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Everything posted by Scootaloo

  1. +1 Spoopy is active in servers, knows the rules, and was a member once. I believe Spoopy would make a great member again! A: 8 M: 8
  2. Price Voting - Burning Flames Team Captain - 8000 keys - backpack.tf This is absolutely insane. This will, by far, be the largest TF2 sale in history, and I doubt it will ever be topped. Purplicious sold his clean Burning Flames TC (I believe 1 of 2 clean TCs in existence) for a Burning Flames Killer Exclusive, a Burning Flames War Pig, and a Golden Frying Pan. The total value of the sale was 8,680 keys, but the price suggestion had to be capped at 8,000 keys due to Purp's Buyout. Absolutely insane. When converted to cash, that's slightly less than $20,000.
  3. Seriously though, it's good to see older players expressing interest in our clan! :D
  4. #27YearOldWastingMyLifeLeadingAGamingClan
  5. DDOS threat? Lol. Enjoy your vacation. XD
  6. IT'S TECHNICALLY MONDAY. ENJOY THE EARLY UPDATE. [MEDIA=gfycat]height=404;id=ImpoliteSinfulBuzzard;width=718[/MEDIA] CS:GO @Athrun from Member to Moderator @xGShadowSpy from Member to Moderator Demotions @Cristo from Moderator to Paid Non-Member TF2 @Goblins from Member to Moderator @TheSupremePatriot from Member to Moderator @Tekage from Member to Moderator (Probationary) @CoolyCooly from Paid Non-Member to Division Leader Demotions @ChickenPanda from Moderator to Member (Ate some Chicken at Panda Express and stepped down) @Whyte from Moderator to Member (Found out he was actually Black and stepped down) @Bone from Moderator to Member (Got Boned for inactivity) @Moosty from Admin to Member (Died or something) @Kart from Moderator to Member (Had too many Miltons and stepped down) @CoolyCooly from Division Leader to RIP in Pepperonis (Contracted the Scootavirus from drinking too much Scootagoo) A moment of silence for Cooly. A big CONGRATS to those who were promoted this Promo/Demo! This is a reminder to those who have newly gained access as a Moderator to leave your STEAM IDs posted below in the comment section below to ensure the distribution of powers as soon as possible.
  7. Give it 24 hours from your last +1 and you can put on the tags. Just wait for the welcome message! ^-^
  8. Get dem MasterBlasters! :D
  9. So, did I count correctly? Is that 13 +1s?
  10. +1 A: 8 M: 8 Vegeta is on quite often and is always very pleasant to play with. I think he'd make a great member! :D
  11. Please make sure you stick to THIS thread. You don't need to make another. Thanks.
  12. To all of the new blood on the TF2 roster, I want everyone to know that just because I am no longer a DM/DL doesn't mean I am planning on NOT helping to cover those responsibilities. I'll still be helping with member submissions. I'll still be patrolling the forums. I'll still be here to lend a hand. I'm not going away forever, so don't worry if you feel overwhelmed. I won't let the forums decent into madness. Hit me up if you need any help with anything. =D
  13. I can honestly say that this feels absolutely genuine. I completely understand your reasoning and believe this has nothing to do with your demotion. That all said, I would like to personally thank Moosty for all of the work he has done to improve the community, and I really hope you stick around and get back to making our servers as fun as they once were. If ever you decide we could use extra help, there's always a spot on our team for you. God speed you magnificent bastard.
  14. In all seriousness, I wanna take a moment to reflect. I've been a part of this community for ages now. I'm super honored to be held to such a high position. I'm glad you guys like me. =D
  15. CL has spoken. My staff have full permission to increase the ban if SirFlash even sticks a toe out of line. Consider this your final warning. One more flash of defiance, one more loophole, one more argument...yer gone for good.
  16. Gonna throw in my two cents on this issue: Like most of you guys, I too am beginning to have reservations about the number of 12-year-olds we are making exceptions for when it comes to giving membership too. Clearly, we recently made the change to drop the required age for our members from 16 to 13. And the first member to actually get membership after the change was a 12-year-old. Obviously, this screams "Incompetence" by the higher ups when it comes to following the newly implemented rules. But allow me to provide some perspective on the matter. Beefalo has been here for literal years. He is a donator. He plays almost 100% of his TF2 time on our servers. He is the perfect candidate to be considered for membership. He is kind-hearted and all around a good kid. He directly communicates with many of our staff members and is actively trying to find solutions to the server problems. When the new rule was changed, he first messaged me and asked if he might be able to apply, since he will be turning 13 soon. I decided to make the executive decision and make an exception. Now, obviously going forward, we will not be allowing every 12-year-old in the world to toss up an application and automatically bypass the rule. This time, Ohstopyou is taking initiative with another exceptional case where we have a younger player who is a regular and very active. He has also donated money to our servers and helps to curb issues whenever he is online. Is he under the required age? Yes. He is. But I think that someone who has already dedicated so much of his time and money to our servers should also be given the benefit of the doubt. Obviously, if this wasn't a special case, we would have already closed this thread. You'll also notice the thread is going forward as any member submission threads do. We aren't automatically giving him membership here. We are still leaving it up to you guys to decide. If you feel that we shouldn't allow another exception, just leave your -1 and be done with it. If you agree that this individual has proven himself to be an asset to our community, +1 him. I've already conversed with Ohstopyou about the matter, and assuming Jordan gets the 13 +1s, he will be handled as if he is another new member. If he does not, then he will be asked to wait until his 13th birthday. But let me end with this: He would not be up for discussion to be a member if we honestly didn't think he was good member material. That all being said, I will show my support and say this: +1 A: 8 M: 8 Someone who devotes so much time to our servers, and someone who supports us financially, DEFINITELY should be considered for membership, even if he's only a few months away from being 13.
  17. Later spergums. You'll be back, and you'll be welcomed by the sounds of trumpets and retards. Have fun with your lady friend! :D
  18. Aw damn, sorry that I missed this. I was hopping around servers like crazy last night responding to calls. Well, it would seem that there is substantial proof to show that he was indeed bodyblocking. Only problem is that with this offense, we usually just slay the person if they don't remove the buildings when asked, and if they do it again, follow it up with an hour ban. What do you guys think. How should we approach this one? =/
  19. @Vibes, thank you for expressing interest in a moderation position within our community, but we are currently unable to grant your request at this time. It would seem you are pretty much unknown within our community. I'd first suggest you become more active within as many of our servers as you can, then first attempt to gain membership within xG. After you have become a member and are in good standings for a minimum of 30 days, you can be considered a candidate for our moderation staff. We look forward to your continued involvement within our community! Thread closed.
  20. User is not being unbanned. This isn't some "Let's see how far we can toe the line" contest. You constantly push buttons. You constantly receive gags and mutes. You constantly antagonize. Putting my foot down and we're not taking it anymore. And this isn't some "Oh, he was talking in class and wouldn't be quiet, so we're gonna expel him" kind of issue either. It's more along the lines of constantly harassing and disrespecting the teachers, arguing with them at every given moment, constantly disrupting the lessons, constantly giving the administration shit, and constantly finding ways to break the rules without any consequence. Sure, the kid never gets into a fight and gets suspended for it, but being a constant disruption in a classroom is warrant for arrest. As in, legal arrest. As in, put in the back of a police cruiser and being detained. Source: I'm a goddamn teacher. Perhaps you should have realized you're a nuisance when you had the multiple chances. Then, we may not be where we are now. Thread closed.
  21. Looks good. Feels even better to know the divisions are going to basically be using the same rules. :D
  22. There's the 13th vote. 24 hours and we can call it done! :D