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Posts posted by Gwoash

  1. What are you talking about? Someone broke the rules whilst there were 4 people on the server.

    Broke the rules.

    It is the same concept.

    same concept of breaking rules, aye. but different context to what you compared to earlier, which was free killing


    you need to understand that there are limits to what the rules can offer, moderators are promoted to admins when they seem to be able to grasp that concept and not follow the rules like a bloody textbook.

    there are different circumstances, and in this case applies

    • he built a dispenser; does no harm and i don't even understand why this is a rule, we used to allow dispensers and even sentries on wardays, good ol' days. :(
    • on legojail, no one follows rules on this map, let's be real here lol
    • he did this on a freeday, i would understand a bit more if this was a usual day because it provides blues an unfair advantage
    • only 4 players alive, 2 of which are blues

    you guys need to relax more and not enforce rules like it's your bloody job, that you have to go to 5 days of the week earning just above minimum wage. :L


    my final say on the matter is that, i disagree with banning him permanently or a long period of ban at best, but if you guys do decide to, make it relatively short.


    @Rejects @kbraszzz share your opinion on the matter pls :)

  2. alright boys, allow me to vouch my opinion.


    Rules are rules. What you're saying is that if there are 4 people on Goldenrod, then they are allowed to building block. If there are 4 players on JB, they can freekill.

    It's the same concept. If someone got caught freekilling with less than 4 people, they'd still get punished.


    to begin, you're taking this way outta context, he built a dispenser not freekill nor break any rules to that extent.


    i agree with @ohstopityou on this one, if user broke several other rules then by all means, provide the evidence and be done with it.


    for this case in particular, i don't think hatric deserves a ban or at the very least a short one, you guys going to take jailbreak seriously with 4 people? and on fucking legojail? topkek


    what i'm trying to get across is that you shouldn't take rules as seriously, or at least understand the purpose of rules and why they are instated;

    rules are used to keep things fair, not to ruin fun.

    and unless @The_Unlit_Torch feels strongly that his 'fairness' has been abolished by hatric's action, no bans should be placed.


    and or/if torch does feel that way, i would suggest lightening up friend, :).

  3. multiple staff members have seen this abuse before, logs aren't the only evidence.


    I mean, it would be great and dandy if the staff members who seen the abuse taken place would actually post on this thread - from my perspectives, it's only been, "I've heard vapereon abusing."


    again, there's definitely a lack of communication between our staff members which should be improved upon asap

  4. ._._._._._.


    She fudgeing got pissed at reds for rebeling every round and therefore walked up to all of the reds when it was a free day and started burning them. Then chased players as they ran away or went to medic and burnt them. She then typed something in chat after I said massing is a perm ct and she then fled to Pokémon trade.


    damn, the story doesn't add up anymore - if that were the chase, user should be kept banned

    but, it seems the only reason he's banned in the first place is due to that ban request which lacks complete evidence for your what you're trying to say.


    though, would love to hear what you think of these accusation @Akatsuki

  5. I personally think this is one giant misunderstanding, from what akatsuki said, it does seem like he is genuinely sorry - besides that I don't see what benefit it has to completely perma ban someone who is clearly active and enjoys our servers very much.


    user has shown acknowledgement to what he has done and seems competent to not repeat his mistakes again.

    +1 to reducing ban to permanent ct ban on jailbreak

  6. wowow, hang on dere.

    espeon is already banned after this ban request and for this ban request, not by division manager or division leader.


    lemme elaborate what I mean, the reason given for espeon's ban is: "Mass freekill and left on jb. check forums for proof."


    did miss something? this ban request is yet to be concluded so no punishments should be made as of yet.

  7. I was playing and there was the guy who was massing so I did /calladmin thinking that it worked I didn't see Iggy log on so I thought that there were no mods coming on. So I just votebanned the guy. Right after I votebanned him I saw Iggy say something on chat like "votebanning is bannable" then I was soon banned.


    I don't think vote abusing is the actual reason here, we've already established that there's a tiny difference between using vote system and abusing it.


    the only other reasons being, freekilling, donator abuse* and I presume disrespect?

    ("You realize, General douchery was added to the list of offenses in line with disrespect. In no way did I ban him for douchery.")


    which are still not worthy of a permanent ban from my perspective

  8. since this is relevant,

    Okay so I just wanna be clear here. You know as well as I do tat perms are serious and we do not give them out lightly. Iggy but "general douchery" as a reason for hells knows why. He's a new mod. either way. This particular player, choritos, has been a regular for a while now, has donated, and thusly should know all of the rules of our servers. He has been proven and witnessed personally to glitch, as well as continually break xG server rules not limited to but including disrespect to players and staff, glitching, trolling (not just simple trolls, but taking over the top, rude steaming pantload) on top of being a constant negative player and unpleasant person in general. I have received numerous complaints about him and his actions and he HAS been banned numerous times, on top of being warned personally by myself, kbraszzle, and numerous staff members. He will not learn. This is why we perm'd him. If we were to ban him for what, a month again? You think he'd learn? No. He assumes his actions have no consequences. That's why he was banned.


    @Bach feel free to add to that. ^^

  9. since this ban protest is clearly one-sided and lacks some much needed valid opinions - I'll give you my thoughts on this.

    permanent ban wasn't necessary; the seriousness of a permanent ban should be only be given out for few reasons, which would be absolutely fine if that were the case.


    now to begin, abusing votekick system is written on the rules, but nomulous already stated that,

    In all absolute reality there's a tiny, TINY difference between opinion and abuse. Anyone is allowed to votekick you for no legitimate reason because it's their opinion, abusing votekick would be a group of people constantly successfully kicking you for no reason.


    now, freekilling is most definitely bannable but not permanently, with the exception of mass freekilling and leaving.

    donator abuse, I don't have enough context to speak for this, but from my knowledge, punishments should be dealt by division manager or division leader personally, with that said - I don't think donator abuse should be permanent ban-worthy either, better to strip them of their commands/powers since they had paid for the powers.


    repeated offenses should be continued with more added punishable time, but again not perma - my suggestion is to remove the permanent ban and make a (very) long one, a year maybe, dependent*.


    chorito has made the effort to make this ban protest. :)