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Everything posted by Muzzle

  1. Let's just leave it at that There Is Not Enough Shrek
  2. +1 I agree a lot of freekilling happened last night and that Moltax guy mass freekilled there last night. Douches these days... But yeah
  3. I think everyone deserves a second chance+1
  4. Muzzle

    Rating Suggestions

    For those damn spammers
  5. Post your custom ratings he it has to be 16xp by 16xp Mine is a Communist
  6. Scrap.tf not having loose cannon Pyros that only use flamethrowers Taunt delay Not enough Shrek. Domantions No charging or uber in jailbreak Spies don't have enough health There I'm done
  7. +1 For Frekeilliing and Being a big Jim
  8. The pizza song thing and the motions of doing American things
  9. Come ya little girls DO THE OTHER CHALLENGES DOOO IT
  10. You shouldn't double submit people don't take kindly to it. If you want to be noticed post and stay active
  11. 0 for now 2 perma bans isn't something you can't just be lifted from. Honestly I believe you but what if this happens again
  12. I would like something disturbing and something that would make you laugh not like gore or the holocust ( i don't think the holocust is funny.) but if you could just be creative and just have fun with it I guess thanks
  13. I actually plan on unboxing I mean what's the worse that could happen
  14. +1Active, fun, pretty damn good at killing me. Overall fun guy deserves to be in xG M: 9/10 A: 10/10 TENOUTTATEN
  15. Here are some cool looking jailbreak maps insane GAMEBANANA: ba_jail_tropical_concert (Counter-Strike: Source > Maps > Jail Break) This one is a Mario party one it's sick GAMEBANANA: Ba_Mario_Party (Counter-Strike: Source > Maps > Jail Break) This one is spaaaace GAMEBANANA: ba_jail_outer_space (Counter-Strike: Source > Maps > Jail Break) Futureeeee GAMEBANANA: ba_jail_future_beta (Counter-Strike: Source > Maps > Jail Break) College life daaaawg GAMEBANANA: ba_jail_campus_2013_night_fix (Counter-Strike: Source > Maps > Jail Break) Portal with hot potato GAMEBANANA: Ba_jail_aperture_science (Counter-Strike: Source > Maps > Jail Break) Cooooollllllloooors GAMEBANANA: ba_colourful_dtk (Counter-Strike: Source > Maps > Jail Break) Jail break island GAMEBANANA: jb_kittens_b1 (Counter-Strike: Source > Maps > Jail Break) ITS A GIANT SHIP GAMEBANANA: ba_jail_crazy_carrier_94 (Counter-Strike: Source > Maps > Jail Break) This is delicious GAMEBANANA: Ba_jail_city_v8 (Counter-Strike: Source > Maps > Jail Break)
  16. That would be a little difficult I will look right now
  17. I get on the servers when ever I can understand lots of people can be irritating and rule breakers. I think that there should be a little more mods paying attention to jailbreak 1 or 2 because most trouble comes from there. Also Mafia no offense would it be possible if you could set your brother up with his own account it would be a lot better because I know what it's like to share an account with a sibling. I'm just saying in case he does something and bad in your name.
  18. Sphei Insane never tasted the same as bland heavy Insane
  19. Oh true well That's alright ill figure something put
  20. You know how to do that. Because I seriously don't know how to. But if you could that would be really freaking sweet Kendrick. I owe you
  21. Me I will figure something out I just have to get the map from n64 do some editing and bam it's done. N64 maps don't take long due to it already being made. But I just think the server that isn't Pokemon trade should have more interesting maps
  22. Insane this is tf2. Last time I checked you were one of us.
  23. No this is the over head view I will get pictures or a video of the actual overworld soon