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Everything posted by John_Madden

  1. My favorite duo (Xeno Gamers and Xeno Gamers ) to ban when we at the TF2 servers still had the no spawncamping rule, would say that I was being racist towards them (because I have racists thoughts towards the Scandinavians of course huehue). Still come on occasionally to say that I'm racist. I also banned @@Nomulous alt account once which was fun (but by total accident since I wasn't aware it was Nom)
  2. Fix your steamID google steam id finder and find a site to find it and edit your steamid on this post. +1 active knows the rules
  3. Server: Pokemon Trade Center Bug/Suggestion: RTD Spontaneous Combustion Whenever you roll Spontaneous Combustion, you don't ignite with any class. Also if you try to roll again 2 minutes after previous rolling SC, it tells you you are still in the previous RTD. The only way to stop it is to respawn so you can RTD again. Edit: Thanks for fixing it
  4. +1 met him, knows what hes doing.
  5. +1 Active, maturity not an issue, and knows the rules 5 +1's @@MuffinMonster
  6. We can now spam our glorious manager @@MuffinMonster
  7. Invalid vouch; not a member yet. Only members can vouch.
  8. Though I would +1, sadly this must be closed because you are under 14. Nomulous says I can (see below) +1 Active, knows what he's doing. M: 8/10 A: 9/10 Decision: Cool GuyTM @@MuffinMonster @@Nomulous
  9. fuck it, +1 knows the rules and active. @@Nomulous @@MuffinMonster
  10. Being funny doesn't cut it though. -1
  11. WTF @@Nomulous, no @@Origins? +1 Active, knows the rules. M: 8/10 A: 9/10 #ggjesus
  12. A = Activity 1 is lowest, 10 is highest M = Maturity 1 is lowest, 10 is highest
  13. Now you're just being stupid. @@Nomulous @@MuffinMonster #Close for too many damn applications up at once.
  14. +1 Agree, looks pretty clear that freekill occured. @@kbraszzz @@Nomulous @@MuffinMonster @@Nora
  15. Time's up on this application @@MuffinMonster @@Nomulous #Close this thread
  16. Said I was gonna -1. -1 for not understanding the process of applying for xG, kept trying to convince mods that he was an xG member and wearing xG tags. A: 8/10 M: 1/10
  17. Two applications up. #Close this thread @@Nomulous @@MuffinMonster
  18. It's New Years for the New York Master Race #droptheball
  19. but League is bad doe +1 for active