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  1. Agree
    MrJeeblez reacted to SuperMaddud in Jailbreak Maps - Updated Or New   
    Well, first we have to get rid of razor electric ;)
  2. Funny
    MrJeeblez got a reaction from John_Madden in Iceslice   
    Where to begin? Honestly, I don't know why you aren't forum banned. Including this thread, almost everything you post is incoherent nonsense or 'troll' threads. Why on Earth do you think you could ever get accepted? Unless, of course, this is another 'le epic troll 2014' thread of yours, in which case I congratulate you on being the largest retard this side of the Mississippi.
    To be honest, if we could do M:-10/10, I would.
  3. Funny
    MrJeeblez got a reaction from SuperMaddud in Iceslice   
    Where to begin? Honestly, I don't know why you aren't forum banned. Including this thread, almost everything you post is incoherent nonsense or 'troll' threads. Why on Earth do you think you could ever get accepted? Unless, of course, this is another 'le epic troll 2014' thread of yours, in which case I congratulate you on being the largest retard this side of the Mississippi.
    To be honest, if we could do M:-10/10, I would.
  4. Like
    MrJeeblez reacted to SkitZoFrenzly. in Update On Gmod Division. Darkrp 5min?   
    Okay, New update.
    I know I declared it would be done like 2 saturdays ago, but being in the server I decided that I was not a XenoGamers DarkRP. - It was not done to what I would have liked it and i did not want to release under the circumstances it was already in. So.. After these 2 week I can finally say It is more than complete. - To a normal DarkRP server. BUT - I want to hear.. again.. What you guys would like to see on the server. I have a few couple days to add some new shit and I want it to be like you guys would like it, not me.
    So.. Tell me xG - What do you want to see in the new DarkRP? I want this to be the best time for the community so it needs to be perfect. I'll take all suggestions but I can't say I'll accept all.
    DarkRP server will be up this Friday or Saturday, and this time it is for REEEAALL.

    Tell me your suggestions BELOWWW
  5. Agree
    MrJeeblez reacted to Kyoko in Mods+ What's Your Favorite Ban Experience?   
    Don;t lie about this stuff. The fact that it's been years adn you were unabnned twice illegaly. You could be insta demoted and kicked out.
  6. Agree
    MrJeeblez reacted to Gawd in Mods+ What's Your Favorite Ban Experience?   
    And not just that, I completely remember your unban protest where you said your mom died. I thought it was incredible and hard to believe, but thought it might be worth it to give you the chance on the small little tiny bit of hope that the story was true. Even if it was true anyways, its still not an excuse for massing. Fact that you lied about your mom dying to get unbanned is just a bit sick.
    But anyways.. my ban story.
    >be me
    >log onto css
    >join server
    >"whats up guys"
    >you have been permanently banned by EZKILL. "sup faggot"
  7. Agree
    MrJeeblez reacted to Chrono in Mods+ What's Your Favorite Ban Experience?   
    Who is taking the initiative to re-ban him? @@Forest
  8. Agree
    MrJeeblez reacted to Gawd in Mods+ What's Your Favorite Ban Experience?   
    Is this a serious post..? You just admitted to being wrongly unbanned.. twice.
  9. Agree
    MrJeeblez reacted to DCook in Legend - Counter-strike: Source   
    -1 for using the most over used excuse ever. Personally I'd kick my siblings ass if they even thought about touching my computer let alone messing with it when I'm in game.
  10. Agree
    MrJeeblez reacted to xGShadowSpy in Whats A Rebel?   
    Where's the mexican option? Cristo always rebels.
  11. Funny
    MrJeeblez reacted to Crona in Mods+ What's Your Favorite Ban Experience?   
    Ssssshhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh it can be our little secret <3
  12. Agree
    MrJeeblez reacted to SuperMaddud in Mods+ What's Your Favorite Ban Experience?   
    inb4 ur permed because you illegally got unbanned and just admitted to it gg
  13. Winner
    MrJeeblez reacted to Crona in Mods+ What's Your Favorite Ban Experience?   
    Like 3 years ago I was banned for massing or raging or something and i was unbanned because I said it was because my mom died. It worked and i felt really bad for it, but I didn't want to be banned again so I never said anything after. Then like a year or something after I got perm ct banned and I asked gkoo If he would unban me, and so he looked at the forum and saw the thing about my mom dying and thought that they had just forgotten to unban me from that so he did. -confessions of a Ex Prepubescent Mass Freekiller
  14. Like
    MrJeeblez reacted to SuperMaddud in Server Is No Longer Spoutcraft (sorry)   
    When spoutcraft updates to 1.7.4 me and Jewmad will look at it. Because it's only 1.6 right now, it restricts us from having people from the normal minecraft client playing, and also breaks worlds, and plugins.
  15. Agree
    MrJeeblez reacted to diabeetus in Active Mistake   
    I was really hoping you weren't going to make more threads.
  16. Smelly
    MrJeeblez got a reaction from IceSlice in Pc Build   
    That case... is ugly.
  17. Agree
    MrJeeblez reacted to Gkoo in Xg Videos?   
    Just edit them please. Edit to the interesting parts. I don't like videos of non-edited jailbreak. Might as well just play jb.
  18. Agree
    MrJeeblez reacted to Jaybreeze in Active Mistake   
    It's too bad abortion isn't an option post-birth.
  19. Smelly
    MrJeeblez reacted to IceSlice in Active Mistake   
    Fu<k€r can't get me the swag continues
  20. Smelly
    MrJeeblez reacted to IceSlice in Active Mistake   
    Hey i did i haven't made one in weeks.
    Also what is with the money i just made 2 dollars in posts what is this shit
  21. Smelly
    MrJeeblez reacted to IceSlice in Active Mistake   
    Much Love Such hate Most Dicks
  22. Smelly
    MrJeeblez reacted to IceSlice in Active Mistake   
    I have removed the post, and I regret posting it. Stupid thing, non of what I said was called for, and i apologize for the remarks, being a troll and a dumbass was very ignorant, if its still possible, id like to give myself some time to chillout a couple months or 5, to figure out my shit and make up for anything, i am solemnly sorry for everything.
  23. Agree
    MrJeeblez reacted to SuperMaddud in Pc Build   
    Dat liquid cooler.
    Just pick up a pipe from the dump, plug it into your hosepipe and stick it into your case from the dump. That's what I've done.
  24. Like
    MrJeeblez got a reaction from SpermytheCat in Legend - Counter-strike: Source   
    i went to masturbate to donkey porn and my cat accidentally massed like 17 people can you unban me pls
    oh, yeah -1 (The ol' 'my brother did it' defense.)
  25. Like
    MrJeeblez got a reaction from orangejuice in Legend - Counter-strike: Source   
    i went to masturbate to donkey porn and my cat accidentally massed like 17 people can you unban me pls
    oh, yeah -1 (The ol' 'my brother did it' defense.)