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Posts posted by Gwoash

  1. maybe he doesn't deserve the unban, but I don't think his powers should be removed either

    I understand that "donator abuse" is left to the staff member's discretion (when nomulous isn't online himself), but I feel like having an official rule book is necessary, especially with donators perks where people have to pay real money and losing it without actual knowledge would be terribad


    @Nomulous @kbraszzz if possible, take some time to make said rule book, it would be much appreciated to donators

  2. umm mixed feelings about it.


    I think they should be allowed so players with foreign names don't feel discriminated against but at the same time typing accent letters are annoying and I don't know how to type them correctly. I think its ALT and some numbers I really have no idea.


    keep in mind that our servers are english only and it isn't extremely difficult to include 3 valid characters in your name either :s

  3. he didn't slay himself, he asked if he can just slay him self fudgeing lol. hobo was there and called me on. Also P.E.M.D.A.S isn't even algebra, so yes if you are of the age of 15 or older and don't know basic math, then yes you are infact retarded.


    will wait on @SSFebreze to confirm

    but freekilling only 2 reds shouldn't result in a 1440 ct ban


    > Proper Punishments


    1) Warn and Slay

    2) Slay

    3) CT Ban for “1440”


    I'll leave the decision completely to @Nomulous @kbraszzz

    but I do worry about vector's attitude, especially since he did have a member protest made previously for this exact reason and it doesn't seem like he's improved :/

    > [xg:a] Vector | Xeno Gamers

  4. I haven't noticed any changes recently but you can always try using the config I use; it helps boost fps but reduces quality #wurf

    I get around 100 fps using it

    Dropbox - game.cfg

    replace the game.cfg located here > C:\Riot Games\League of Legends\Config


    but yeah, stfu bronze faggot ;-;


    edit: u may need to edit the screen resolution in the game config

  5. seems like you were provoking them just as much @Dethman

    "o.w.n. is owned and full of retarded squekers".

    and I feel like you're only doing this for get 'revenge' and to seek satisfactions :/


    but looking at the evidence they did violate a rule; disrespect towards players.

    > "If a player makes serious threats relating to the opposing users life, internet, or status in Xeno Gamers."


    other than that, I can't see anything ban worthy.

    since no staff member(s) were present at the time of the incident and therefore wasn't able to follow the steps to deal with disrespectful players [warn > kick > ban]

    I suggest handing out short bans as a warning and if they continue with the behavior, further action can be taken.

    also, from the names you listed, I only see desertshrub ban worthy.


    but don't forget, this is the internet and this shit is to be expected, so please don't go making tons of ban requests for people who flame at you; instead try ignoring them, it's alot easier and saves the trouble. :L

