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Everything posted by BANGINONATRASHC

  1. Chaos is a good friend of mine, nice guy and always active on Pokemon Trade Would be a great addition to the clan +1
  2. And I'm not lying about anything? Nothing i've stated has contradicted any evidence @Meezel
  3. Kitty, i never see you on jb1, im pretty sure ive never freekilled you
  4. Suck it up... Sally? Yeah after that, nothing you say now is valid.
  5. My character model didnt turn red, and the server never said I was a rebel. So an accident shouldve been forgiveable. But instead I got killed and my lr taken away from me. How is that fair? forge didnt even die.
  6. That chat log wasnt an admission of guilt to anything. Especially freehitting, seeing as I was on THE RED TEAM.
  7. That picture you posted with the chat log I had lr, I was celebrating and ran out of nine square swinging my melee. You walked around the corner into me. Thats when you got hit, but I didnt keep hitting you. I stopped and apologized. But you flipped out and called freeday without even listening to me. And then I was told to "shut the fuck up" Sounds like you are the one disrespecting members forge. Not me.
  8. I never kill unless there is a reason to. If it was an honest freehit or freekill, i slay myself accordingly. forge has flamed me on any occasion he can get. He singles me out constantly and taunts me. Today he straight up told me to "Shut the fuck up", when all I was doing was saying he was wrong. Seems like a reasonable reaction. Pfff. Half the time I dont even play on CT when he's on because he complains about every single, tiny mistake CT makes. It makes the whole experience not fun. And why does everyone hate me? It's a game, if I accidently do something. just shrug it off. THat's what I do. I'm not purposefully trying to ruin your day. But forge, fuck you man. You're incredibly rude and I remember why I gave you that -1 on YOUR member application. You go and do shit like put in a ban request, just because you got killed. Instead of maybe talking like a human being to me, I would've been more careful. But you gotta talk shit to someone you dont even know personally because you think because you nitpick the rules, you are better than everyone else. And what happened to us being in a clan, huh? Shouldnt you be on my side? I'd have your back and believe you if the situation was flipped. But not anymore. But it's nice to see you are such a dick to take it this far. It's a real eye opener to what kind of person you are. @kbrazz if you find it fit to ban me from jailbreak for a while, or at least from CT. Go ahead. But don't ban me from the clan. I want to represent xG, whether or not some of it's members are rude, or whatever they may be. Maybe I need a break from jailbreak anyway, let everyone cool off.
  10. Also, Josh, I know for a fact you abuse the votekick/voteban feature constantly. I've had to bitch you out several times for being way to harsh and spamming votekick. Don't try for sympathy when you are just as an annoying factor in our jailbreak server too
  11. I have similar problems especially with new people on the server. Today was pretty bad, I had several people using votekick every round to kick a new person they think freeshot or freekilled them. Even if they hadn't touched them at all.
  12. My Scrooge McDemo loadout it Bearded Bomby Merc Muffler Stovepipe festive items (i use my strange festive eyelander)
  14. The jerk store called, and they're running out of YOU!
    1. LeToucan


      Lee is now permed
    2. Tsuchikure


      @[3217:@Bleed] @[51341:@DrLee]


      @[51074:@BANGINONATRASHCAN] Am i doing it right?
    4. Show next comments  3 more
  15. Ladies please, one at a time.
  16. I played on the server yesterday and he was very cocky, talked down to people unfamiliar with the server, and was very condescending to me. I take back my upvote and replace with a -1 I don't want to be associated with elitists. I
  17. Yeah I def liked Camp more, but there are some gems on BTI for sure, I've been on a Gambino binge for the past few weeks You like atmosphere at all?
  18. Thanks Volt... (sarcasm) Thanks vector! (not sarcasm)
  19. When I do hop on the gaming history server this guys in there, so I know he's active He seems pretty likable +1