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Everything posted by Muzzle

  1. Nom pls I have never wanted something more in my life then this. Playing banjo kazooie in tf2. I think I would just die a little. But it is an awesome overworld I could find one you don't have to. Hell I'll make one
  2. Alright I know what your thinking "Meezel if you don't stop talking about Banjo-Kazooie I will pop you in the face." But the thing about Banjo Kazooie it has one of the best over worlds in all of games. Grunty's Lair is sweet and it would be so much fun to TF2 in that. If you haven't seen the over world here it will be under the thread. Watch a youtube video of it in actual game or get a rom I will look around for a map like this. Please Suggest this sorry for talking so much about this game
  3. See if someone would read !motd -.-
  4. -1 Doesn't play nice with others, breaks rules and disobeys warden at times. Also "hello no" and "nah" aren't valid reasons M:6/10 A:6/10
  5. Never really seen you around at all actually :borg: So I'm going with a 0 for now M:?/10 A:?/10:cigar:
  6. I meant to put killing me but my brain is to slow to keep up with my thoughts. He's not a free killing I apologize
  7. +1 Overall cool guy. Met him couple days ago saw him around jailbreak usually killing but he's a good guy. M:9/10 A:8/10
  8. -1 Vector has a point I have played with Gorillabot and he did pissed quite a lot of people off. I wasn't pissed because I don't get pissed at anything other than force a nature scouts in MvM. If you want people play you don't want them to get pissed then rage. Now I don't think a perma ban is needed just enough for people to get past it
  9. My god this argument why isn't this closed :giggle: I'm sorry but why would you come here when your from the minecraft division.
  10. Honestly I hate when wardens say reds of mic as soon as it hits 5. Ugh I think some blus abuse it way to often. I mean when it comes to an extent where reds are screaming and cussing then yeah it would be needed. But you can't just have a rule like don't tell the reds to get off mic unless they are to loud. That would cause some problems. So I say we try and make a compromise
  11. I support this is just recently got a Strange Killstreak Rocket Launcher. I would love to see this in full effect. +1+1+1+1 Nom pls
  12. Muzzle

    Ratings Game

    Can I have ratings pls...
  13. Awh that sucks I would love to do it. I'm in school so nothing I can do. God damn high school
  14. I hate and I mean hate when the hits don't register and also when my screen gets shakey while walking it pisses me off. But TF2 is still a beautiful game
  15. She also has a point there. Did the image turn out or no I'll just do it again
  16. #coolbuttstuff
  17. Samit tends to tp people around I have a photo of it but I don't think a big punishment is in order for this.
  18. Okay I made time to look at all of these and some of them are pretty damn good. So new monogamous would be great other then endless deathrun. So consider these. No minecraft though
  19. No for the love of god no more minecraft maps please no NO
  20. Muzzle

    Slenderfortress 2

    Can someone seriously tell me the name of that song that plays randomly it is killing me I need to know
  21. Same thing happened to me. Okay so you want to copy the URL and put it in teamspeak under connect
  22. +1 Mature, Enthusiastic and Committed. Who wouldn't pick this guy I mean c'mon senfield quotes what's not to love!