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Everything posted by John

  1. Purple. If ratings bother you that much, you might want to take a break from the internet. Look at my rating. Thanks to @@Hidingmaster and a few others it's a massive red bar. It means absolutely nothing. Don't take things so personally on the internet. We are here to have fun, not get ban requests over something so minuscule.
  2. Quick find more -1's! For the record that wasn't an actual, or even valid -1. Just so no one gets booty bothered.
  3. Why is MegaRobin so gay?
  4. If I yolo -1... how upset would this guy be?
  5. My only concern with Minesweeper is that it should be limited to how many CT's can spray their spray. If there are say 10 CT's then with the variation of spray sizes they could cover an entire area so the T's couldn't get through. I haven't read the replies to this thread. If this was already covered I am sorry. @@Forest
  6. I took a much needed break from games and such. I didn't post a going on a break thread. Hope all is well in the clan. I know a few of you didn't like me before I left but I hope we can work around all of the problems. Anyways, It's good to be back. I have missed a lot of you greatly.
  7. Ok so to sum this up, you were delaying. Ct thought you were, shot you once. You slayed him. This is the end of my argument. You are so set in your mind that you weren't delaying but you were. Edit: FREESHOOTING ISN'T OK. I am saying that the reason the CT shot you was perfectly valid. If a CT shoots you to 4hp or a ridiculous amount on purpose, slay his ass. And of course freeshooting multiple people is slayable. Freeshooting isn't even defined in the MOTD but I guess it'll need to be now. Accidental freeshooting happens.
  8. Shadowspy once again taking things out of context, you were trying to say that you and another mod were right and that you could count the freeshooting rule. The context I used "I'm a DM" in was that me and Aaron were saying you were wrong for slaying the CT and I also meant for trying to make up the rule on the spot. HE DIDN'T SHOOT YOU INTENTIONALLY.
  9. I didn't say mass freeshooting was fine. One freeshot is fine, he didn't do it intentionally.
  10. Freeshooting multiple people is of course slayable. How many people freeshoot on a daily basis, I don't see you going slay happy when they get freeshot.
  11. Freeshooting isn't mentioned in the MOTD. I was speccing the CT who shot you, the reason he shot you was because he thought you were delaying. That's how it looked to me. Either way, he shot you a GRAND TOTAL OF ONE TIME. He didn't walk up to you with a gun and just SHOOT YOU. He shot you for what he thought was a valid reason. Freeshooting more than 2 t's should count as a valid slay obviously. The CT who shot you doesn't generally break rules, I believe that you did freeslay.
  12. That wasn't how it was worded in the MOTD, that's why I tagged everyone to let them know.
  13. Those are just my ideas. I want to hear what other people have to say and their ideas.
  14. Closing, hasn't been a month since leaving. You can re-apply on June 23rd. Stick around though you are a cool kid.
  15. A lot of people have been talking about the way permanent bans are handled. It's time we discussed this. @@DarkWolf6052 @@Gkoo @@PiNoYPsYcHo @@HighSociety I think we should change the permanent ban for freekilling 3 t's. First offense should be a week ct ban, second offense a month ct ban, 3rd offense permanent ct ban. If they freekill 5+ t's then it should immediately be a permanent CT Ban. Now, I believe the only time anyone should then be allowed to protest a ban is if it was a wrongful ban or they wait at least 2 months at which point they could possibly have only TWO ATTEMPTS at reversing the ban. ALSO, IF they do get unbanned if they are permanently CT banned again it won't be able to be protested. Now for a permanent server ban, they should have to wait 2 months at the least. Unless it was a wrongful ban. After that 2 months they have only 1 attempt to protest the ban. (Remember permanent server bans are MAINLY for serious matters, but generally for mass freekillers who leave and never return.) These are just my ideas. I would like to have some community input from everyone. Please don't just -1 or +1 with no reason. I want to hear what you all think on this topic.
  16. @@Warriorsfury Because this way everyone knows. GG fite me. It's really because quite a bit of people were confused about it so I made sure to make it clear to everyone. Also tired of people saying you bent the rules however you wanted, which you didn't.
  17. @@Gkoo @@PiNoYPsYcHo @@DarkWolf6052 @@Hidingmaster @TheLostCause @@Jordozombie @@Warriorsfury @@Wing @@diabeetus @@snakeboyeric @@DeathGod @@Unit12p @@Chrono @ShdowSpy @@Cristo @@Gawd @@orangejuice @@Sporky @@ItsAaron @@arvelez @@Forest @@MegaRobin @@TheAlpha31 @@Hellafun13 @@DrPepperPhreak @@WhyJewMad @@Superkiller67 @@JINGS @Vector @@Kirito @@Phantom @@Black_Rock @@Sep0h @@SonicRainbow @@daddiodoug @@HighSociety -Last because YOLO
  18. T's can throw grenades but if they damage a CT they can be killed. WARDEN CAN NOT RESTRICT GRENADES FOR T'S IN ANY WAY. Ct's can not throw Flash or Smoke grenades UNLESS IT'S A WARDAY. The rule was recently changed to read a different way and was causing confusion. However, 3 DM's agreed and this is now the new rule. DO NOT DISCUSS WARRIOR IN ANY WAY HERE. He was given permission by darkwolf and myself yesterday to edit the rule to what it was.
  19. Alright here's my real input. Echo was a good admin, except sometimes when he was COMPLETELY STONED. I would support reducing the ban to a month or two. It isn't really up to us, it's mainly up to serbian and silence.
  20. Division: Counter-Strike: Source In-Game Name: Your mom Steam ID: STEAM_0:1:33324700 Information: This is a ban protest for former admin, Echo. He mass free smited resulting in a permanent ban.
  21. Closing this thread, you kids are watarded. Thread is turning into flame war about Warrior. The DM's will discuss this rule later today hopefully. ~CLOSED.