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Posts posted by MrJeeblez

  1. you're all honestly retarded for falling for this, the alpha batch ends on the 3rd of november. he also got 4 keys to give away if he wants and is choosing to troll you, probably already gave them out.

    I will give keys to the first 4 people to comment on this post.


    wow that is rude

  2. Hey. Hey you. Yeah, you. With the dumb look on your face. I've been where you are. You're pathetic. Waking up at 8am every day, going to a public school where no one understands you. You're failing algebra 2, and the gym teacher has a vendetta against you. Day in and day out you slave for a system that is built to fail you.


    But you have one escape. Video games. Well, I am here today to make that escape even better. I am giving away two alpha keys for Evolve. Don't know what Evolve is? You suck. Post a reply stating why you want the key and I'll give them out on the 3rd, at around 8am Central Standard Time. I'll use a random generator to shuffle the list of names. Good luck, heff foon.



    Only rules are you must be signed up for the forums before 10/31/14, and you must not be @DrLee. (jk lee i lub u <3)

  3. people don't play css cause jb is fake and gay


    also its filled with fggots.



    TF2 is basically a daycare for 12 year olds.



    P.S. im a pleb



    p.p.s dr lee pls klli urslef


    edit: 4got 2tag @DrLee @Forest @Tsuchikure


    edit2: lol @Bleed
















  4. See? This is the reason xG is going downhill. Because of the constant shitposting and immaturity of some of the people in this clan.



  5. This whole thing is just fudgeing shitpost and after shitpost.

    Not all people who like anime is a weeaboo.

    There was no need for this thread whatsoever and all it would do is make people argue about pointless things.



    Found the weeaboo.

  6. I got into TF2, and I booted it up and everything, and some why, it's all wide. If any of you guys know how to fix this, please reply, cuz it's really bothering me. Thanks!



    You are literally a fucking retard. Good lord. What has this community come to? Playing a PC game, and doesn't even know how to change the resolution... I am literally killing myself IRL.