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Everything posted by Scootaloo

  1. Are there any more votes to be cast on this poll? If not, it would seem that the majority DOES want advertising of quicksales to be allowed.
  2. Are there any more votes to be cast on this poll? If not, it would seem that the majority does NOT want derogatory terms allowed in the server.
  3. That's wacky.
    1. Ohstopyou


      That's tacky :o
    2. Swift


      like a Workbench
  4. I don't think "low-tier" would generate any issues, but I can definitely see a problem arising from using the term "shit-tier".
  5. It really does come down to how chill a person is about their stuff, but that's the same with anything really. There's a certain threshold with what you can and can't joke about with people, and it's different with everybody. I personally feel that if we allow this kind of monologue however, we WILL run into headaches because eventually someone will raise a stink about it. I don't want to be the guy in the position to have to tell them to "Get over it", because disrespect is one of our biggest issues, so I think we shouldn't allow it to begin with, just to prevent future issues. My two cents. ^-^
  6. The quicksells are honestly fine, just so long as they aren't ridiculously uncontrolled. I feel that this rule can go either way. I just want to know how everyone else feels. =)
  7. So, after discussing the new ruleset for the Unusual Server with Nomulous, he felt it would be best to poll our members and get your opinions on a few rules for the Unusual Server. We could not come to a conclusion on two points, so we will let everyone decide together. The option that receives the most votes will be the one put into place. If you would please be so kind, vote in this poll and voice your opinion. Thank you.
  8. So, after discussing the new ruleset for the Unusual Server with Nomulous, he felt it would be best to poll our members and get your opinions on a few rules for the Unusual Server. We could not come to a conclusion on two points, so we will let everyone decide together. The option that receives the most votes will be the one put into place. If you would please be so kind, vote in this poll and voice your opinion. Thank you.
  9. Well, considering it was Nom himself who asked us to not only design the server, but the rules as well...how unofficial do you think this really is? I'm just doing what I was asked. I was tasked with completing an Unusual server rule list. I made a thread taking suggestions about it days ago where we pulled some of these rules. Others came from other servers. Now it's finished, Nom has approved, and it has been finalized. This isn't a thread to discuss the rules. This is a thread to let Nom know they are finished.
  10. Well personally, I believe here at xG, we should hold ourselves to a higher precedence than that. I believe we are above disrespecting other people's hats.
  11. It's as if none of you guys even frequent Unusual servers, as this is literally the core ruleset shared among literally every popular Unusual Server in TF2. I honestly have no idea what you guys expect out of this server, but I can tell you that it isn't just another trade server. If it is populated, it will need to be strictly monitored and the rules will need to be strictly enforced, as Unusual Trading is a BIG DEAL in the TF2 community. Disagree with the rules all you want, but anything less than this won't fly. This isn't a server where the main focus is coming in to kill other players. Don't forget that.
  12. I personally have a LOT of experience in Unusual servers and know precisely the things that people look for in a good server. This list is the bare-bones basic of what Unusual Traders want when it comes to their host server. =)
  13. For example, go take a look at the history for this set of Earbuds. At the top of the page, you will notice a big red exclamation that states "Warning! This item appears to have been duped." This particular pair of Earbuds is appearing in multiple backpacks at once, meaning it has been duplicated. To the average Joe, it's just another pair of Earbuds, but many seasoned traders would not pay full price for this particular pair of Buds.
  14. Yeah, it sounds strange and unrealistic, but a while ago, there was an item duplication exploit that the public caught wind of, resulting in the duplication of a lot of rare items. The way the TF2 item server reads these duplications is by assigning the same item ID number to all copies of the duplicated item, even if they appear in different backpacks at different times. It may seem trivial, but it heavily reduces the price of items, especially things like Unusuals and Earbuds.
  15. It becomes quite a headache any time you want to buy something of high value but can't check the history. We would have a lot of headaches with players complaining about private backpacks if that rule wasn't in place. =(
  16. This rule is specifically in place so that people can check the history of an item. If someone is trying to sell an unusual, you can't look up its history via BP if their inventory is set to private, and it's quite a big deal. Looking at an item's history is the only real way to check if an item is duped or not.
  17. We have received the Nom Blessing. Make it happen @ColdEndeavour. Put the rules in. =D
  18. So, @ColdEndeavour and myself have been working tirelessly to make our Unusual server absolutely flawless. He is currently fixing a few things with the map layout and adding a Sniper arena. While he works on this, he tasked me with drafting the ruleset for the Unusual Server, and I feel like I have covered most of our bases. I just wanted to make sure it was thorough enough. @Nomulous, let me know if there is anything you think should be added or changed. Here is the list: xG Unusual Server Rules 1. DO NOT cheat, exploit, or grief. 2. DO NOT scam others. 3. DO NOT use inappropriate sprays (Porn, shock, gore, etc.) 4. DO NOT use bigotry, racism, or vulgarity. 5. DO NOT spam chat, mic, or weapons/taunt sounds. (This includes prepubescent voices on mic.) 6. DO NOT send random trade requests. 7. DO NOT use derogatory terms to describe low-tier Unusuals, such as “Cancer” or “Shit-Tier.” 8. DO NOT beg for free items. 9. DO NOT post external links in chat. 10. DO NOT misrepresent your item statistics. (Such as claiming an item is “1of1” when 22 exist, etc.) 11. DO NOT use weapons other than melee items in the Boxing Arena. 12. DO NOT advertise that you are buying Quick-Sells. (Advertising quicksells is allowed.) 13. DO NOT abuse Donator perks or spawn bosses. 14. ALWAYS be respectful to everyone. 15. ALWAYS use English only. 16. ALWAYS make sure there’s no more than one person on the mic at all times. 17. ALWAYS seek out Mod/Admin approval before a raffle. 18. ALWAYS seek out an Admin as a Middle-Man when engaging in a Spycrab valued anything over 5 Keys. 19. ALWAYS keep your Backpack public! 20. ALWAYS record all Spycrabs as a precaution. YOU are responsible to provide proof in the case of being scammed. 21. ONLY members of XenoGamers may wear the [xG] tag. Apply at xenogamers.com for membership. 22. All decisions made by the Mods/Admins are final. 23. Breaking any of the above rules can result in a kick or a ban. Please follow the rules!
  19. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lTin-eTnkOM Here's a challenge to you all: Finish the video.
  20. >Implying I built my PC solely to run TF2.
  21. Also, in all fairness, I did extend my interest in being a Mod to Vector when he asked if it would be something I'd consider doing. I explained that by being promoted, I could actively work towards improving the quality of things, so sometimes we DO have to communicate our interest in promotions. I just dislike the notion of some random user asking 50+ times for a promotion. That's what annoys me, I guess. It's not just the communication, but it's the effort alongside it.
  22. Also, I'll be damned if anyone thinks I am NOT doing my best to make this a better place. The Unusual Server can serve as proof of my efforts. @ColdEndeavour and myself have been slaving away for the past week to make sure everything is just right, and even now we still aren't finished with everything. I'm constantly in servers participating and doing my job, and I would LOVE to receive a promotion, but am of the opinion that if you ask for a promotion, you probably shouldn't get one. Promos should be awarded based on merit and effort, not persistence and requests.
  23. The amount of unnecessary drama on these forums is cancerous. What makes it worse is when the higher ups are pressured to make decisions based on the given scenarios with little-to-no context, proof, or adequate communication with the parties involved. That's how people get demoted and that's what causes members to leave. I can't begin to tell you how close I have come to leaving this clan myself over the past week. The paramount levels of discontempt among our members physically makes me sick to my stomach. But, even though there are people I cannot stand in this community, even though there seems to be some big production every single week, even though something nearly drives me to leaving this group once and for all, I always remain resolute and stay. Why? Because I want to see this community grow. We have a LOT of potential to be a GREAT TF2 community. We really do. We have a LOT of resources available to us that are being squandered or misused, and I want to see the potential fully bloom. Our Unusual TF2 server is one of the best I have ever been in. All it needs is people to populate it and I can almost GUARANTEE that it will become a well-known place. Our Trade servers are fun, engaging, and exciting. All it needs are people to trade in them. Our Forums are an excellent tool for communication and discussion. All it needs is a bit of tidying up and for its members to work on their maturity levels a bit. xG has become my unofficial TF2 home. I couldn't leave this place if I wanted to. I've made some excellent friends, made excellent memories, and helped to make excellent servers. The only thing holding us back is our inherent inability to communicate and work with one another.
  24. Scootaloo


    What exactly does being VAC banned have to do with Nomulous's ability to direct the TF2 servers? =/