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Everything posted by John_Madden

  1. @@MuffinMonster needs someone to help him accepting new members *cough*
  2. +1 Good guy, would be good addition to xG
  3. +1 Active on servers, cool guy. :british:
  4. +1 Know the rules, active and mature. Hey look it's 5 +1's
  5. Seriously? @@MuffinMonster its been nearly a week since 5 +1's were acquired.
  6. +1 Active player and know the rules, would be good credit to team. A: 10/10 M: 9/10 5 proper vouches + @@Priggles irrelevant vouch = @@MuffinMonster
  7. How about a proper vouch with a reason. Member Submission Guidelines. (Read) | Xeno Gamers "I also would like to place some rules about vouching because it's difficult counting up on vouches because the confusing posts people have been posting, this includes when players -1without a good reason. And +1 based off of reasons insufficient with our means of proper vouching." - from posted link "How to properly vouch Here is where I'll explain how to vouch for a player, and what to do&not do. When vouching +1/-1s for any applicant - you should at least have these following reasons: Is he/she active? Or not. Does he/she listen to rules or admin directive when given? Or disrespect & break rules? Is he/she fun? Or way too obsessed with his/her scoreboard?"- from posted link
  8. +1 Active, knows the rules and is mature. A: 9/10 M: 9/10 :british:
  9. We did have an all-crits server (short lived though) it was fun but it's all up to Moofin @@MuffinMonster
  10. I don't think any JailBreak user is ever active on TeamSpeak huehue
  11. #promoteOriginstoadminnexttime2014
  12. -1 Immature and Trolls. Doesn't know what he's doing. M: -9000/10 A: -9000/10
  13. -1 no proof and the ban was for 5 minutes
  14. I just had to respond when I re-read the Original Post. I don't think xG recruits mods, its more along the lines of the following; Members who find their ways onto TeamSpeak, who eventually earn mod after some time because they have become trustworthy and are active on both the servers AND TeamSpeak (or paid for Mod/Admin). For example, I got mod because I had been active on most of the servers and had been active on TeamSpeak because several staff members told me to get on and join them in their room (the first time of course). Sure, you can gain mod from being active on only one server AND getting on TeamSpeak for 45 minutes to an hour everyday, but suggesting that in-game activity being the key factor and ignoring the TeamSpeak requirement is pushing it. Hell, even the Member Acceptance Message (Member Acceptance Message) that is posted when the thread is closed mentions the TeamSpeak requirement (it's the first thing on the list): "Want to get Moderator? There are a few ways to earn admin mod! 1. Be active on TeamSpeak! To download TeamSpeak click here and then click 'Download Here' and download the appropriate client for your OS. Then just install, follow the 'Easy Setup' guide, and finally, click 'Connections' and 'Connect' and enter 'voice.xenogamers.com' in the 'Server Address' field. 2. Be active on the forums! This is one of the best ways to get your voice heard in Xeno Gamers! 3. Be active on the servers! This shows that you are committed to the clan!" If you don't want to be alone on TeamSpeak, get other xG members to join you. Or join any channel (other than @@Warriorsfury room huehue) and talk. Some (if not the majority) of the TF2 staff hang out in the same room. Just join us, some of us might know you :D. TL;DR: Just get on TeamSpeak. Everyone from me to @@MuffinMonster will tell you the same.
  15. @@StarmiX I present this link to a thread posted by out glorious leader in regards to the divisions lack of staff: @@MuffinMonster Important! All TF2 division members read! Other than that, I have something to get off my chest directed towards JailBreakers: I have gone on the JB servers to tell xG members who are active on Jailbreak to get on TeamSpeak to hang out and come talk with us (and that being active on TeamSpeak might eventually lead to getting staff powers), their responses have been the following: - I have downloaded it but I don't want to get on. - Don't want to download TeamSpeak. - No one's ever on. - What room should I go into? - It sucks. - I'm on, can I get mod now? If you get active on TeamSpeak after a while you' might get mod. Maybe not immediately, but it starts the path. Also, realize that TeamSpeak is a better way to communicate than Steam Message or forcing us off of another server, another game, or from doing something else should you need any staff member on JailBreak servers. In short: Get active on TeamSpeak. If you don't want to get on TeamSpeak, then shut up about why you're not getting powers and lack of staff presence on Jailbreak servers. #OriginsisloveOriginsislife #ggjesus
  16. +1, because having 5 vouches is cool. Also active and knows the rules. @@MuffinMonster
  17. @@MuffinMonster close this, applicant is less than 14
  18. @@Bell @@GibusSniperPro read this so you can stop spamming emoticons and actually vouch properly Member Submission Guidelines. (Read)
  19. Find your SteamID by using steamidfinder.com
  20. +1 active on servers, knows the rules, would be good add to xG @@MuffinMonster
  21. Needs moar :british: