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  1. Winner
    Moosty got a reaction from Flareon in Remove Cyberpunk From Gaming History Rotation   
    So i did some digging, and it turns out the version of cyberpunk that we use was edited by someone other than the original creator who made all of the textures. it also turns out these problems are only present in this specific version. he added the light changing, he added the no killzone in the party room, and unlike the original the songs don't complete once started. to be fair he did add a bit more to do in the map, but by reverting to the original (which is perfectly stable same aesthetic but fewer songs and paths to disco and no sniper towers)all of these problems would be solved. so really it's up to the communities preference
    TF2Maps.net - Map Downloads - Cyberpunk 2 - the version we use
    cyberpunk (Team Fortress 2 > Maps > Death Match) - GAMEBANANA - the original
  2. F!$k Off
    Moosty got a reaction from Kypari in Remove Cyberpunk From Gaming History Rotation   
    Lol you joined the server late, randoms were joining in, I had never met half the people doing it, had the vast majority of players not been joining in, I would have stopped it. sometimes you have to let the good times roll and not be a mega hardass
  3. Agree
    Moosty got a reaction from Dethman in Remove Cyberpunk From Gaming History Rotation   
    constant complaint's about the music, constant complaints about the lights, constant complaints about the random spawns. the songs don't keep playing once you pick them, so you hear a different song intro blaring every 5 seconds, people refusing to stop flickering the lights even though a staff member told them that one of the users was dyslexic. that kid left and never came back. you can spawn anywhere, even in the other teams sniper nest. you can't enter it from the street but you can spawn there? that's bad map design. I understand people like having so much control over the map, hell, they can even change gravity and damage output for anyone in one of the rooms. but the fact is, our population isn't mature enough to have these nice things, it devolves into cancer everytime. the population usually drops on the map once people refuse to stop music spamming. this map gives players the freedom to do a lot of things, but that doesn't mean they're responsible enough to handle that. other than that, the map is a constant headache, the lighting in the main world is hell, and the server would be better off without it in my opinion.
    @metalslug53 @Rejects @kbraszzz @Kypari @Vector @Tekage @Rhododendron @anyone else with an opinion
    my opinion is obvious, what about you guys
  4. Agree
    Moosty reacted to Flareon in Remove Cyberpunk From Gaming History Rotation   
    Flickering lights and colors can and will cause seizures do we want to be responsible for having a map that causes it?
  5. Like
    Moosty got a reaction from Haruka in Add Ecruteak And Celadon To Pkmn Trade   
    just had to post this but @ColdEndeavour didn't feel that Celadon was ready for the server, it's in v1 and he had trouble with it and had to stop making it. I'd rather not put something on the servers when the creator was explicitly against it.
  6. Disagree
    Moosty got a reaction from Tekk in Remove Cyberpunk From Gaming History Rotation   
    constant complaint's about the music, constant complaints about the lights, constant complaints about the random spawns. the songs don't keep playing once you pick them, so you hear a different song intro blaring every 5 seconds, people refusing to stop flickering the lights even though a staff member told them that one of the users was dyslexic. that kid left and never came back. you can spawn anywhere, even in the other teams sniper nest. you can't enter it from the street but you can spawn there? that's bad map design. I understand people like having so much control over the map, hell, they can even change gravity and damage output for anyone in one of the rooms. but the fact is, our population isn't mature enough to have these nice things, it devolves into cancer everytime. the population usually drops on the map once people refuse to stop music spamming. this map gives players the freedom to do a lot of things, but that doesn't mean they're responsible enough to handle that. other than that, the map is a constant headache, the lighting in the main world is hell, and the server would be better off without it in my opinion.
    @metalslug53 @Rejects @kbraszzz @Kypari @Vector @Tekage @Rhododendron @anyone else with an opinion
    my opinion is obvious, what about you guys
  7. F!$k Off
    Moosty got a reaction from Kypari in Remove Cyberpunk From Gaming History Rotation   
    constant complaint's about the music, constant complaints about the lights, constant complaints about the random spawns. the songs don't keep playing once you pick them, so you hear a different song intro blaring every 5 seconds, people refusing to stop flickering the lights even though a staff member told them that one of the users was dyslexic. that kid left and never came back. you can spawn anywhere, even in the other teams sniper nest. you can't enter it from the street but you can spawn there? that's bad map design. I understand people like having so much control over the map, hell, they can even change gravity and damage output for anyone in one of the rooms. but the fact is, our population isn't mature enough to have these nice things, it devolves into cancer everytime. the population usually drops on the map once people refuse to stop music spamming. this map gives players the freedom to do a lot of things, but that doesn't mean they're responsible enough to handle that. other than that, the map is a constant headache, the lighting in the main world is hell, and the server would be better off without it in my opinion.
    @metalslug53 @Rejects @kbraszzz @Kypari @Vector @Tekage @Rhododendron @anyone else with an opinion
    my opinion is obvious, what about you guys
  8. Agree
    Moosty got a reaction from Kypari in Add Ecruteak And Celadon To Pkmn Trade   
  9. Smelly
    Moosty got a reaction from Vector in Banginonatrashcan - Team Fortress 2   
    Yeah just gonna throw in a +1. Bangin's not a bad guy or anything, but come on, you had so many chances.
  10. Agree
    Moosty reacted to Hidingmaster in Suggestion: Sourceban Accounts For Staff   
    Here's why I think the current system is good:
    A mod bans someone perm. They realize that they messed up. Currently they have to contact a higher up to fix the ban. This contact does 2 things
    1) Makes the mod be accountable of their mistake, publicly to a person in power
    2) Allows a higher up the knowledge of the mistake.
  11. Funny
    Moosty got a reaction from Haruka in Toosadtotalk   
    Please re apply after a month
  12. Friendly
    Moosty reacted to Waimalu in Dekoi   
    Is it time? @DMs
  13. Agree
    Moosty got a reaction from Dethman in [ò_ó) - Team Fortress 2   
    +1 for previous reasons. Also wow hale worked together on something so it must have been bad
  14. Bad Spelling
    Moosty reacted to Haruka in Dekoi   
    shut up
  15. Bad Spelling
    Moosty reacted to Scootaloo in Dekoi   
    RIP @me
  16. Informative
    Moosty got a reaction from Kypari in Dekoi   
    Bruh I'm gonna do it just to spite you for not tagging me
  17. Sad
    Moosty reacted to Goblin in Hai <3   
    Sorry I don't fux with white people
  18. Sad
    Moosty got a reaction from Matsi in Chelltestsubject1 - Team Fortress 2   
    No evidence. Just wait out the day ban.
  19. Winner
    Moosty reacted to ArminArmout in 24/7 Oot3d   
    I don't think there should be a OOTD 3D served because it crashes SO MUCH so that would make the 24/7 server not exactly 24/7.
    It would also suck since it's that map all the time, who wants that other than gibbus skrubs. The map is good on gaming history when it's on every fourth or fifth map rotation, not 24/7.
  20. Disagree
    Moosty got a reaction from Kypari in 24/7 Oot3d   
    +1 for RIP cyberpunk
    -1 for not being able to find anybody 24/7
    Also great biased poll I lel 'd
  21. Like
    Moosty got a reaction from DeKoi in Dekoi   
    +1 would be a great addition
    A 9
    M 9
  22. Agree
    Moosty reacted to Scootaloo in Fun Times? (members Of 2013)   
    The infamous Battles of the Scootahive.
  23. Like
    Moosty got a reaction from Rejects in First Friend In Xg?   
    @metalslug53 @DonDingler @Foxy @Bach (as two zero four). And they weren't members but Bolbi, Alita the angel, vixen+kitsune, flapjacks, and Ambassador Jamal of Nigeria.
    Summer 2013 were the fuckin days bruh.
  24. Friendly
    Moosty reacted to Haruka in Gayporneon♥xg - Teamspeak   
    I've had him muted for a while now, and I wasn't even in the channel when it happened. I would lay my life in Liekos' hands if I had too, that's why I made this because Liekos wouldn't lie about something like that.
  25. Sad
    Moosty reacted to Scootaloo in Well Xg...it's Been A Pleasure.   
    You're so happy that I'm leaving. Why did I tag you? -_-