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Everything posted by John_Madden

  1. @@Nomulous >implying he will do it again >implying we won't ban him if he does it again @@ChickenPanda If he mass free shot, then I think he should have been banned for at most a day. If he mass free shot and left, at most a week. A permaban is too long and I think user should be unbanned. Your maturity level does make me question if you should be trusted if you were to be unbanned as you did add me on Steam (which I'm guessing now was to ask me to unban you, which I have no control over), but I do believe that banning you permanent from the servers is too extreme. Maybe Perma-Team Ban? Decision: +1 for unban, +1 for Team Ban @@MuffinMonster Your call.
  2. +1 Active, knows his shit @@MuffinMonster (Unless he changed the rules)
  3. This has been open for too long. @@MuffinMonster
  4. Admitted to being in another clan and being moderator in said clan. Can OP deliver an explanation? @@MuffinMonster
  5. @@MuffinMonster @@MuffinMonster @@MuffinMonster @@MuffinMonster @@MuffinMonster @@MuffinMonster
  6. +1 mature, active, knows the rules
  7. Woohoo! :hail::hail::hail::hail::hail::hail::hail::hail::hail::hail::hail::hail::hail::hail::hail::hail::hail::hail::hail::hail::hail::hail::hail::hail::hail::hail::hail::hail::hail::hail:
  8. Well it's a perma-ban so I assume it was for mass freekilling. I don't see this getting you an unban. Xeno Gamers (Link to ban) @@kbraszzz @@MuffinMonster @@Nomulous
  9. Actually no. Either... 1. Donate OR 2. Wait until you get promoted by @@MuffinMonster and @@Nomulous and save $$$
  10. Hey look Squilliam is back :D
    1. Nomulous


      Squilliam Fancyson
  11. @@Kyokasuigetsu3867 Don't even know the guy. Only t@g me when you've seen me on the server at the same time as him. However, I will vouch once I get to know him. 0 for now. Now I've met him, knows the rules and is active. +1
  12. He has two apps up. I think we should keep the most recent one up and close this one up @@MuffinMonster.
  13. +1 Knows the rules and is active.
  14. +1 so we can get this guy into xG. Active and knows the rules. @@MuffinMonster
  15. You let Pokemon Trade Center become Tortuga, a lawless island where Spawncampers and blockers can go wild. Will miss you though! You are love, you are life. #RIPBriantwentytwelve
  16. @@CigSmokingSpy Also -1*, #gg faggot *(not really, you still got my +1)