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  1. Bad Spelling
    MrAwesome104 reacted to DaddioDoug in Change   
    ^^^^^^bitch dont rush me im not home at my computer (not untill thrusday) so i cant practice the c++ im learning
  2. Agree
    MrAwesome104 reacted to TheKingBaby in Change   
    I see abuse all the time with admins too, as you stated, they do not care about the clan. If we had people who knew how to code, how to get the word of xG out there, and who did it for free because they care about the clan, we would be thriving.
  3. Agree
    MrAwesome104 reacted to PapiChulo in Change   
    Without CS:S, xG would crumble. xG will continue to die as long as you promote staff that are not as interested in the clan. They're just interested in their rank. That and along with Silence not trusting anyone enough to allow them to actually run a division and have full access. Nothing will get done with Silence attempting to do everything. You need leaders and you have none. No one even cares about the clan anymore.
    CS:S will be, and continue to be, the main contributing division if you actually have someone to run its entirety.
    Edit: And will continue to crumble when you promote people solely on activity instead of their contributions and what they can bring to the clan. Division Leaders should actually be able to lead their divisions and run them. Teach them if its needed.
  4. Agree
    MrAwesome104 reacted to xGShadowSpy in Change   
    Without CS:S, xG would still run, but with CS GO and TF2 picking up, CS:S wont always be the "main" division anymore. Though i do hope things get better for xG, i dont see it happening soon.
  5. Agree
    MrAwesome104 reacted to Gkoo in Great Job   
    *cough* no one answers gkoo
  6. Creative
    MrAwesome104 reacted to LapisLazuli in Thanks for the fun.   
    So I'm leaving xG. A lot of you haven't seen my face so I decided to make a youtube video about why I'm leaving.
  7. Ding!
    MrAwesome104 reacted to Rhododendron in i dont even care about hub in css anymore   
    FINE I'll restart programming for it this tuesday (finished a large portion of bug fixes for tf2 jb) now leave me alone :C
  8. Agree
    MrAwesome104 reacted to JakeEnglish in Great Job   
    Silence might be a scumbag, but the owner of that website is an asshat. Trying to claim all of us are thieves is like trying to claim every black guy is a thug just because one of them stole my bike when I was little.
  9. Dislike
    MrAwesome104 reacted to serbiansnaga in North17 - Counter-Strike: Source   
    +1 now fuck off and leave me alone already
  10. Optimistic
    MrAwesome104 reacted to Gkoo in I am demoted lololol   
  11. Agree
    MrAwesome104 reacted to Chrono in Change   
    Amen to Jay's post prior to the 2 talking about daddio.
  12. Agree
    MrAwesome104 reacted to Jaybreeze in Change   
    listen daddio, i like you and all but over the past few weeks youve been saying youre gonna learn various coding algorithms. either learn them and put them to use, or stop talking out of your ass
  13. Agree
    MrAwesome104 reacted to xGShadowSpy in Change   
    Post about making ------> xG <-------- better, not CS:S better, yet you all respond with CS:S :/ . xG does not revolve around CS:S, sooner or later CS:S is going to die down, no matter what. CS:GO is going to pick up a majority of Counter Strike players moving to the next, newer game.
    Anyways, xG itself i don't see getting better unless we pick up some better people from the summer, or some of those people who favoritize/don't do their jobs/ don't deserve admin/ jerk off when we need something important done. When xG was good, it was because of the people in it, not the servers itself, we had fun people around the servers all the time back then, we had (in my opinion) better staff, and less xG drama which happens WAY TOO OFTEN and causes problems/people to leave xG.
    To make CS:S better, you need fun people on the servers, and stuff to catch someones attention and bring people back after playing (something like hub).
    TL;DR - This is a post about xG being better not just CS:S, we need fun people and better staff to improve xG, and to improve CS:S fun people and stuff to catch their attention (like hub).
  14. Agree
    MrAwesome104 reacted to House in Change   
    i think you coming back will fix a lot of problems. *cough* gmod is dead *cough*
    You still have a div leader *cough* xemnas *cough* who apparently isn't doing much.
    Honestly the only reason I'm still on these forums is for beetus and because I'm bored AF.
  15. F!$k Off
    MrAwesome104 reacted to Leotekk in It was fun   
    Well here it is xG JB is or was the only thing I really enjoyed playing but it's gotten boring the past month or so. I would hop on to awp/scout for a bit but eventually got boring. I might rejoin later in the summer when the servers get populated but for now I'm out it's been really fun when in xG.

  16. Like
    MrAwesome104 reacted to Forest in Rulebreakers beware.   
    Finally found a balance between my personal life and XenoGamers, so expect to see me far more active in the CS:S Division. Just thought I'd let everyone know! Let the good times rooooooooll.
    - Dat guy, Forest
  17. Disagree
    MrAwesome104 reacted to DaddioDoug in Hello from Adventureing   
    Welcome (CSS is better)
  18. F!$k Off
    MrAwesome104 got a reaction from Tsuchikure in Caretaker - Counter-Strike: Source   
    Let me tag some people for you @@Superkiller67 @@DarkWolf6052 @ShdowSpy @@SonicRainbow @@diabeetus @@MegaRobin
  19. Funny
    MrAwesome104 reacted to Pepper in Co   
  20. Agree
    MrAwesome104 reacted to Hidingmaster in Bad Mods making up rules.   
    You should read up on the thread before you talk out your ass, kid.

    Why does everyone find it necessary to provide some sort of smart ass comment to other people's replies. Again, wasn't really necessary. Obviously there is no definite answer on this rule, so why don't we all just calm down and figure that out. Being dicks to each other isn't mature.
    I think we need input from @@DarkWolf6052 @@Gkoo @@Chrono about this "rule". Is it really that hard to let something as simple as a freeslay (which by the way was in no way intentional, it was an ACCIDENT) go, and actually solve the problem?
  21. Agree
    MrAwesome104 reacted to MineCrack in JustSavage - Counter-Strike: Source   
    I don't think any of you guys realize to the full extent of what he did.
    He MASS freekilled on a popular clans server which is NEUTRAL/ALLIES with XenoGamers after the mass ban of members.
    Now, the neutral agreement between xG/HG has allowed players from both clans to enjoy servers from both clans. Not only that but if members were misbehaving on servers, co-leaders can contact higher ups from HG to take care of it. For example an HG member joined our server and attempt to DDoS it, lag began and he said some remark about it. Proof was handed to a co-leader then handed to a HG higher up, sure enough he was banned.
    What savage did was basically breaking the agreement regardless if he knows it or not. Even if he didn't he massfreekilled on that server with tags on, damage is still the same. Then he talks about some type of "war." All I can say to this ban protest is
  22. Smelly
    MrAwesome104 got a reaction from MineCrack in JustSavage - Counter-Strike: Source   
    +1 For Shortned banned.
  23. F!$k Off
    MrAwesome104 got a reaction from JustSavage in bye   
    Savage they wouldnt at first but maybe just maybe they would find out. Its like going onto HG's jailbreak and massing it will start shit
  24. Agree
    MrAwesome104 got a reaction from Princess_Celest in Harry - Counter-Strike: Source   
    http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5hfYJsQAhl0 @@Harry @@Harry @@Harry @@Harry +1 for longer ban
  25. Agree
    MrAwesome104 reacted to Jaybreeze in DayZ DL   
    this division is still going to be useless, its gonna be populated for like 2 weeks then fall off. i dont know why all of you are making a big deal about this