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Posts posted by Gwoash

  1. not that the evidence isn't compelling enough already, but next time type "status" into console and take a screenshot of it too; it allows us to see the steam id of everyone on the server at the time - some people may have very similar names, so it wouldn't be good at all if we banned the wrong person :l

  2. I honestly don't think the evidence is substantial enough; 3 screenshots showing him killing people doesn't necessarily mean it's freekill, not without context anyway.

    next time make a demo - it really isn't difficult, I feel like we needa guide stickied on the forums for it :L

    @kbraszzz decisions decisions.

  3. Why is the TF2 Div literally full of trade servers and twelve year olds?

    Why isn't there focus on the new servers and improving them, instead of making copies of others?


    stahp making moar servers and focus on each individual server first

    but I mean if you're going to make a server anyway, class warfare is where its at

  4. alright, firstly

    -ONLY POST FOR YOUR APPEAL AND ONLY YOU MAY APPEAL -- Not your brother, sister, mother or Duckii - We don't care about your friend or if your friend feels bad and wants to appeal your ban -- ONLY YOU POST for YOUR BAN APPEAL or we will IGNORE the appeal.


    secondly, he already has a ban protest up

    Batter - team fortress 2 | Xeno Gamers

    that one is yet to be resolved


    thirdly, still waiting on that haiku bro

  5. speaking of which, there's still that glitch where you type /guard and join spectator, it'll move you to blue team but you will be constantly dead; it makes the blue to red ratio unfair, making it harder for blues

    @Nomulous or is it... @kbraszzz now!?

  6. Like what @Gwoash is saying, why not add a bot so when someone types !mod, then a menu appears of the reason, (Scamming, Mass Freekill, Etc.) Then the bot sends a message over Steam to a random mod/admin who is currently online, then the staff member has 20 seconds to type "accept" or "decline". If the staff member fails to answer the bot, the bot then sends another message to a different staff member. (Also, in the message, it should tell you who sent the bot in order to stop abuse. EX: "Staff Member is needed on <Server>-Reason : Mass Freekill. Sent by : xG:M|StarmiX.) If the staff accepts, the bot will send him an invite to the game.


    but... dont u read? :c

    nomulous already said it's near impossible, we lack the resources to do it

  7. Problems:

    1) Requires intensive set up and maintenance

    2) Every mod/admin needs to have a special windows client running (which will give you messages on reports)

    3) Ability to be misused by people saying !admin or !mod for no reason and I've seen people banned immediately for misusing it, which I don't want to see happen here.

    4) Undercover is almost impossible to be.


    is it possible to set up a bot that hangs around on server 24/7 and will receive the message in game

    bot proceeds to send message through steam to staff members?