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Everything posted by Scootaloo

  1. I must have been mistaken then. I'll retest it with the newest update and confirm during next stress test. :D
  2. I believe the "matchmaking HUD files" does refer to matchmaking assets, but not the beta button that causes crashes.
  3. Can confirm ToonHud does NOT currently work with the beta matchmaking button. If you have the HUD loaded and try to get into the game while matchmaking is live, it will crash to desktop.
  4. Scootaloo


    I'm not going to tell you that you're wrong, because you aren't. Upholding our clan's image is of the utmost importance. I simply disagree with you is all, and do so respectfully. I just don't honestly feel that the use of this map is any sort of detriment to the clan's image. I honestly feel like it isn't big enough of an issue to remove the map is all. Glorious leader has spoken. Considering Rhodo has no issues with the map being in TGH, thread will now be closed. Thanks for all the input on the matter, but the map will remain in place.
  5. Scootaloo


    Well, like I said, if Rhodo wants the map gone, I'll remove it. I don't think 3-year-old drama warrants a map's removal personally, but that's just me. EDIT: Checked over the TOS in regards to map usage, and yes, we cannot edit the map's files and host it as our own. So that's off the table. Reading through Rhodo's response, I'm not removing the map unless he directly instructs me to. I appreciate the concern Vector, but Rhodo and myself seem to have the same stance on this issue. We've done nothing wrong by using the map, and if the map creator wants to throw a fit because people are actually using the maps he created, that's on him.
  6. Scootaloo


    This map was added to TGH when I was doing heavy revamps to the server. I scoured all corners of the internet to find any and all video game maps for TGH, and this happened to be one of them. When it was added, I did not know of the message posted. Someone had mentioned it to me later, but I never fully investigated it because it wasn't brought up as a serious issue, but more of a "Hey Scoots, noclip to the back of spawn and check out the message, hurr hurr." So I disregarded it. Seems to me that the map creator holds some sort of grudge against our clan, and is super buttmad about the use of his map on our servers. That being said, we aren't violating any rules by using his map, which isn't in any violation of the TOS that Valve has put into place. You create a map for TF2, anyone is legally allowed to use it, as long as they don't edit the map and try to distribute it for monetary gain. Windfall Island isn't the greatest map, but it does represent an iconic Zelda game and has a place in our servers. The message is only readable via noclip, which the average user will have to roll to, and even in that instance will probably not understand the angst behind the message anyways. If it REALLY becomes an issue, the map can always be ported via Hammer and the message can be removed. It isn't that big of a deal. It is of my opinion that sure, there may be a slandering message embedded in the map about our servers and our glorious leader, but I personally wear that like a badge of pride. Why should we be discouraged because a map creator threw a tantrum and had a shit-fit because we used his map? I personally find it funny. It just goes to show how buttmad the map creator is and how childish he acts when he doesn't get his way, but that's just my opinion. If the general consensus is that the map should be removed, we can remove it. If Rhodo doesn't want the map in our server, it'll get the axe. Children will be children, I suppose. =)
  7. Houseofchaos doesn't work sadly T.T
  8. Scootaloo

    Is It?

    You can't transfer steam funds at all, from what I understand, to different accounts.
  9. Grats @BelloWaldi If you need any help or clarification on anything, feel free to ask! :D
  10. @Bach, we need another DM since Merc left. Conglaturation. You're DM now. Have fun.
  11. Well, to be completely honest, this section is mostly for the DMs/DLs to find people who are interested in a moderation position. It isn't really decided by a number of +1s or -1s. Those are simply for our other members to show their support. But it's always nice to see how our community gauges someone who wants to be staff. ^-^
  12. Absolutely powerless to do anything, except...I dunno...use the calladmin bot, or message me on Steam to come handle it, because I was on at the same time. But no, instead it was decided to take matters into your own hands and abuse the donator system in order to punish a wrongdoer. Sorry m8o, but that's not our M.O. around here. Toma's a great guy and everything, but I can't stand behind making him a mod just yet. The reaction I received when I was forced to remove his donator powers was "lolworthit". I'm not sure that's someone I can fully trust with running our servers, but then again, I haven't really seen much of him since then. I mean, he may have matured and grown out of it. Hell if I know. Not going to +1 or -1 on this one. I'll remain neutral and see how the others feel. Like I said, Toma's a great guy, but I feel like the power abuse thing could be an issue. I'll see what others think and reflect on their input before making a final decision. (Not a personal attack. Just my perspective.)
  13. AMARANTHINE ANTLERS! Next step is to get Amaranthine Polar Pullover for a triple-Amaranthine all-class set! :D
    1. Rhododendron


      Bro can you trade me them so I can verify they are legit?
  14. CONGRATULATIONS! You have been accepted to join Xeno Gamers! To begin your membership, familiarize yourself with our rules listed here. This is highly important and knowing these rules will keep you safe from bans! Want to get Moderator? There are a few ways to earn admin! 1. Be active on TeamSpeak! To download TeamSpeak click here and then click 'Download Here' and download the appropriate client for your OS. Then just install, follow the 'Easy Setup' guide, and finally, click 'Connections' and 'Connect' and enter'voice.xenogamers.com' in the 'Server Address' field. 2. Be active on the forums! This is one of the best ways to get your voice heard in Xeno Gamers! 3. Be active on the servers! This shows that you are committed to the clan! For a server list, click here. Come check out our staff list to see who is who on the servers, click here or here. WE HOPE YOU ENJOY YOUR STAY!
  15. Inb4 someone posts the logs of how many times Matsi actually cares to answer Calladmins. Seriously, he's usually beating ME to those things. And that takes dedication.
  16. The problem with those filters is you have to manually input what word/phrase/ascii art you want replaced with something else. Are you aware of how many iterations of the Lenny exist on the internet? There is no possible way AT ALL to make sure it doesn't happen on our servers with this method. The only thing I could possibly think of is restricting chat to English letters only, and not allowing special characters, but I'm not sure a plugin like that exists. Also, it's just a face. Is it really putting you on tilt to the point where it causes you discomfort in a server? I get it, it's an overused watered down meme. But it's nothing worth being so adamantly angry over. If it's happening on spam levels, call someone to take care of it.
  17. @Ohstopyou, this looks pretty damn good.
  18. And we appreciate the input, but this is a change we will not be implementing. Thread closed.
  19. FF2 isn't a competitive game mode. It's not up to our staff to try and "balance" the game by adding restrictions. People are allowed to play what they want to play, regardless of what the current FF2 player thinks is broken or not. This isn't something to be taken so seriously that we have to analyze every little aspect of the game mode. We do stay attentive by not using SUPER OP bosses, but anything besides that is nitpicky in my opinion. Sounds to me like you're simply tired of dealing with a specific class when you use a specific boss. Find ways to deal with the classes you see as problematic without trying to limit access to it instead.
  20. No idea why this is still open. Well, WAS. No idea why this WAS still open.
  21. Please don't make threads like this in the future here in General. Not really in trouble or anything, but starting witch hunts against users is never a good idea. It's okay to make ban requests and such, but this isn't the best way to go about it. >< If the dude is being a jerk, take some video captures of him in action, and quietly message a mod or someone to come watch. We can handle this for you. You don't necessarily have to use the calladmin bot, just let one of us know if it's minute stuff. Thread closed.
  22. +1 Active on TGH and Pokemon Trade. Real mature dude. Would make an excellent addition to our community! ^-^ A: 9 M: 9