when the order is given. But, before I was a moderator I did hear admins say if they corrected themselves it was fine. Warrior is sort of right... They aren't the same. But they are considered the same.
  12. John


    -1 This is no reason to kick someone from the clan. In the future, kick him/silence him/blacklist him. There are ways to deal with that situation. This is in no way a valid reason to make a member protest. On a side note. Epix, wards are what make the world go round in League. Please top lane with no ward. Please support with no ward. See how quickly things go south. Even mid lane can be a tad bit crazy without a ward, depends on your champion, your lane opponent, and their jungle.
  13. @@Hidingmaster @@DarkWolf6052 @@Gkoo Also, apparently there's a limit to how soon you can post. Sorry for the spam gents, just trying to bring attention to things for you guys. And to clean up the unimportant babble as well.
  14. @@DarkWolf6052 @@Hidingmaster
  15. @@Hidingmaster @@DarkWolf6052
  16. Honestly, I find it best to just announce I am rebel hunting either way. It covers you if the T asks.
  17. If a T is ok with it we have no reason to CT ban the offender. If the T isn't ok with it, they need to let us know. I can't read minds, if I could well... @@Hidingmaster @@DarkWolf6052 @@Forest Yet another thread that is leading to nothing.
  18. @@DarkWolf6052 @@Hidingmaster Can someone close this. This thread serves no purpose as I clearly stated the T's were delaying and thus rebels. Therefore the CT's did not intentionally bait.
  19. DMs dont handle that sort of stuff Yeah what she said! It isn't the DM's job to deal with the server things. That's the DL's job.
  20. WHY WASN'T I TAGGED. BE GONE! And he joined some other clan. GG.
  22. I remember this. I'm fairly certain I didn't slay them because both t's were delaying and could have been killed. There was no reason to slay them. I remember you messaging me about baiting, but I thought you were referring to something else. Remember there's no reason to just slay them if it was an accidental bait like shown here. The T's did delay from what I can tell. Edit: Accidental baits happen. There was no reason to just slay the CT's because a t delayed.
  23. This thread. Went from good, to people thinking they know shit. GG. @@Hidingmaster good luck with college and work.