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Posts posted by StarmiX

  1. tl;dr - He left b/c of immature asshats. Good job guys, way to be a MATURE and FRIENDLY community! [(and he felt guilty about the age rule) which i do not believe is the main reason of him leaving]

    First off, it's a she. Second, this is the internet, do you think we're mature and friendly?

  2. But anyways, if I had a decision, I wouldn't have dated my ex, it was fun for the first few days, then we broke up which lead to 3 months of depression and then my demotion from mod to member

  3. When I used to go to The Vatican Trade/PPM, it was completely fine to call unusuals shit-tier/asking for quicksales. Hell, even PPM/Shadow/Other rich fucks even ask for quick sales every now and then, and when I started unusual trading, everyone started calling my unusuals "Shit-tier". Honestly, I still don't understand why this 2 rules are so important

  4. Like what @Gwoash is saying, why not add a bot so when someone types !mod, then a menu appears of the reason, (Scamming, Mass Freekill, Etc.) Then the bot sends a message over Steam to a random mod/admin who is currently online, then the staff member has 20 seconds to type "accept" or "decline". If the staff member fails to answer the bot, the bot then sends another message to a different staff member. (Also, in the message, it should tell you who sent the bot in order to stop abuse. EX: "Staff Member is needed on <Server>-Reason : Mass Freekill. Sent by : xG:M|StarmiX.) If the staff accepts, the bot will send him an invite to the game.

  5. I have decided I am leaving xG. There are a number of reasons I have to do this and none of them are any fault of mine.


    First of all the way the CLs handled the whole member protest problem was embarrassing and the final outcome even more so. I will not accept my demotion for doing nothing wrong, I would love an example where I have abused my responsibility as a mod to warrant a demotion, can't find one? neither can I.

    All the issue needed was an announcement from a CL to those involved to cease fighting or be punished but all we got were unnecessary demotions and bans which were lifted anyway so that makes it even more pointless!


    I am not angry at any of those involved in the protest. I have made amends with the majority of those involved and there are no further issues. That is not the reason I am leaving. I am leaving because of the CLs and the way this clan is run (with the exception of Nomulous).


    I was so angry after I saw the outcome of the protest I was thinking of leaving right there and then but I kept going until the next promo demo as I heard the demotions were a temporary demotion and everyone will be re promoted next promo demo. This is not just me I feel unjustified for I also feel for Moosty. Yes he made that picture which was wrong but he apologised for it and he should not of been demoted either.


    What baffles me is the only person who got demoted in the protest and got his powers back is StarmiX. This obviously points to favourism and I refuse to be in a community that favours some members above others.

    I was told by Hiding "you must earn your mod again" sorry but no. I already earned it and did a good job with it, you demoted me and Moosty without knowing how much effort we put in to the TF2 div trade servers. You're an idiot and how you are a CL baffles me.


    so well done CLs on this clan losing one of the most active, friendly and dedicated TF2 Div trade members. Give yourselves a pat on the back and maybe learn how to run a community properly because you are clueless, corrupt and idiotic from what I've seen.


    I will still play the servers sometimes but I am not affiliating myself with xG.


    Goodbye to the good people listed below.










    I would love an example where I have abused my responsibility as a mod to warrant a demotion,

    Did any of us abuse? No, were we still demoted? Yes.

    What baffles me is the only person who got demoted in the protest and got his powers back is StarmiX.

    Damn, I never knew that I should have been permed for calling you a bad mod and told you to stop bitching.

    most active, friendly and dedicated TF2 Div trade members

    So, being AFK 50% of the time is not really active. Putting up a member protest for 5 or so people who are all still more active then you, isn't really friendly.

    Lastly, you never really were "dedicated" at all. Where you ever on TeamSpeak? Even @CoolyCooly has more time on TeamSpeak.

    You're an idiot and how you are a CL baffles me.

    I smell a forum ban incoming...


    But in the end, http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HHrMkAsGFlE