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Reputation Activity

  1. Agree
    Bach got a reaction from Ghosty in Kittylicious - mmo   
  2. Agree
    Bach got a reaction from realBelloWaldi in Kbraszz Is Gonna Cry   
    So KB and myself have been talking and after recent events we're cracking down. No more nice guys, no more favoritism, nothing. TF2 Division has literally turned in to the shitstorm and scum of all of xG and this is the end. If ANYONE else at this point can not get along with the other people in this division, and in other divisions, you WILL be stripped of all staff powers and/or removal of membership and/or forum ban. There is no need to insult people over a screen. You may think you're witty or funny or maybe you think the shit you say doesn't affect people. People have feelings. You don't know what's going on in someone's life, and like real life, your actions will have consequences.
    @Community Leader
  3. Winner
    Bach got a reaction from Floppy in Kbraszz Is Gonna Cry   
    So KB and myself have been talking and after recent events we're cracking down. No more nice guys, no more favoritism, nothing. TF2 Division has literally turned in to the shitstorm and scum of all of xG and this is the end. If ANYONE else at this point can not get along with the other people in this division, and in other divisions, you WILL be stripped of all staff powers and/or removal of membership and/or forum ban. There is no need to insult people over a screen. You may think you're witty or funny or maybe you think the shit you say doesn't affect people. People have feelings. You don't know what's going on in someone's life, and like real life, your actions will have consequences.
    @Community Leader
  4. Winner
    Bach got a reaction from Stan_Laurel in Kbraszz Is Gonna Cry   
    So KB and myself have been talking and after recent events we're cracking down. No more nice guys, no more favoritism, nothing. TF2 Division has literally turned in to the shitstorm and scum of all of xG and this is the end. If ANYONE else at this point can not get along with the other people in this division, and in other divisions, you WILL be stripped of all staff powers and/or removal of membership and/or forum ban. There is no need to insult people over a screen. You may think you're witty or funny or maybe you think the shit you say doesn't affect people. People have feelings. You don't know what's going on in someone's life, and like real life, your actions will have consequences.
    @Community Leader
  5. Winner
    Bach got a reaction from Gorillabot3000 in Kbraszz Is Gonna Cry   
    So KB and myself have been talking and after recent events we're cracking down. No more nice guys, no more favoritism, nothing. TF2 Division has literally turned in to the shitstorm and scum of all of xG and this is the end. If ANYONE else at this point can not get along with the other people in this division, and in other divisions, you WILL be stripped of all staff powers and/or removal of membership and/or forum ban. There is no need to insult people over a screen. You may think you're witty or funny or maybe you think the shit you say doesn't affect people. People have feelings. You don't know what's going on in someone's life, and like real life, your actions will have consequences.
    @Community Leader
  6. Optimistic
    Bach got a reaction from Gugomo in Kbraszz Is Gonna Cry   
    So KB and myself have been talking and after recent events we're cracking down. No more nice guys, no more favoritism, nothing. TF2 Division has literally turned in to the shitstorm and scum of all of xG and this is the end. If ANYONE else at this point can not get along with the other people in this division, and in other divisions, you WILL be stripped of all staff powers and/or removal of membership and/or forum ban. There is no need to insult people over a screen. You may think you're witty or funny or maybe you think the shit you say doesn't affect people. People have feelings. You don't know what's going on in someone's life, and like real life, your actions will have consequences.
    @Community Leader
  7. Winner
    Bach got a reaction from Dethman in Kbraszz Is Gonna Cry   
    So KB and myself have been talking and after recent events we're cracking down. No more nice guys, no more favoritism, nothing. TF2 Division has literally turned in to the shitstorm and scum of all of xG and this is the end. If ANYONE else at this point can not get along with the other people in this division, and in other divisions, you WILL be stripped of all staff powers and/or removal of membership and/or forum ban. There is no need to insult people over a screen. You may think you're witty or funny or maybe you think the shit you say doesn't affect people. People have feelings. You don't know what's going on in someone's life, and like real life, your actions will have consequences.
    @Community Leader
  8. Winner
    Bach got a reaction from Nomulous in Kbraszz Is Gonna Cry   
    So KB and myself have been talking and after recent events we're cracking down. No more nice guys, no more favoritism, nothing. TF2 Division has literally turned in to the shitstorm and scum of all of xG and this is the end. If ANYONE else at this point can not get along with the other people in this division, and in other divisions, you WILL be stripped of all staff powers and/or removal of membership and/or forum ban. There is no need to insult people over a screen. You may think you're witty or funny or maybe you think the shit you say doesn't affect people. People have feelings. You don't know what's going on in someone's life, and like real life, your actions will have consequences.
    @Community Leader
  9. Winner
    Bach got a reaction from Rejects in Kbraszz Is Gonna Cry   
    So KB and myself have been talking and after recent events we're cracking down. No more nice guys, no more favoritism, nothing. TF2 Division has literally turned in to the shitstorm and scum of all of xG and this is the end. If ANYONE else at this point can not get along with the other people in this division, and in other divisions, you WILL be stripped of all staff powers and/or removal of membership and/or forum ban. There is no need to insult people over a screen. You may think you're witty or funny or maybe you think the shit you say doesn't affect people. People have feelings. You don't know what's going on in someone's life, and like real life, your actions will have consequences.
    @Community Leader
  10. Not Funny
    Bach got a reaction from kbraszzz in Kbraszz Is Gonna Cry   
    So KB and myself have been talking and after recent events we're cracking down. No more nice guys, no more favoritism, nothing. TF2 Division has literally turned in to the shitstorm and scum of all of xG and this is the end. If ANYONE else at this point can not get along with the other people in this division, and in other divisions, you WILL be stripped of all staff powers and/or removal of membership and/or forum ban. There is no need to insult people over a screen. You may think you're witty or funny or maybe you think the shit you say doesn't affect people. People have feelings. You don't know what's going on in someone's life, and like real life, your actions will have consequences.
    @Community Leader
  11. Winner
    Bach reacted to Popcorn in Kittylicious - mmo   
    Yeah, I'm going to have to +1 this as well. That thread tonight was an absolute train wreck. I've seen the threads Kitty has posted concerning her being cyberbullied in the past, and I can certainly sympathize with that, but turning around and becoming the bully yourself, especially after people have apologized to you and have attempted to move on with their lives, isn't right at all.
    I know that Kitty seemingly decided to leave xG and even wrote that she would not be affiliating herself with the clan anymore. While I wouldn't see any issue with her sticking around to chat to people, it's evident that she seems to constantly bring up how bad a game TF2 is, as well as instigate fights with other members. Kitty, you need to be the better person here, don't stoop down to becoming a bully yourself. Bringing someone's social class into a thread just to make fun of them and taunting them because they apparently are less wealthy then you is immature to the utmost degree. I mean, telling someone they should be begging for food at a homeless shelter, really? Especially when you are fully aware that the person has had/currently has financial issues? Really? There is a line between joking and knowing you've gone too far. You KNOW that you went too far and still decided to keep on going, and that's not right.
    Honestly, whatever happens I hope that you are able to see the issues going on here, Kitty. I don't wish anything bad on you, but you need to understand that your current behavior needs to stop.
  12. Agree
    Bach got a reaction from Vaporeon in Spawn camping   
    I'll make this short and sweet. This rule is TEMPORARY. A test run. As @Vector brought up (after large amounts of cussing and arguing) this has happened before. Just another test run before @kbraszzz, myself and the other staff find a more permanent solution. We can all hate it until we're blue in the face, but we ARE trying to put things in the right direction. Change takes time.
  13. Winner
    Bach got a reaction from Princess_Celest in Cya nerds on the flip side   
  14. Winner
    Bach reacted to SupremeWolf in Supreme's fantastic photoshop dump   
    Tekage x Kypari #CONFIRMED! (Sorry. The images are broken, so here's the links)
    imgur: the simple image sharer
    imgur: the simple image sharer
  15. Agree
    Bach reacted to kbraszzz in Thunder   
    Better then Barm and is on all the time.
  16. Like
    Bach reacted to SupremeWolf in Supreme's fantastic photoshop dump   
    Now we can't forget about the macho of xG. WHATS THIS?! A TAG TEAM!!!!?!?!?!

  17. Agree
    Bach got a reaction from MartleShane02 in Cya nerds on the flip side   
  18. Drunk
    Bach got a reaction from Tekk in Rinaoi   
    @FoRgE @Dethman @StarmiX @Nope.avi @Popcorn @Tekage @Nomulous
  19. Winner
    Bach reacted to Tsuchikure in Halloween mania   
    actually, this is the only (part) of a costume u can own, or even afford

  20. Winner
    Bach got a reaction from p0s3s3dh0b0 in Cya nerds on the flip side   
  21. Winner
    Bach got a reaction from Tomahawk in Cya nerds on the flip side   
  22. Winner
    Bach got a reaction from StarmiX in Cya nerds on the flip side   
  23. Winner
    Bach got a reaction from SupremeWolf in Cya nerds on the flip side   
  24. Agree
    Bach got a reaction from Tomahawk in Bruh   
    Good, Muffin. Come back to the dark side. We need more Canadians
  25. Sad
    Bach got a reaction from Tekk in Goodbye nerds   
    So yeah. the title says it all. Seeya nerds. Gonna go inactive for like, a week or so.
    I'll still be on steam and shit but yeah. Don't expect me on Forums/TF2 a lot