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Everything posted by John_Madden

  1. @@Bleed is mod and @@Nomulous is our glorious leader, #ohgodwhathaveyoudone
  2. Idk @@MuffinMonster; has 5 +1's but application expired Dec. 11th, your call.
  3. Vouch is not valid, you must be an accepted member of xG to vouch.
  4. gg Steam store crashed :llama::llama::llama::llama::llama::llama::llama::llama::llama::llama::llama::llama::llama::llama::llama::llama::llama::llama::llama::llama::llama::llama:
  5. That means no League for a week gg :smuggrin::smuggrin::smuggrin::smuggrin: (have fun doe)
  6. +1 active and shit. y i do dis? @@MuffinMonster :hail:
  7. @@Brian @@NomDeGuerre @@Lemons @@Rin_Okumura
  8. :llama:+1:llama:+1:llama:+1:llama:+1:llama:+1:llama:+1:llama:+1:llama:+1:llama:+1:llama:+1:llama:+1:llama:+1:llama:+1:llama:+1:llama:+1:llama:+1:llama:+1:llama:+1:llama:+1:llama:+1:llama:+1:llama:+1:llama:+1:llama:+1:llama:+1:llama:+1:llama:+1:llama:+1:llama:+1:llama:+1:llama:+1:llama:+1:llama:+1:llama:+1:llama:+1:llama:+1:llama:+1:llama:+1:llama:+1:llama:+1:llama:+1:llama:+1:llama:+1:llama:+1:llama:+1:llama:+1:llama:+1:llama:+1:llama:+1:llama:+1:llama:+1:llama:+1:llama:+1:llama:+1
  9. +1 active on servers, knows what he's doing M: 9/10 A: 9/10
  10. Okay @@Nomulous, now we can spam @@MuffinMonster #Canadiansareweird
  11. +1 fuck this, active and good addition to xG. @@MuffinMonster (PLEASE DO NOT SPAM MUFFIN AFTER THIS POST)
  12. Wut? +1 active and would be good addition to xG.
  13. Getting an account on xG =/= Member status (using xG tags, we all make mistakes) Regardless, would be good addition to xG; active. +1
  14. +1 for Unban and is no longer in clan which must not be named -1 for Cool Guy
  15. Ban all who !lr this or start this game. #makesnosense
  16. bye "user left your channel"
  17. In reference to Muffin's post. Desmondthebear - Team Fortress 2 | Xeno Gamers Xeno Gamers
  18. Yus, 2 days before close. +1 Active and is COOL GUY huehuehue
  19. +1 because why not. Is active and is Canadian like Moofin.
  20. +1 is good. Active as fuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuck.
  21. There, I fixed it huehue TeamSpeak is love, TeamSpeak is life
  22. Sure why not. @@MuffinMonster