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Everything posted by John

  2. He's Mega Robin. Check admin list. :D
  3. Darkwolf, please don't make replies that long. Sheesh. You think I'm going to read all of that?!?!??!
  4. lol'd Took me a second, then I remembered. GG.
  5. Hmm. Although he is annoying at times. Honestly, I think a month or two month ban would do. He plays regularly even if he did avoid a ban...
  6. I just started my college courses. My activity might be less than normal. Be warned. @@Hidingmaster @@DarkWolf6052 @@Gkoo Please don't demote me fegs.
  7. John


  8. It's only gay when balls touch. That's why you were slain. Console was trying to save Diabeetus.
  9. John


    +1 for either ban. Just do it.
  10. @@Hidingmaster Excuse me. I was on, and handling it.
  11. John


    WOAH WOAH WOAH. We only day ban for free nades. I thought it was only four or something like that. I accidentally free naded like 6 t's once and only got ct banned for a day.
  12. I don't believe those are good reasons to -1. However, they can do what they'd like. +0 From me, I don't know you too well. If you are active and mature I'm sure this will turn into a +1.
  13. +0 Haven't had problems out of you. Also, we don't allow double clanning if WFR is a clan. Please try and CT more so I can tell if you know the rules or not. A:7/10 M:??/10
  14. Matsi it's not really our job to teach them the MOTD. We enforce rules, and warn people. Telling them what they did wrong was all we need to do.
  15. +0 You have times where you're mature. And then you have times where you go full retard or something. A:9/10 M:??/10
  16. John


    You can kill until lr... If everyone's a rebel that is. Which they would have been. If he clearly emphasized GO then I think he was in the right. Unless you didn't give a time to do so by... In the future use your best judgement though. If no one's doing the orders just say go again or tell them they should be doing this, or what have you. @@Hidingmaster @@Gkoo @@GanjaMonster @@DarkWolf6052
  17. John


  18. John


    Actually, I double spaced, 12 fonted and times new romaned. Get fucked kid. ALSO, HERE ARE SOME CORRECTIONS. HOW YOU GOT INTO COLLEGE I'LL NEVER FUCKING KNOW. Once upon a time there was a server that needed something to make it fun again. However, the glorious leader had no time on his hands to add something that the server once had. But, one day a bored member thought it would be a good idea to ask ever so nicely to get this plugin added back in. This fantastic member even had to go as far as saying he would write a fourteen page essay to get the plugin added back in. So, fantastic member did just that. I present to you the fourteen page essay that was written so we can get the bombs plugin put back into the best server in the world. I don’t really know where to start with this, but whatever. Am I right? Anyway, it was a hell of a long day at work today; I got in at nine in the morning and left shortly before ten at night. I don’t have room to complain especially since I said I would stay there after my shift was over. Anyway I have to get up at six in the morning tomorrow, on my day off. I volunteered to come in that early, stupid decision. Hopefully I get off before noon, but, I need to money for rent, women, and more women. Jokes on me, I can’t even pay for women to date me. Good game Hidingmaster good game. It’s tough to work two jobs and go to school. I decided to go with a triple major, minor and certificate. I may just be crazy, but nobody has proven it yet. School starts in less than a week and that absolutely sucks big monkey bananas. Silence is currently trying to be as annoying as possible, "I asked you what server and you said CS:S". Really? IT’S FOR JAILBREAK, WHY THE FUCK WOULD I WANT BOMBS IN MINIGAMES? This kid is something else sometimes. By the way, I don’t think some of you give silence the appreciation he deserves. He does do quite a lot for the server but most of you complain when something goes wrong. By all means, there’s nothing wrong with complaining, but hot damn some of you never stop. I don’t know how he puts up with it sometimes. Silence is 150 pounds, 5'8", just for the record. Kbshooter your girlfriend got a seven out of ten too. From me that’s not bad, because my standards suck. Not even page two because damn, I’m running out of ideas fast. Just kidding haha, nothing about me runs. I guess I’m just out of ideas, like food. I go through food like no other. I eat like a 400 pound man but still only weigh 175. When I get to be twenty-five or thirty I’ll be one scary filled out man, BE AFRAID. So because I don’t have Word on my new desktop I have you use sub-par WordPad. This sucks to use. It doesn't even separate the pages. It’s just a long ass document without any separations. How am I supposed to know what page I’m on? Well, page two I guess. @@Hidingmaster Get schooled!
  19. +1 Cool kid, active on JB. He knows the rules. I haven't seen you on TeamSpeak though, try and be active on there. Of course, I may not have seen you because I afk in my room muted. lol A:9/10 M:8/10
  20. John


    That server then gained a John Wilkes Booth instead of bombs. And then the abuse commenced. Edit: Hiding it's a page and a quarter. You've failed us.
  21. I sort of agree and disagree, but I did vote yes. I think the shortened MOTD is a BRILLIANT idea. HOWEVER, there should be something added in like "Please do not warden, or kill T's if you think you do not understand the FULL MOTD." And by killing I mean on specific days, or FRLR or what have you. I think adding that little bit in MIGHT help out. @@Forest Edit: To further clarify. I think it may have been stated. New players read the basic MOTD and probably just skim, missing the link for the detailed MOTD. Then when they freekill/tarp/mess up somehow, we then get blamed because "ermagherd it wasn't in the MOTD."
  22. -1. You mass freekilled on a no balls. Nope.
  23. Wasn't it said somewhere that you can't -1 for asking for +1's?
  24. Is that your Steam Id? I don't see any bans listed under that Steam ID.