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Everything posted by Scootaloo

  1. Christ. Earlier today, I took my family to a public zoo. I live in Arizona, so you can guess that it was pretty damn hot. Anyways, when we got home, I had a pounding headache and a terrible stomach pain, most likely stemming from light dehydration. I slammed a bunch of water, popped an 800mg Ibuprofen, and crashed for a nap. I then proceeded to have what I can only describe as the most fucked xG fever dream to have ever be dreamt. To start, the dream began with me opening up Steam and having a ton of missed messages from a person I had never seen before, which was odd, because I didn't add this individual as a friend. His name was all in Russian, and when I copy and pasted it into Google Translate, it came out to "I will fuck your life". Anywho, this dude was pissed because apparently somehow, I had been sending him trade request after trade request, trying to ask for his expensive CS:GO knife. All the trade offer would be is his knife on his end, and a cheap-ass TF2 taunt on my end. The guy was infuriated. He continued to say that he was going to report me to SteamRep for attempted scamming and was absolutely livid. I kept telling the dude sorry and that I had no idea this had happened, but he wasn't having any of it. This is where things get crazy. The dude, in my dream, began talking about xG. He told me he started researching my clan, looking into every aspect of it, and started saying that if I was a leader, the clan must be super shady and he was personally going to see to it that it would be shut down. I wasn't worried about it, brushing it off as empty threats, but then he started sending me personal information about all of our members. Names, addresses, phone numbers, all sorts of shit. I dismissed it all as fake info and just kept trying to reason with the dude. Then, he posted my name, my address, and my phone number. I was shocked. I asked him how he found my info, and he said that @Hachi linked to him my YouTube account when he posed as a super fan or something. From there, he was able to analyze based on geographical location and find out exactly who I was. I quickly looked through the names he had posted, picked a random number, and called it. When the person on the other line picked up, I found out it was @Rhododendron. After a quick shock and a fast explanation of what was going on, he instantly went into "Oh Shit" mode and started asking for specifics. I gave him the Steam Account link of this dude and he blocked the guy on every service we offer. But the dude kept messaging me about communications he had with other members. @Moosty defended me as being a genuine dude who would never scam anyone. @Vector tried trolling the hell out of the guy but failed. And so on and so forth. He sent me proof of all these conversations via screenshots. At this point in my dream, I was visibly shaken. Then he dropped the bomb on me and let me know that this was all a ruse. He was setting me up to get SteamRep banned. He had an insider in xG who had access to my Steam Account, which is how they were able to fake the trade offers. I lost my shit and somehow was able to get EVERYONE in xG into a meeting....in real life. Well, apparently in this dream world, xG has a headquarters or something, and we all convene there every weekend. I called a meeting, PeeWee Herman style, and started going over evidence. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XjSVRsoBYNY I presented a PowerPoint presentation with all of the screens I could take, as well as my deductions. I had a serious suspicion that the culprit was @kbraszzz because he secretly hates me or something. But before I could find out for sure.... My kids woke me up. What the fuck, brain?
  2. The people claiming Overwatch will kill TF2 have clearly never played Overwatch. The game is so radically different from TF2 that it's laughable to think it'd be considered the TF2 killer.
  3. I have taken the liberty to remove SCP, Morbias, Blood Gulch, and Aperture Science from the rotation. The maps themselves are still on the server, but can no longer be voted to. Also, Frantic is coming back. We'll see how that goes.
  4. Scootaloo

    What Even?

    Delete System32? XD
  5. Seems pretty cut and dry to me. It's only a two hour ban. Wait it out. Also, try not to be so confrontational when you do return. You can, and will, be banned for a much longer duration should you become a repeat offender. Thread closed.
  6. Do this again and it's a permaban on these forums, bucko. Knock it off with the scammer shit.
  7. You guys come up with a definitive list of what you want gone and get it to Bello. I'll leave it up to you all. Probably should have just done that from the get-go. =(
  8. So, to address each map individually, here are my responses: 1. Mumbo's Mountain: The complaint lodged is that it "looks weird"? I don't understand this one. It was literally ported from the N64 rom. That's how it always looked. Then it's claimed that we have "Better Banjo Kazooie Maps" yet one of the two other maps is also on the chopping block. Are we honestly just going to keep ONLY Rusty Bucket Bay? T.T 2. Freezeezy peak: See above. AFAIK Freezeezy has never caused a server crash. Many people are quick to dislike it because of the low gravity, but the map doesn't really have any huge issues. 3. Rainbow Palace: Bomberman 64 was a huge N64 game. It has a giant cult following and is very iconic. The map is the same, but I can understand wanting to nix it. The free falling for ages is daunting. If I had to agree with any to be removed, this is probably it. 4. Blood Gulch: Calling to remove Blood Gulch but not Delfino Airstrip? .............. C'mon. Halo was arguably WAAAY more popular than Super Mario Sunshine was, and probably way more impactful too. But both are sniper camp-fests. So why is one okay but not the other? 5. Aperture Science: I actually agree on this one. Another that I would be okay with removing. 6. Inkopolis: I'm iffy on Inkopolis. It's very well designed, but the spawncamping is becoming a real issue, similar to the bodyblocking problems we had with Rogueport. It seems like half of the time we go there, I have to get onto someone for Spawncamping the tele out. On one hand it's a beautiful map, on the other there are design flaws. I'm impartial to removing this one. I can do it if everyone decides to nix it, but it seems pretty popular. 7. Morbias: I completely forgot we added this one. I did it one evening with every intention of removing it after an hour. My bad. Add it to the block. 8. Hyrule Castle (wind waker): AFAIK, again, no issues with the server crashing while on the Castle. It's a great design and the only issue is the broken teleport, which REALLY doesn't change much. It's very often rolled to, so I am not sure killing it is the best. 9. SCP: People love this map. They hate getting camped. But that's what !friendly is for. I say people can suck it up and use the plugin if they don't want to be camped and we keep it until there is literally no desire to ever go there, which doesn't seem like it will happen soon. So, my tl;dr version is this: Nix Rainbow Palace, Aperture Science, Inkopolis (Maybe, depends on you guys) and Morbias. I'm okay with these cuts. The rest, I honestly think they need to stay because they are at least semi-popular.
  9. Sigh. When I took CL, the complaint was that we didn't have enough maps. I personally spearheaded the task of finding as many video game maps that I could possibly get my hands on. Now there's too many? After flooding the server with all these new maps, the complaint then shifted to "We don't ever get to play the new maps because we always go to the same 3-4 places." So we changed RTV so the same maps couldn't be picked over and over. Now we have too much variety? I wish you guys would make up your mind. I get it that some of our maps aren't the greatest, but it's literally all we have to pick from. I have scoured all reaches of the internet looking for any and all gaming-related maps. What we have is it. The purpose of TGH is to provide unique nostalgic experiences pertaining to gaming. Are some of the maps small? Sure. Are some of them buggy? Sure. But do they capture the goal of trying to house unique gaming experiences on our servers? I certainly hope they do. And to address the point of maintaining quality maps: The maps we have are NOT bad maps. They may have a few intrinsic issues, but their designs aren't in any way broken or shitty. I mean hell, look at our map list now and compare it to when we had maps like Peach's Castle or Rogueport, then try and argue that our maps currently are bad. I even went so far as to completely redesign the capture point plugin just so we could reintroduce all of the CP and KOTH maps we used to use, but couldn't because the plugin broke. And now the complaint is that there's too much? Really? After all that work? =/ And the argument can be made that some of the maps don't pertain well enough to meet that goal. Someone once made that argument about SCP, stating that it isn't really a video game based map but a Creepypasta based map. That argument is solid, but it is very reminiscent of SCP-138, which is an excellent game. I thought I did us all a favor by upping the map count, but I guess I was wrong. If you guys all want certain maps to NOT be on the server, I guess I'll remove them. I don't understand why we would do that, as the complaints that are so heavily made against these maps are all done for the more popular maps on the server. Why are people voting to go to a specific place if the map is broken/horrible? I honestly don't understand it, and I'm the one who personally tested, uploaded, and approved every map on the server. So it's not like I am not aware of the issues or anything. (At least they aren't all shitfests like Rogueport or Frantic Factory. Sometimes I think people forget how bad it actually used to be.) I honestly feel like if the only real complaint about the server is "There's too many map options", that reeeeealllly isn't a complaint. >.>
  10. I understand what you're getting at. I'll do some research to see if there's any fast fixes for the problem. (I dunno, maybe just changing a few configurations may fix it. Who knows.) So for now, let's act business as usual, and if there isn't a sure-fire fix to the plugin, we can reconvene and weigh possible solutions. :D
  11. The way I see it, if we aren't punishing the whiners, that's our staff not adequately doing their jobs. People whine because they see it as an inconvenience. You want to know the true inconvenience? Maintaining a server and providing a plugin to alleviate an issue, when we can simply ignore a secondary solution altogether and not provide a plugin and just tell the whiners "Sucks to suck." But no. They get pissy any time they have to type /friendly to prevent deaths, all because it gives their player model an opaque shading. Fuck that. I hate having to pander to the loudest of those bitching. I'm going to put my foot down here and now and remind ALL of the TF2 staff that it is AGAINST THE RULES for people to be complaining about dying whilst not using the friendly plugin on our server. Our staff is to use the default warn>kick>ban process if the complaints stay up. I'm not going to be the only person in this community that upholds the rule. It's there for a reason, and if players can't take the time to type in a simple command, but can take all the time in the world to bitch about dying in our servers, THAT'S the real problem here. The way I see it, we shouldn't have to cater to the loudest minority. We have a well established ruleset that ALL of our patrons need to follow and ALL of our staff needs to enforce. If I had it my way, the friendly plugin would be gone completely and complaints would be met with swift action, not pandering and hand-holding. But that's just me and I'm sure there's a ton of people out there would would disagree. I know the friendly command isn't the most functional plugin on our servers, but this isn't an issue with "I don't use it because it's bad." It's an issue of "I don't use it because I don't want to be inconvenienced." So enforce the rule, we'll work to fix the clipping issues, but spawncamp rules are staying how they are. That all being said, I am 100% okay with our Admin+ staff taking initiative to break camps. If a camp has been going on for a long duration (I'd say 10 minutes or longer) and it's actively affecting the flow of the server, break the damn thing. This is me empowering you to do so. If anyone complains about it, I'll have your back. But we don't need to completely rework our rules on the matter. We just need to begin reinforcing the rules already set in place. Fair?
  12. TF2 General MOTD It's not an "unspoken rule". It's been in the ruleset for a long time now. There's absolutely no spawncamping whatsoever on maps with teleport exits. As for the other suggested new rule, sorry, but no. If people don't want to be spawncamped, they can use the !friendly plugin. That's why it's there.
  13. Kbraszzz killed the memes. WAIIII T.T
  14. [MEDIA=imgur]height=480;id=912Kiok;type=gifv;width=480[/MEDIA] MFW This thread went swimmingly.
  15. In this race, nobody wins.
  16. I fucked up and forgot CSGO. It's fixed now. Dank me. T.T
  17. Promotions TF2 @Goblins from Administrator to Division Manager @mrnutty12 from Moderator to Administrator GMOD @Makr6e6 from Moderator to Administrator @CharDraesia from Member to Moderator @zOmBIEz from Member to Moderator @Gamstoby from Member to Moderator CS:GO @Bonk from Admin to Division Manager @Pepper from Member to Moderator @orangejuice from Moderator to Administrator @Owl from Administrator to Division Manager @Lithium from Division Manager to Division Leader Demotions TF2 @Tekage from Moderator to Member (Stepped down) @Matsi from Administrator to Moderator (Inactive, Unfit for position, Confrontational) CS:GO @Bonk from Division Manager to Member (Stepped down) @Charles from Moderator to Member (Stepped down) Congratulations to those who were promoted this Promo/Demo! This is a reminder to those who have newly gained access as a Moderator to leave your STEAM IDs posted below in the comment section below to ensure the distribution of powers as soon as possible.
  18. Hate to see it end like this. You will be missed.
  19. This doesn't really seem to be necessary. SnowyMinion was just having fun and initiating votes. She kicked a user after a majority vote went well over 75%, but she probably shouldn't have. Thank you for reporting this incident. SnowyMinion, try not to kick people if there's no reason to in the future. =) No action will be taken against Snowy. A warning should be ample here. Thread closed.
  20. I guess it just comes down to phrasing. In my original post, the way I worded it made it seem like I was going to assume complete control and give Bach his powers back without the council of the rest of the TF2 higher ups. For that I apologize. You all should know I would never power-trip like that and take matters completely into my own hands. This is a team effort and I wouldn't make such decisions without the consent of everyone on team. My bad for making it seem like Bach was getting let back in Scott-Free. @Bach, get that activity up and I will talk it over with the rest of the division about getting you back in staff position. (Better @BelloWaldi?)
  21. I'm not going to comment because people get put on tilt when I give input. EDIT: Srsly tho, Moosty back pls. We need more of that Oof love.
  22. I can't win. I suggest people for promotion, I get my ass reamed and told no. I try and bring back former staff, I get my ass reamed and told no. I thought you guys wanted CLs that did stuff? Or would you rather I do nothing? If that's what you all prefer, I'll just shut the fuck up and not give any input whatsoever. FFS, I was just trying to help. My bad for trying to look out for the TF2 division. >.>