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Everything posted by John

  1. Getting this message through will do nothing unless you do something about it. Or urge your division leaders/managers to do something about it. This is the 6th (?) one? It's such a joke now that people do it for fun and get unbanned. It's easy. All we need to do is set a date that. Once it reaches that date we will no longer accept any ban protests for an intentional mass freekill. I feel it should be this way already but, how fair is to leave him banned when we unban others who do the same.
  2. John

    You wouldn't happen to go by Dracolisk by chance would you?
  3. John

    Metal Thread

  4. Or the fact that we've unbanned people before for mass freekills.
  5. Once again, if I'm not mistaken this was discussed in a thread a long time ago. I am fairly certain that Poncher said favoritism was allowed all the way until last CT hits.
  6. John

    The Usual

    Because you like men.
  7. You won't get demoted for being gone four days hahah.
  8. +1 I'll accept him right now. Love this guy. Was a perfect moderator. M:10/10 A:10/10 +1 @@DarkWolf6052 @@Gkoo @@Hidingmaster @@Forest @@serbiansnaga
  9. @@DarkWolf6052 @@Gkoo @@Hidingmaster
  10. John

    CT bans.

    Another one of the reasons why it should remain how it is though. In some situations, it is extremely hard to determine whether or not something was intentional or unintentional. This is why we have Ban Protests, to weed them out. The offending CT can plead their case as to why they did what they did, and then Staff can determine whether or not to reduce the ban or keep it as is. Alright then perhaps we could make it a flat 2 week CT ban if proven accidental in their ban protest?
  11. John

    CT bans.

    I already only ban people for 1 week when they unintentionally freekill more than 2 people because I'm not stupid and I have that thing called common sense... you should try and get some :) Matsi that's called abuse. We have set times we are required to ban them for. That's not exactly common sense. Freekilling 3 t's is a mass freekill and is a permanent CT ban. No less. @@Hidingmaster @@DarkWolf6052 @@Gkoo
  12. John

    CT bans.

    In light of recent events. This is for discussion for the CS:S community. I want all of your input. We currently CT ban permanently for 3 freekills. However, I think permanently banning people who UNINTENTIONALLY mass freekill is a waste of a perfectly good CT. Most of us have made a mistake and been ct banned before. You know how it feels to be CT banned for messing up. I propose that we change the length of an UNINTENTIONAL mass freekill to 2-3 weeks. This would save us the trouble of having to just unban the people who mess up. Whether you +/-1, give a reason. Give your opinion. If you think it should work some other way tell me.
  13. Forest pretty much sums it up. Staff members aren't perfect. Try and keep a level head when things happen. Just remember, you can always ask in admin chat. If you would have brought it to me I could have handled it. However, I was alive and couldn't see dead chat.
  14. He has been banned for almost 3 months now, on the 9th it will be. Honestly, I'd say reduce the ban to a month. If he masses again intentionally we can ban him again and then leave it at that. We have unbanned others for the same thing and they intentionally freekilled. No balls'd still may be the dumbest reason ever for mass freekilling but this is no different than any other intentional mass. +1 to reduce ban to a month.
  15. Actually he said "Wow this fucking new mob is bad. Fucking freeslays" That isn't disrespect.... you're all fucking badmins! Fucking Freegags! If he found it to be disrespectful which it was, then he can gag. Also, not to mention the fact he started disrespecting more once the round started over voice chat. But once again, it's better to ask why they killed you rather than just slay them. Unless you are absolutely sure it was a freekill.
  16. I agree with Hidingmaster. To keep it fair make it 3-4 weeks. As he stated most people wait. I was going to wait originally but I figured I might as well post it now and if it was agreed on make it a reduced ban by any amount of time.
  17. Alright. Well, it was a freeslay. Which he gave himself the proper punishment for. However, from what he told me you were disrespecting him for the slay. Accidents do happen. I understand you got upset but, don't take it out on him. I muted you once the round started because you started yelling at him some more. I was unaware he had gagged you previously for the disrespect so he kicked you for continued disrespect. If the gag was valid then the kick was valid. I wasn't dead to see dead chat so I can't exactly weigh in on that. @@Kirigaya_Kazuto in the future ask them first why they killed you. Unless you are certain beyond a reasonable doubt that it was a freekill. I understand things happen, sometimes we mess up. Overall -1 for abuse. @@Halfbaked Next time just calmly ask why you were slayed. Or ask in admin chat so a higher up could properly handle it. Edit; Chat logs show you calling him a "fucking new mod" you disrespected. Gag was valid, kick was valid.
  18. Division: Counter-Strike: Source In-Game Name: xG:DM | John Wilkes Booth Steam ID: STEAM_0:0:12099893 Information: Never thought I'd have to make one of these. The map was Canyondam and we were doing the number line wall. The warden had put the number 7 into CT chat to die and then soon after put the number 4. However, I didn't hear over the T's yelling that we were redoing the game. Thus meaning only number 4 was supposed to die. This isn't for an immediate unban. This is for a shortened banned. Only 3 t's died in the process. And I of course banned myself. It was an honest mistake as many of you know I wouldn't just mass for the hell of it. @@Kirigaya_Kazuto was there. He can vouch that it was an accident and not an intentional mass freekill.
  19. Yeah, I'm going to go ahead and close this... He more then likely won't be unbanned because of his actions. -Closed
  20. This would be so much easier to leave at a -1. I understand it's fun in say death soccer, or with chairs. However, people will try and door more often, and yes one major example of a mass teamkill would be on Parabellum. I'm sure it's really been covered as to why this should not be implemented. Edit: Or if you guys want to give it a test run and see how well the community responds to it being implemented we can. It wouldn't be too hard to just reverse it if there is too much negative feedback @@Forest @@Gkoo @@DarkWolf6052 @@Hidingmaster If you guys like the idea of giving it a try we can just review it later to see if it should be permanent?