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Everything posted by Muzzle

  1. Alright you are a tad bit cocky and by talking down to players I mean acting like you are in higher power over them. It's all about respect for players and staff. For example say a young child comes on the server and he sends you a trade invite. You accept, he asks what do you have to offer. You put up something worth a key and they say I'll give you a reclaimed metal. Right there is were you are saying are you fucking kidding me in your head. Instead of lashing out on the kid just calming say it's going to be a little more worth then that. Or tell him the actual price. But don't say are you retarded kid then end the trade. I'm not saying this is you but it's just an example of what I have seen on Trade Gaming History
  2. I play quite often considering Pokemon Trade is laggy. But I apologize Mootsy it's just my opinion. There is no need to argue with one bad rating. Again Sorry
  3. Muzzle


    Honestly I've never seen you so 0. I know you want to take part in xG but wait until you are well known M:?/10 A:?/10
  4. It's way to often. Talking down to people isn't alright I have witnessed you talking down to players. Plus you brag a bit once every so often
  5. Sorry misclicked but anyway. You act really immature sometimes. I don't really like the way you are so cocky. A:8 M:6
  6. +1 Mature, committed, and would be great in the xG community. M:8 A:8
  7. Yeah I was just pissed cause I don't like being constantly killed. I believe you it's just I wanted to make sure. So can we close this and say it's water under a bridge. No harm done Chicken?
  8. -.- look at what Kitty said Fink. I was in spectator I'm not looking directly through his monitor. Also you guys know all hackers aren't that smart -.- I don't know guys it's just a thought
  9. Muzzle

    I Have An Idea

    Everyone is aggressive today like damn. Reminds me of AGGRESSIVE PIZZA
  10. Honestly guys it was just lag most likely. I don't want you to attack me or anything I was just pissed at the time I recorded that. Honestly I dont know what was going on and Adam was thinking the same thing so it just kind of clicked in the wrong way. I just wanted to make sure. @kbrazz your choice then you can close the thread
  11. Division: Team Fortress 2 In-Game Name: Winchester Offender's Steam ID: Steam Community :: Winchester Rules Broken: Aimbot? Evidence: I'm not really sure some say he is some say he isn't. I'm not sure were it stands but I recorded it so. You decide. It might be lag but this guy is just amazing or hacking http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=22NgbEtvh7Y
  12. Major Plugins would help out. Also reaching out to different platforms
  13. Well we can see he's an idiot either way but if he doesn't get the trading process he doesn't know any better 0
  14. Congrats to all! @Insane I had a feeling you would get it sometime sooner or later
  15. I enjoy thirdperson but I also want to play hat day again
  16. +1+1+1 good times I miss this African child. Love you nig M:10 A:10
  17. The tf2 section is kind of dead so why not perk it up. Alright down to business Saxton is broke as fuck. I think it's just kind of getting ignored. I recently have been playing Saxton and When I become Saxton it's a fucking nightmare. Scouts just piss me off too no end. They are good when you're against hale but not when you are hale. I can deal with them being fast as fuck but those goddamn homing balls. I'll sit there for a whole minute getting annihilated. It sucks so much. Homing Rockets are kind of broke they are really more of a I hope this curves. I bought the 50 cal Revolver perk for spy. I have no idea what changed. Perks have just stopped working. Of course the rtv system needs to be fixed. The people that don't know that Saxton only works on arena is usually a big majority of the people on the server. They get confused and they want to know what happened to Saxton. Now I know it's not your guys fault but why add ctf, MvM, or ever cp. I just think Saxton needs the most attention at the moment. Shut down the server if you have to it wills help a lot, thanks. - Muzzle
  18. Read this Member Submission Guidelines. (Read) | Xeno Gamers :hungover:
  19. If I had a nipple for every time I get notifications for Masti making a ban request. I'd have a whole lot of nipples
  20. I hate twats that say wow you had to use rage to kill me and try and prove me wrong in the end. But they don't. Like this asshole Josh in Saxton hale like 20 mins ago. He kept telling me Saxton wasn't broken and I just suck. So I told him to prove me wrong when he was Saxton. He was Saxton some guy capped and he said and I quote "capping is worth a ban fag" I told him it was not and even Adam said it wasn't. He's trying to prove me wrong like go ask an admin go ask and admin. I asked kbrazzle I was right. But it's just dipshits like those who piss me the hell off
  21. 0 honestly I have never seen you and it says your 14 not 15
  22. Some people really don't care about the price more of the desire