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Reputation Activity

  1. Friendly
    Moosty got a reaction from DemonicDisaster in Diamonde   
    +1 plz yes
  2. Agree
    Moosty got a reaction from Scootaloo in Muzzle - team fortress 2   
    RIP in Mona Pizza
  3. Funny
    Moosty got a reaction from Kypari in Muzzle - team fortress 2   
    RIP in Mona Pizza
  4. Like
    Moosty got a reaction from Muzzle in Muzzle - team fortress 2   
    +1 for unban he sent nudes
  5. Like
    Moosty got a reaction from Dethman in Fanfic thread   
    The BM. GG.
  6. Agree
    Moosty reacted to Dethman in Fanfic thread   
    @Popcorn and @Colorparty and @kbraszzz are women too, also, man on man action is far more intriguing to read
    Edit: @kbraszzz it was a joke, don't hurt me plox ;-;
  7. Agree
    Moosty got a reaction from Forge in Titles for all staff   
    But mah purple Moose title.
  8. Agree
    Moosty reacted to kbraszzz in Goodbye from muzzle #rip   
    You will forever live in the soundboard.
  9. Winner
    Moosty reacted to Scootaloo in The Cringe Thead!   
    50 Shades of Oof
    Moosty cuddled up onto Scootaloo’s bare shoulder. He could hear his steady breathing. He playfully stroked Scootaloo’s chest, relishing the overwhelming butt pleasure he had just experienced. Scootaloo had this magical way of reaching down deep inside of him and tickling his booty genitals.
    “So Scoots,” Moosty whispered in the darkness. “You up for round two?”
    “Give me another minute. I’m still trying to catch my breath.” Scootaloo sighed in between breaths of air.
    “Oof.” Replied Moosty. He caressed Scootaloo’s inner thigh, just fascinating about the pleasure that awaited him.
    Before he knew it, Scootaloo was back on top of Moosty, going to work with his luscious mouth. He tenderly kissed Moosty’s neck, breathed air into his ear, and ran his tongue down to his collar bone.
    Instantly, Moosty’s magical meat-stick was at full attention. But before he could control his urges, Moosty found Scootaloo’s mouth enveloped around his danger. Moosty arched his back in pleasure as Scootaloo set to work. Not wanting to be outdone, Moosty slid his head up and under Scootaloo’s waist to engage in a good ole lickaroo of the poop chute.
    Together they enjoyed the oral ecstasy. Scootaloo had this way of contracting his cheeks so that Moosty’s hard raging cock quivered in pleasure. Moosty’s tongue could cure colon cancer. Scootaloo grinded his fat white ass down on that magical tongue and moaned in pleasure.
    Moosty saw that his love was also at full mast. He turned himself over and said “Alright baby. I’m ready for you. Scootaloo pls.”
    Without hesitation, Scootaloo slid himself into Moosty. Deeper…deeper, until he could feel Moosty’s prostate pulsating against the head of his cock. With tender loving care, he slid himself back out and back in, teasing Moosty’s prostate. As he did so, Scootaloo reached around and took ahold of Moosty’s Man Wand and proceeded to massage it.
    Moosty was in uncontrollable bliss. He quivered and repositioned himself so that Scootaloo could better penetrate his scrumptious ass. As he did, he found the pleasure to be completely overwhelming. He orgasmed into Scootaloo’s open hand. Over and over his dick spluttered, spewing thick, rich, creamy seed all over the place.
    Scootaloo kept pumping. He hastened the pace at which he was making sweet man-love to Moosty’s poop chute. As he did, Moosty arched his back and cried in nirvana as even more seed released itself onto the bed. Scootaloo, still with a handful of cum, reached back and wiped it on his taint.
    With an amazing speed, Scootaloo pumped away, as if he were drilling for oil. With one final good squeeze, he released his Scootagoo into Moosty’s underworld chasm.
    Both Moosty and Scootaloo collapsed onto the bed, holding one another, breathing heavily from the sheer pleasure of it all. They held each other and stared into one another’s eyes. Neither spoke their love. It didn’t need to be said.
    “Scootaloo,” Moosty finally gasped. “I don’t know what I’d do without you.” Scootaloo could tell Moosty was genuine. He knew the love there was paramount.
    Suddenly, Moosty began to convulse violently. His stomach was doing flip-flops in his gut. His asshole had a strange burning sensation. He had contracted the Scootaflu.
    “Oh no, Scootaloo!” He cried. “It’s happening again!”
    Scootaloo was quick to react. Moosty flipped over and lay down on his stomach. Without hesitation, Scootaloo stuck his lips against Moosty’s cornhole and sucked out as much Scootagoo as he could. Moosty was horridly allergic to the Scootagoo.
    “That was close!” Scootaloo said.
    “Once again, I owe you my life.” Moosty said. “There’s nobody I trust more than you.”
    “Well, Moosty,” Scootaloo replied. “I have something to tell you.”
    “Oh?” Moosty said as he began to shit semen.
    “Yeah, I’m not who you think I am.” Scootaloo said as he sat up, wiping butt glue from his fleshy fun bridge.
    “I’m actually…” As Scootaloo said this, he removed the mask he had been wearing the whole time.
    Bach was sitting in front of Moosty. Moosty was horrified to find his man-lover was actually his Division Manager.
    “I just had to taste that forbidden fruit for myself.” Bach said. “I hope you can forgive me for my treachery, Moosty.”
    Moosty sat in a horrid silence.
    “Well, SAY SOMETHING.” Bach said. “Get mad, yell. SOMETHING!”
    Moosty looked up at Bach. “I just have one question.”
    “What is it?” Bach asked on fated breath. He hung by a thread, waiting for Moosty’s response.
    “Can I have Admin now?”
  10. Agree
    Moosty got a reaction from Tekk in Axtinpyrothe2nd   
    Guys he's on everyday how has this not gone through
  11. Salty
    Moosty got a reaction from MinerTeddy in Kittylicious - mmo   

    MMO In-Game Name:

    Kittylicious Offender's Steam ID:

    STEAM_0:1:29168923 Rules Broken:

    Trolling/Bullying Evidence:

    Gyazo - ecca6f43802c19eb2e655faf8f0b1658.png
    calling me names in shoutbox when i'm not even in shoutbox
    Gyazo - 6fceb4ebcaffce04b7393280344d7bd3.png
    telling me to shut up and go beg for food
    Request for a new chat rule regarding keybind usage.
    in this thread she told me this: "shut up and go beg for food at a homeless shelter, tramp" but it was deleted by @Forest before i could screencap and use it for evidence. he can confirm it was there. He also deleted a comment from @Bach with more evidence that kitty has been doing nothing but starting problems on the forums since she left, but hey, forest can delete things from divisions he isnt even a part of without asking first i guess.
    I'm done.
    Kitty leaving the clan, over a month ago, yet she is still here instigating shitstorms and providing nothing of actual value to the community
    I'm sick of nothing being done about this, not being able to afford food is hard enough without some kid on the internet not shutting up about how I can't afford food. I've been forced to eat at a Homeless shelter before, and it sucks ass. I know most people here still live with mom and dad so they don't know how finances are in the real world, but someone not being able to buy food and getting a notice of eviction isn't a fucking joke, being hungry and not knowing when you are going to eat again is fucking scary. This is the third time she has done this, and I'm sick of it, she didn't even pretend to apologize this time because she thought it was funny. My financial troubles aren't some punchline for a kid on the internet. This shit happening again makes me not want to come back, it drained all the good out of my week. she left the clan over a month ago, all she does on this site anymore is instigate problems and complain about how bad of a game tf2 is. she isn't offering anything of value to the community, she ridicules people in poverty and talks about how upper class her family is in every thread. I see no reason for her to be around anymore, and i motion that we ban her so that this bickering and shitstorming can end. I'm not having fun anymore, this is a serious issue to me, i'm actually upset by what she said today, and I wan't it to stop.
    tagging people who should be tagged
  12. Agree
    Moosty got a reaction from Vaporeon in Kittylicious - mmo   
    Ok kitty, thats false. It started with what forest posted. Me disagreeing and asking why she was here, she responded with "if you were in my situation you wouldnt be active so shut up" and I replied yeah, I wouldn't and added that immature chat binding is fun. She then said "well im upper class so we probably think different things are funny. To which I replied that social class has nothing to do with it and I said she reeks of attention seeking for bringing money into it. She then replied that I'm jealous, and told me to go Beg at a homeless shelter, and called me a tramp (british for hobo). SHE WAS THE ONE WHO BROUGHT MONEY INTO THIS, I WAS ARGUING WITH HER ABOUT Tf2/xG (the only things relevant to the thread) AND ONLY TF2/xG. Bringing social class into this was uncalled for, and it's happened more than just this time.
    Also, the thread wasn't a suggestion to improve the community, it was a bad idea for the div. The TF2 DM (whose post was deleted) saw the thread and considered it a joke, because it is, and wouldn't improve the servers for anyone besides her.
  13. Useful
    Moosty got a reaction from Vaporeon in Supreme's fantastic photoshop dump   
    rip in peace @my sides and @yourforum privileges
  14. Smelly
    Moosty got a reaction from Kittylicious in Kbraszz Is Gonna Cry   
    @kbraszzz seriously though don't cry i would be sad
  15. Funny
    Moosty got a reaction from Swift in Supreme's fantastic photoshop dump   
    rip in peace @my sides and @yourforum privileges
  16. Like
    Moosty got a reaction from Sora_ in Supreme's fantastic photoshop dump   
    rip in peace @my sides and @yourforum privileges
  17. Agree
    Moosty got a reaction from Dethman in Kittylicious - mmo   
    I wasnt shooting down her idea to get on her nerves, I disagreed with her completely, as did 80%+ of the poll, and the TF2 dm himself. If I wanted to get on her nerves I would have just used personal attacks and not been on topic, the question isnt who started it. The question is did kitty cross a line telling me to go beg at a homeless shelter and calling me a tramp because I disagreed with her about tf2 chat. I think its pretty clear that she did, especially since she has used that exact language before and knew it hurt me then.
  18. Agree
    Moosty got a reaction from Dethman in Kittylicious - mmo   
    I may have argued with her about tf2, but I came nowhere close to the line she crossed over. And even when she brought money into it the first time I tried to deflect and get things back on topic, I could have torn her apart arguing about privilege and wealth, but I didn't, I tried to deflect so it wouldn't escalate, but she escalated it anyway. We were both arguing. But person A debating chat binds and person B calling person A poor and themselves rich, and telling person A to be jealous, it isnt fucking cool. Especially from someone who isnt part of the clan, what happened to sticking up for members and staff, obviously one of us cares far more about this place or I would be gone like she is.
  19. Agree
    Moosty got a reaction from Dethman in Kittylicious - mmo   
    @Chrono if its a fight then its a case of organizing a fair fight, then one party hiding a shiv in their sock, fight or otherwise, one side clearly crossed a line.
  20. Informative
    Moosty got a reaction from Forest in Kittylicious - mmo   
    Okay, clearing some things up, i'm a 20 year old man, i don't want to bitch about or fight with a thirteen year old girl on the internet, it doesn't sound fun to me, I wouldn't have made this thread if i didn't feel a line was crossed. people saying i'm just trying to personally attack kitty are wrong, i got that out of my system in picture form months ago, and since then, her and i mutually decided to delete all traces of that picture and made amends, Her and I had talked about poverty jokes before when she did it the first time, and i accepted that apology. but her saying something she promised not to say ever again because i disagreed with her about chat binds opened up an old wound and i don't come here to be ridiculed. that's why this thread was made.
  21. Agree
    Moosty got a reaction from SupremeWolf in Kittylicious - mmo   

    MMO In-Game Name:

    Kittylicious Offender's Steam ID:

    STEAM_0:1:29168923 Rules Broken:

    Trolling/Bullying Evidence:

    Gyazo - ecca6f43802c19eb2e655faf8f0b1658.png
    calling me names in shoutbox when i'm not even in shoutbox
    Gyazo - 6fceb4ebcaffce04b7393280344d7bd3.png
    telling me to shut up and go beg for food
    Request for a new chat rule regarding keybind usage.
    in this thread she told me this: "shut up and go beg for food at a homeless shelter, tramp" but it was deleted by @Forest before i could screencap and use it for evidence. he can confirm it was there. He also deleted a comment from @Bach with more evidence that kitty has been doing nothing but starting problems on the forums since she left, but hey, forest can delete things from divisions he isnt even a part of without asking first i guess.
    I'm done.
    Kitty leaving the clan, over a month ago, yet she is still here instigating shitstorms and providing nothing of actual value to the community
    I'm sick of nothing being done about this, not being able to afford food is hard enough without some kid on the internet not shutting up about how I can't afford food. I've been forced to eat at a Homeless shelter before, and it sucks ass. I know most people here still live with mom and dad so they don't know how finances are in the real world, but someone not being able to buy food and getting a notice of eviction isn't a fucking joke, being hungry and not knowing when you are going to eat again is fucking scary. This is the third time she has done this, and I'm sick of it, she didn't even pretend to apologize this time because she thought it was funny. My financial troubles aren't some punchline for a kid on the internet. This shit happening again makes me not want to come back, it drained all the good out of my week. she left the clan over a month ago, all she does on this site anymore is instigate problems and complain about how bad of a game tf2 is. she isn't offering anything of value to the community, she ridicules people in poverty and talks about how upper class her family is in every thread. I see no reason for her to be around anymore, and i motion that we ban her so that this bickering and shitstorming can end. I'm not having fun anymore, this is a serious issue to me, i'm actually upset by what she said today, and I wan't it to stop.
    tagging people who should be tagged
  22. Agree
    Moosty got a reaction from Scootaloo in Kittylicious - mmo   
    Okay, clearing some things up, i'm a 20 year old man, i don't want to bitch about or fight with a thirteen year old girl on the internet, it doesn't sound fun to me, I wouldn't have made this thread if i didn't feel a line was crossed. people saying i'm just trying to personally attack kitty are wrong, i got that out of my system in picture form months ago, and since then, her and i mutually decided to delete all traces of that picture and made amends, Her and I had talked about poverty jokes before when she did it the first time, and i accepted that apology. but her saying something she promised not to say ever again because i disagreed with her about chat binds opened up an old wound and i don't come here to be ridiculed. that's why this thread was made.
  23. Disagree
    Moosty got a reaction from Kittylicious in Kittylicious - mmo   
    Okay, clearing some things up, i'm a 20 year old man, i don't want to bitch about or fight with a thirteen year old girl on the internet, it doesn't sound fun to me, I wouldn't have made this thread if i didn't feel a line was crossed. people saying i'm just trying to personally attack kitty are wrong, i got that out of my system in picture form months ago, and since then, her and i mutually decided to delete all traces of that picture and made amends, Her and I had talked about poverty jokes before when she did it the first time, and i accepted that apology. but her saying something she promised not to say ever again because i disagreed with her about chat binds opened up an old wound and i don't come here to be ridiculed. that's why this thread was made.
  24. Sad
    Moosty got a reaction from Kypari in Kbraszz Is Gonna Cry   
    @kbraszzz seriously though don't cry i would be sad
  25. Agree
    Moosty got a reaction from Dethman in Kittylicious - mmo   
    Okay, clearing some things up, i'm a 20 year old man, i don't want to bitch about or fight with a thirteen year old girl on the internet, it doesn't sound fun to me, I wouldn't have made this thread if i didn't feel a line was crossed. people saying i'm just trying to personally attack kitty are wrong, i got that out of my system in picture form months ago, and since then, her and i mutually decided to delete all traces of that picture and made amends, Her and I had talked about poverty jokes before when she did it the first time, and i accepted that apology. but her saying something she promised not to say ever again because i disagreed with her about chat binds opened up an old wound and i don't come here to be ridiculed. that's why this thread was made.