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Everything posted by John_Madden

  1. -1 never seen you and you seem to act immature, as shown by being impatient on this app.
  2. John_Madden

    Under New Management

    This is the end. Hold your breath and count to ten...
  3. +1 @SpeedOfFreedom is going ham on the bans Should not have been perma, maybe hour ban. @MuffinMonster
  4. 4 -1's. #mypointproven #votedownalldayeveryday
  5. gg 24 days Can you tell us now what the reasons were for you leaving?
  6. John_Madden

    Under New Management

    I don't like change...
  7. TF2 Jailbreakers, I am disappoint @MuffinMonster month is up
  8. -1 Trolls, don't know what he's doing. Not mature. #youknewthiswascoming
  9. What happened? Why is it broken? @MuffinMonster @Nomulous
  10. @Bell @Nora @samit @SpeedOfFreedom @Goblin @Tomahawk @pootisman @Gwoash
  11. We need our glorious Canadian to see what he says, eh? @@MuffinMonster
  12. maybe gag/mute, if they come back kick, then bring on the bans.
  13. +1 Always happens, it's pretty much an unwritten rule imho. @@African Who's that F2P? "It's my birthday[again], can I have free items?"
  14. Who are you? >inb4 Chrono
  15. What the actual fuck? Ban him and his friends. +1
  16. >implying @@MuffinMonster will read your post about implying implying implications of implying
  17. >implying who are you? >inb4 Muffin says stop spamming
  18. Also @@Mr.Grinch, please don't spam, it doesn't help your case.