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  1. Agree
    John got a reaction from Shadow1226 in Peppermint - Counter-Strike: Source   
    +1 For anyone who didn't know Mike HATED Dirty Dan/Pepperment and even said in TeamSpeak he'd permanently ban him if he messed up again. I'm not sure why he didn't server ban him but he clearly abused and banned him for the wrong amount of time. Even if Dirty Dan messed up. It's not his fault if the warden messes up or confuses people. If you were in this situation you would want unbanned.
  2. Winner
    John reacted to Rhododendron in This Weekend Will Be Eventful   
    I know why she didn't do it:
  3. Agree
    John reacted to serbiansnaga in Congratz To Xeno Gamers   
    ITT: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5yC7HwPh6Es
  4. Winner
    John reacted to Pepper in Congratz To Xeno Gamers   
    You are going down the wrong road if you start disrespecting charrax. He may have left but he still has his friends in xG so I would watch what you say. Also trying to start shit with his new clan is probably the most retarded thing I have ever heard. He has no problems with xG. You are the most retarded member that has ever been scrapped of the bottom of xG shoes. Scumbag is probably the best word to describe you Duplo. So I am going to suggest you refrain from posting on the forums again before you get yourself perm'd again. GG kiddo.
  5. Winner
    John reacted to Warriorsfury in Congratz To Xeno Gamers   
    Congratz! Your getting banned and this thread is getting locked!
    Also congratz again your not getting unbanned from gmod!
  6. Optimistic
    John reacted to Princess_Celest in Congratz To Xeno Gamers   
  7. Agree
    John reacted to DerpO_o in Congratz To Xeno Gamers   
    Wow Duplo you reached a new low. You really made a new account hoping that people will forget the insufferable asshole named Duplo. Good job. You really outsmarted us by getting the links to our stuff! I bet you think that Charrax said he was a pro coder who new everything about lua. Well, your wrong! People learn more about coding by asking others. You also think you can lie by saying you got banned for constant rule breaking and for being extremely annoying. We got constant complaints every time you joined the server.
    Note: We don't ban bronies as soon as they join the servers, we ban them if they are being obnoxious.
    Good job Duplolas, you made yourself look even more stupider!
  8. Disagree
    John reacted to Duckii in xG scumbag/arvelez   
    Here's a tip! Download league maps before hand! doesn't that sound like a great idea?
  9. Like
    John got a reaction from Leotekk in Game - Counter-Strike: Source   
    Hey Game as a Division Manager in a clan that we already ban on site with tags. Don't you sort of think that this will not get you unbanned?
    Edit: Oh and I forgot, -1.
  10. Agree
    John reacted to MuffinMonster in Peppermint - Counter-Strike: Source   
    Also hasn't been a month yet.
  11. F!$k Off
    John reacted to xGShadowSpy in Mythic - Counter-Strike: Source   
    Third Chance*
  12. F!$k Off
    John reacted to Tsuchikure in Mythic - Counter-Strike: Source   
    lol -1
    you did so many annoying things and it all led up to you being stupid enough to do a no-balls !slay @all (or something)
    You spammed your mic, you trolled, you troll on TS as far as i know too. You hardly do anything to help and are an overall annoyance to me and other people.
    (this is why i said don't let these hoes buy pmod!)
  13. F!$k Off
    John got a reaction from MuffinMonster in Mythic - Counter-Strike: Source   
    He wasn't a paid mod when he did this. He was a moderator. @ShdowSpy
  14. F!$k Off
    John got a reaction from MuffinMonster in Mythic - Counter-Strike: Source   
    +1. All I see here is a bunch of try hards. He smited at all. You know how many times I have seen higher ups that aren't co-leaders smite @all? Reportedly Warrior smited at all last night. So apparently if you get good with the community and get a higher rank you can smite at all and no one gives a fuck? I don't see the problem with unbanning him.
  15. F!$k Off
    John reacted to Forest in Mythic - Counter-Strike: Source   
    Alright so, here's the deal. Whenever something like this is done, it almost entirely depends on the context, scenario, motives and etc. Before going any further, I am going to say now that the Cons heavily outweigh the Pros.
    First, From what I heard, this was done upon a "No-balls" request, and because of that, it already isn't looking good. This isn't something like killing a T upon "No-balls" request, not only was it considered a mass-freekill/teamkill, but it was also an abuse of power and rank.
    Second thing I will point out is that it was recorded and posted on YouTube. Normally that wouldn't be an issue, however it was being done on an xG server, with the offender wearing xG tags, so not only does this give our Server a bad name, but it also gives our Community a bad name.
    Third, I understand that Sinly was given leniency when he did it, however he has been a long-time member who had done a great job as an Administrator in our CS:S Division. Also, don't think he got away scot-free, because he will never have the chance to achieve Staff Powers again, at least not in the CS:S Division. I will also point out that our CS:S Div Leader (@@HighSociety) carried out the ban, and he believed it warranted a 2 month period. In this case with Mythic, the ban was given out by our Leader (@autumn).
    My Fourth and final point. Recently, Mythic had intentionally trolled on TeamSpeak, and it wasn't even done on Our TS3 server. It was done on another TS3 server that had ex-xG members present during the time. This caused a demotion from Div to Member status, and after being discussed amongst our Co-Leaders, was given leniency in which Mythic kept a Moderator position and was allowed to remain an xG member. He was given a second chance to prove to us that he wasn't immature and could remain such a position. Now because something like this has happened, he has given enough proof that he is not ready for a position of power nor is he mature enough to handle something such as a "No-Balls" request.
    My final decision; I'm going to -1 the request to be unbanned. I am in no way saying this with any intention of Completely hindering any chance of Mythic being on our servers, but it is our responsibility to weigh the situation and decide whether or not it warrants an unban. I want everyone to be aware of the amount of Cons there is to Pros, and to consider what I have said before coming to a conclusion. I have Nothing against Mythic, I think he's a great guy, but when something like this happens, it's just not tolerable. Sorry buddy, but not this time.
    TL;DR - Being thorough is what is needed as a Higher-Up. If you Actually care about the subject at hand, then you'll take the time to read all this.
    - Dat guy, Forest
  16. F!$k Off
    John reacted to Warriorsfury in Mythic - Counter-Strike: Source   
    -1 Your annoying...
  17. Agree
    John reacted to nutellasoswag in Mythic - Counter-Strike: Source   
    +1 lmao, honestly yes this was a dick move but it's just a smite.
    It shouldn't have been perm.
    As in if he did something worse, etc. then yeah I would have said perm ban.
    But overall +1 to unban,
    I think the only reason he was permabanned was because no one likes him lmao but he's chill.
  18. F!$k Off
    John reacted to MrAwesome104 in Mythic - Counter-Strike: Source   
    -1 Mythic you should stay banned. You abused and did !smite @all. I dont see why people should unban you.
  19. F!$k Off
    John reacted to tree in Mythic - Counter-Strike: Source   
    the fuck did u have mod on css/csgo for, so bad
    even on gmod
  20. F!$k Off
    John reacted to MuffinMonster in Mythic - Counter-Strike: Source   
    Do you have proof that he did this? If you do lets ban him. I know you said "reportedly", but if there is a chance he didn't actually do it, why use that as a reason to +1?
  21. F!$k Off
    John reacted to Eden in Mythic - Counter-Strike: Source   
    He did it on purpose but why. It was immature of what you did, instead of !smite all you could have worked things out other wise. Doing it for "fun" is no reason because that is dumb. Idk its a hard decsion, personally I kinda liked you because you were fair and dealt with things accordingly but when I saw this I was shocked. Kinda hard to decide for this but I have come to the conclusion of -1. People say that xG is full of trolls and people who make it bad, and if we bring back those peoples it just makes it worse. Sorry man but Gl on getting back in.
    Thanks, Eden
  22. Agree
    John reacted to lEcho in Mythic - Counter-Strike: Source   
    sorry but I have to +1 cuz this kid has the biggest balls
  23. F!$k Off
    John reacted to Chrono in Mythic - Counter-Strike: Source   
    on top of that, sinly had been with the community for a long time, he was a long time admin, and had helped out where there were problems, he would get on just to admin the servers when nobody else was.
    -1 you were and are nothing but a nuisance.
  24. F!$k Off
    John reacted to MuffinMonster in Mythic - Counter-Strike: Source   
    You are seriously one of the most annoying and immature staff in the CSS division. You really fucked up when you slayed all.
  25. F!$k Off
    John reacted to WhyJewMad in Mythic - Counter-Strike: Source   
    You were given a position to be a leader, you went and trolled on other servers, got demoted. You were given a position to moderate, and be a role model, you abused that and got demoted. I think you need to think this through and finally realize that this clan will not accept your childish acts for YouTube views, then you should be unbanned and we can all play this game like it was intended to be played. -1 for unbanning, until you can act like a big boy when you fill big boy shoes.